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Politics & Government - 17 September 2006

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Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics

I heard there are 5 of the wee rascals...is this true?

2006-09-17 22:15:55 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law Enforcement & Police

I frequently see people citing urban myths in response to questions. Wouldn't it stand to reason that if you were going to throw something out there, that you would research it a little bit and not just believe the email that Bubba forwarded to you? Below is an example.


2006-09-17 22:14:42 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

I say-the mum+dad did it.Who "pings"your instincts on this one?

2006-09-17 22:14:28 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law Enforcement & Police

It seems that United States mirrors the Roman Empire. Right down to our entertainment industry (we condone violence far more than sex) and the fact we're the only other nation to hold our hand over our hearts when we give the pledge of allegiance. The Roman Empire lasted about 500 years. The U.S is over 200 years old. Does this mean we have about 300 years left or will we fall sooner? Do you think China will take over as the next superpower? Or might it be a country you'd never expect?

2006-09-17 22:12:13 · 7 answers · asked by Greg Z 1 in Government

Is it a certain dollar amount?
No, I'm not thinking of stealing, so don't condemn me to a lot of mean answers, please.
I just want to know.
Thanks, people. : )

2006-09-17 22:08:32 · 2 answers · asked by Mary* 5 in Law & Ethics

i understand that there are pedophiles out there but the world is a dark and horrible place sometimes. u cant be everywhere at all times and at the same time u cant allow these kinds of people to inhibit our society's ability to be creative and free. yahoo has shown time and time again how it will cave in to anyone who is throwing money at them wether it be pepsi or china. i think yahoo is a disgrace to this country and a shallow evil corporation. i wish i had millions of dollars so i could throw it at yahoo to stop encouraging communist ideas and censoring its users.

thank you

2006-09-17 22:01:20 · 5 answers · asked by suckmybile 1 in Other - Politics & Government

I'm the guarantor of my friend's car loan. Now his car got sold off my finance co due to default of payment and I'm being pursued by the finance co to help him to pay up a huge 5 figure amount.

He doesnt seemed to be willing to pay and i've been told by the finance company that if i dont pay up, they will take legal actions against me.

I really regretted being this friend's guarantor but there's really no use crying over split milk now. I have two old parents and what i earned is barely enough to cover all the living costs. How am i supposed to help my friend pay off this 5 figure amount?

I would like to know, any one of you encountered the same problem? Is there any alternative methods that i can take? Such as, legal actions against my friend? I know my friend still have assets under his name, such as his HDB flat, possible to get the finance to issue an injuction to him or acquire his flat?

Any advice is appreciated, kind folks!

2006-09-17 21:59:17 · 10 answers · asked by kikoball 2 in Law & Ethics

This question may seem ample to answer. But my point that I ask this question for the reason I felt exploited on whats going on in my group. I like to have friends, of course, but if they are just trying me to be foolish in our group, better I would rather to go alone than joining to this useless friends..... As far as I know, I can live without any groups. I merely happy to be alone before but now I want to change. If this is my situation that I felt exploited, do I need to go back the way I usually does? But there are times I felt happy with my group. I still want to join them. Hope they might change........ How does my friends treat me as a friend? and How can I tell if they are really my friend?

2006-09-17 21:51:58 · 5 answers · asked by topet_toperdy 1 in Law & Ethics

I hear so many bash Bush because he is Republican and thats why gas is expensive. So how would a liberal or democract president make them cheaper?

2006-09-17 21:47:22 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Elections

How powerful is the modern Hydrogen Bomb -
a) In terms of radius of destruction
b)if it is made 20 megaton how much square km of area can it destroy
Is the fallout of the explosion of a nuclear or Hydrogen Bomb dangerous environmentally for Other countries in Extreme sense, like if 10 of them are blown up succesively in 3-5 months time on a huge stretch of land(3000 Km spread out)then woud it affect other countries 1000s of miles away from it.
Can the Neutron Bomb be designed to kill all organisms in a radius of 10 km.
What are the Big Bombs currently being developed , designed or researched upon By the US which are more powerful than the H Bombs but not Environmentally destructive.

2006-09-17 21:43:02 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

2006-09-17 21:42:39 · 5 answers · asked by furqan a 1 in Embassies & Consulates

What makes you like them?

2006-09-17 21:42:33 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

2006-09-17 21:42:27 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

I shall be obliged if you please let me know the sites providing information ONLINE (FREE) ON indian laws

2006-09-17 21:42:22 · 1 answers · asked by PK LAMBA 6 in Law Enforcement & Police


the other day on Wednesday, i had a girl my age 14 and she pushed me into a wall AND i fell down and quivered in a heap crying on the floor AND she kicked me repeatedly in the back and now i can't move cause she broke a vertebrate in my back and i had extensive bruising as was sent to hospital by ambulance and they asked me how it happened i told them i fell out a tree so that they wouldn't find out wat had really happened because then she would do it again like she threatened to do after she had done it, i am scared and i don't know what to do can u help me!

2006-09-17 21:41:58 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law Enforcement & Police

pls can somebody advice me on what to do if i discover that my best friend is a chronic- liar.should i continue with him or try avoiding him.

2006-09-17 21:38:58 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

I live in birmingham and have been arrested before for shoplifting and assault. This happened three years ago and i recieved a warning and then a reprimand. I went out clubbing with a mate and got into another fight the girls weren't terminally injured they just had cuts, bruises and scratches. All soliciors are saying this is very serious. I am a hghly educated young girl with good job and good appearance. I am truly sorry and have expressed this to judge. I 'm scared about what is going to happen because i do not want to lose my job. How long would i get? Also my co-defendant has claimed to be mentally ill whichi she is abit can they send down one without the other?

2006-09-17 21:38:56 · 39 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law Enforcement & Police

It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without excepting it.

Good night to all of you from Frogspeaceflower. (that's from me)

2006-09-17 21:34:45 · 7 answers · asked by frogspeaceflower 4 in Other - Politics & Government

For one of my question yesterday " who is the historical Idiot? I expected an answer from History. Instead of that seven out of four answered that GWB.

2006-09-17 21:32:22 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

2006-09-17 21:32:03 · 7 answers · asked by Leona 2 in Law & Ethics

the same thing as the mascot itself? I oppose the costumed mascot and its actions on the field, but I do not oppose the mascot being embroidered in clothing. Is this hypocritical of me?

2006-09-17 21:28:43 · 4 answers · asked by bansri47 4 in Law & Ethics

india is going to be powerful country of this world. and our progress is country's progress. so if anyone interested to be part to make country powerful.

2006-09-17 21:25:56 · 5 answers · asked by kreeshi 1 in Other - Politics & Government

While I am waiting for the approval on becoming an US citizen, I would like to travel abroad for a number of times (because my girlfriend lives in another country). Would this (travelling so much) give a bad signal to the immigration services that are looking into my citizens application??

2006-09-17 21:21:40 · 5 answers · asked by Jay S 1 in Immigration

I sit back and watch how the youth of today sit back and mouth off about how evil we are and how we are abusing the pows rights. I read how little 16 and 13 year old giggly high schoolers who dont even have the slightest idea of the world outside of their house and social life or lack one for that, feel how evil oure soldiers are for doing their job how ad we are for killing terrorist andf then theses little girls are made news room celebrities because they are putting down the soldiers. Obviously these people forgot 9/11. They have never realized how the terrorsit dont care about what religeon you are. Do you even have the guts to volunteer for anything outside of youre box, have you even sacrificed for anything that dosnt have a local coffee shop. Do you feel anything at all when you are told that terrorsit plan to attack again, or do you wana be like france and take it up the but and surrender to anything and everyone as they spit and burn youre freedom

2006-09-17 21:20:32 · 7 answers · asked by adam p 2 in Politics

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