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Politics & Government - 15 September 2006

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Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics

2006-09-15 13:25:13 · 9 answers · asked by presidentrichardnixon 3 in Law & Ethics

im so sick of it, esp. in this time of war and trying to stop terrorism, i mean, why, why be an assh#le, u know?? what do u think

ps: yes, i know its still "patriotic" if u disagree w/ the president's policies, but come on, enough's enough

2006-09-15 13:24:58 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

Whenever I talk to a conservative in a casual, friendly debate about the USA's defiance of international law, they always resort to childish tactics when they do not have an answer for something. Something like "Liberals shouldn't be allowed to give their opinions in public," or "That's what a commie would say." Conservatives often redefine laws, especially international law when it suits them, or they ignore it all together. The Geneva convention, for instance, does not apply to the US according to conservatives, because our supposed national defense is more important than the preservation of international law. When called upon to justify the breaking of international law by the US, conservatives say "those laws are stupid, anyway," while at the same time site Saddam and bin Laden's breaking of those same laws as unforgivable. Why do conservatives think they are above international law?

2006-09-15 13:23:21 · 12 answers · asked by ? 3 in Politics

He went to Yale and got a passing grade and almost everyone who calls him stupid didn't. So what's up with that?? He is actually smater than most of us. By the way, I'm not a republican

2006-09-15 13:23:19 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

cid >criminal investagation department , but what do they pick you up for ?

2006-09-15 13:22:08 · 4 answers · asked by glitterriver 2 in Law Enforcement & Police

Whether or not it is true, is it unacceptable to think it as President Bush said today? But isn't he creating a moral equivalency between us by attempting to legalize torture?

2006-09-15 13:21:22 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

before they are unleashed on England's green fields?!

2006-09-15 13:21:19 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Government

clearly chris knows nothing....

i did vote and would gladly support kerry or gore if they ran against bush a million times over.....

where would we be with kerry or gore?....$500 billion richer......lets not attach dollar amounts to the thousands bush has murdered and permamently damaged in for his personal agenda

2006-09-15 13:19:46 · 8 answers · asked by bush-deathgrip 1 in Other - Politics & Government

Any out there?

2006-09-15 13:19:39 · 7 answers · asked by jack b 3 in Politics

today i spent about an hour talking to kinky he seems to be a verry funny but a smart man i kinda like him he is a down to earth kinda person do you think he has a chance for governer of texas

2006-09-15 13:19:11 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Elections

The emergency crews here in Austin (EMTs and firefighters) get no respect! They put their lives on the line everyday for strangers who won't so much as Pull Over For Them! How could you ever explain to a mother that her child died in fire because you couldn't miss the green light?! Isn't it against the law to not yield to them?! What can I do to change this- before someone I know/love becomes the next victim? I tried the major newspaper here- but to no avail. What's next on my to-do list?

2006-09-15 13:18:21 · 6 answers · asked by sportyblush 2 in Civic Participation

2006-09-15 13:17:01 · 20 answers · asked by Delete System32 5 in Law & Ethics

Bush Jr: Did Business with terrorists. Especially the Bin laden Family. He also supports Israel which is a terrorist country that targets and murders innocent people especially children

Bush Sr Supported Terrorist. Did business with the Bin laden Family and Unical which is a business that used terrorist money. He also Armed Saddam hussein in the late 80'e and early 90's

Reagan: Armed and Equipped Saddam Hussein with Chemical and biological weapons that caused the death of 5000 kurds and of course over a million people died died during the iran iraq war.



Democrats and liberals are and always have been the BACKBONE of American Freedom and liberty for all. The values that make America the greatest country in the world.


Shame on anyone that votes Republican ( Anti American )

2006-09-15 13:16:57 · 15 answers · asked by ast5792 1 in Politics

Here in little old Britain we have the best health provider in the World. I know there are major problems, but if you have an accident the whole system swings into action, and it"s "free" if you ignore the various taxes. YOU DON"T HAVE TO PRODUCE AN iNSURANCE POLICY before they sew your arm or leg back on. I have a private health policy, I decided to have this by choice to cover all the non emergency health problems that may occur in my Family. That is the area inwhich I consider our systm is failing slightly.

2006-09-15 13:16:05 · 11 answers · asked by researcher 3 in Other - Politics & Government

My wife hold egeption travel deccoment for palistenian refuge, and work nurse in dubai .

2006-09-15 13:15:14 · 6 answers · asked by sohairaboushaban 1 in Immigration

I just received my court notice for it but I found out that my last name was mispelled? Do I have to pay it?

2006-09-15 13:14:40 · 34 answers · asked by Konoha H 2 in Law & Ethics

Women have just as much opportunity as men and are just as many.

2006-09-15 13:13:04 · 8 answers · asked by Bassey 1 in Politics

Why do you never seem to care what's done in your name beyond your borders?

From the oppressive regimes propped up in the Middle East, Latin America, Asia and Africa to the lost wars of Vietnam, Korea, Iraq, Afghanistan?

There seems, to an outsider, a lack of critical analysis and confrontation on American media of your governments actions.

Don't you see an irony in Donald Rumsfeld selling chemical weapons to Saddam and then causing an absolute nightmare scenario because of bullishness - that we're American, we're right, we will win and causing tens of thousands of innocent Arabs to die.

Tens of thousands of Americans died in Vietnam but millions of Vietmenese died. A thousand plus Americans die in Iraq - while tens of thousands of Iraqis die. There's a similar relationship with Israel and the Palestinians. The death squads in Latin America of Pinochet and the rest.

Now - to those who are fuming, I adore America and a lot of Americans I meet, but the crux of my question is why?

2006-09-15 13:12:06 · 17 answers · asked by Ben H 2 in Politics

2006-09-15 13:11:50 · 14 answers · asked by AntiDisEstablishmentTarianism 3 in Politics

Like I sed... do u think the USA is in trouble if we get a liberal in office? like when president Bush leaves and we don't get another republican who has the same beliefs?

2006-09-15 13:10:47 · 20 answers · asked by punkchickatheart54 2 in Elections

Why do you insist on attacking your own kind in Iraq.
The Islamic fundamentalist, are CONSERVATIVE Muslims which mean your waging war on your own kind. Is it in the nature of conservatives to always be at war with someone even if it’s your own. Couldn’t you have found a liberal country to wage war on.

2006-09-15 13:10:43 · 11 answers · asked by region50 6 in Other - Politics & Government

I thought I asked a question about George Bush and if you favoured him yes or no for President but when I checked my questions it wasn't there! Is this page censored?

2006-09-15 13:10:38 · 7 answers · asked by Mr. PDQ 4 in Other - Politics & Government


My neighbor confronted my b/f saying my ex roomates (free loaders) told her that he was in prison for being a child miolester which isnt true. Our neighbor said it in front of other people & said she would plaster his picture everywhere. I would be upset also, but its totally untrue. Can we get our ex roomates in trouble legally?

2006-09-15 13:10:28 · 6 answers · asked by missy e 1 in Law & Ethics

Should some sort of International Court be created that would have the authority within certain guidelines to have any leader of a country including ours appear before court?

The purpose would be to give somebody like Bush or Castro a reason to do the right thing instead of doing something just because they can get away with it. Kim Jong Il of north korea would be a good candidate for prosecution under this court..

Would it even be possible to create an unbiased court system like this that would have the power to actually bring in war criminals? I know we have nuremburg but slobodan milosevic was able to evade capture from them for many years.

I know this sounds like a crazy idea but I honestly think that if it were implemented 10 years ago then maybe 9/11 wouldn't have happened, north korea might not have their nukes, and bush wouldn't have sent us into iraq again searching for weapons of mass destruction that he knew were not there.

2006-09-15 13:09:26 · 9 answers · asked by La Voce 4 in Government

Would she help them or would bill clinton secretly sneak into the white house once in a while?

2006-09-15 13:09:10 · 11 answers · asked by Ah Ha 4 in Politics

can the money you use to post bail in response to the warrant for your arrest be used to pay the traffic fine once you go to court and see the judge and get convicted...thanx

2006-09-15 13:08:24 · 9 answers · asked by chris 2 in Law Enforcement & Police

For those who call us Mexicans uncivilized and unlawful, this is happening way too often in your land of the "*****" and home of the "lame"


2006-09-15 13:07:05 · 28 answers · asked by foundationshaker 2 in Immigration

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