i was feeding my rats, who to this moment still think its feeding time, time to horde all of it. anyway, the pellets are labled "kaytee Forti-Diet mouse rat and hamster" pellett thingies, they are large, i hand one to my hamster to see if he would eat it, and i wanted to watch him eat it, its bigger than his head, so i removed the 2 house thingies, and gave each dwarf russian hamsters a pellet thing, gorby, the shy one ate it on the spot, and lost interest, stalin, the mentally retarded one, stuck it in his mouth and ran laps araound the cage floor untill it dropped, he jumps on it until its stuck in hos teeth and cintunies running laps, he wont eat it in the corner like he usually does, why is he running in circles folowing the edge of his cage? and why does the shy hamster eat it in the open? they are both russian dwarf and are fairly young. also is it safe to feed these kinds to my dwarfs? what do you feed yours? can you make a food chart on what to feed them on mondays/tuesdays ect
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