my cat is acting very weird. i recently brought him home. He was a stray cat. We fed him, we bought him toys, we let him sleep in our beds. My sisters and i even take turns to take care of him every night when we're suppose to be sleeping just to make sure he's happy. He meows all the time, like wanting something but i just don't understand what he wants. i tried giving him food, but he refused. Gave him toys but he lost interest in playing after awhile. Another problem with him is, he kept going to the hidden places like under the sink or near the places where the wires are. I had to carry him elsewhere to prevent danger happening to him. But as soon as i put him down, like example, at the hall, he ran as quickly as possible like as if he's running for his life. There were this day too when he was playing with his toy happily, when suddenly he stopped playing and ran quickly under the table. What's wrong with him? i need help, please. thanks a million!
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Other - Pets