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Current Events - April 2007

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How effective do you all think Al Sharpton is and do you think he gets involved before he knows the facts,and do you think that he is the only muscle african americans have right now,also do you think as a civil rights figure he gets the job done or is it a bunch of press and no action!!!??!!!!

2007-04-17 21:15:34 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-04-17 21:12:57 · 8 answers · asked by Imelda C 1

There are deaths like this all over the world why should so much be made of this, all because it's the damn united states! Same way the 9/11 incident was plastered all over the world press. The Tsunami was bigger news and that didnt get as much exposure as these events. America likes to blow things out of porportion as usual. I remember a similiar incident in Dumblane in the UK where young childeran were gunned down, it hardly got a slot on US news, so as far as I'm concerned this is nothing special.

2007-04-17 21:08:39 · 7 answers · asked by Imelda C 1

Im just curious about why the flags were lowered for these VT collage students? Im not trying to trivalize their deaths but we have soldiers die everyday and flags aren't lowerd for them. Is it only because it was here and in our face? You know out of site out of mind. The Men and Woman fighting for our rights should at least be afforded the same respect as the college students. Has anyone stopped to think that they are the same age group. The soldiers and the students. There used to be a time when the flag was only lowered for Presidents and high ranking officials. Now it seems we lower it for anyone except the ones it should be lowered for. Our soldiers. I hear all the time We support our Troops. If we really supported them we would let Bush know that this in unacceptable. It is a slap in the face to all of the men and woman who have given their lives for this country. What do you think?

2007-04-17 20:48:09 · 13 answers · asked by D and G Gifts Etc 6

How can propaganda be both positive and negative, in your opinion?

Just talking about propaganda in general, whether it be political, religious, social, or any other form of propaganda.

2007-04-17 20:26:45 · 3 answers · asked by Josh 5

What kind of answers do you really dislike ... the way some people answer?
... especially, in that because they have an entirely different viewpoint, such as the negative impacts of feminism on the job market or on economics, or the [so-called] scientists or 'students' who put your views against "evolution of the species", for example, down in a manner whereby they 'publicly' brand you as simply ignorant or wouldn't know the first thing about biology, etc. and belt you about for your "archaic", etc views [when I've actually had honors in the thing - but that is neither here nor there; it is their attacking - yet really 'defensive' manner, when they don't have the real answers to my points], or those atheists who behave in similar critical and judgmental fashion when you answer OR ask a question about God...
In essence, it is those people who really get quite personal about your point of view ... and in most cases, simply because they don't have a valid, or reasonable rebuttal

2007-04-17 20:12:45 · 3 answers · asked by dr c 4

the shooting in the school..

but i do pray for the people the school.

2007-04-17 19:49:27 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

......... actually he was from Korea and they are big fans of dog meat over there, so maybe they could have sent in a German Shepard and then while he was busy eating it ........ POW ...... they get him.

Job done.

2007-04-17 19:48:44 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

And ya, they still dont have their facts straight, some are saying that the first person he killed was his girlfriend, while others are saying that they never knew each other

2007-04-17 19:41:36 · 12 answers · asked by Salt Hydrolysis 2

If that was a crime, we would never have seen Pulp Fiction or Reseviour Dogs as Quentin T would have been sitting in a prison cell ...............

2007-04-17 19:36:50 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

Students heard shooting then ran away, jumped, or hid. Noone confronted the shooter alone or in a group. The shooter went from room to room.

Fear is normal. Desire to survive is normal. What about thinking of others, community, leadership, courage? Sounds like two of the profs directed their students to jump to safety and died for them. One was 35, one 76.

One foreign graduate of the college, a student of the 76 yr-old prof, said he didn't understand the students abandoning their prof. What would you have done? He lived through the Holocaust only to be killed by a kid with two guns.

2007-04-17 18:45:29 · 25 answers · asked by ataimadi 2

I'm a loner in some aspects and I would never go out and kill anyone in cold blood. I'm aware this individual had other issues he was suffering from such as derpession, but the fact that he was "quiet" or anti-social has nothing to do with murdering people.

2007-04-17 18:41:17 · 27 answers · asked by Anonymous

If you were them, what would you be thinking?? And please don't go off on me about this--I haven't heard anything in the news about it though I admit watching only MSNBC. I am wondering what all of you think because I just can't imagine it myself.

2007-04-17 18:24:27 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have a friend who is a bit of a conspiracy theorist. He's your typical smart,well-read guy who comes across as a bit of a "nutter" because of his penchance for theorizing about our subversive, evil government. Yesterday, the news about the tragic Virginia Tech massacre fueled his fire. His belief is this: everytime some tragic or shocking event happens in the news, it can be traced to some sort of smoke screen made by the government to cover up something unpopular that it is responsible for. He believes that the Virginia Tech shootings and the whole Don Imus debacle were orchestrated (or at least egged on) by our govenrment to divert our attention from the war and the attorney General Gonzales scandal. Most of the time, I write these thoughts off as the harmless musings of my sweet, slightly twisted friend.However, I can't help but wonder if he's on to something here. What do you, my fellow Yahoo-ligans, think of this?

2007-04-17 18:23:29 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

In particular , the part where it states "We have the right to bear arms" judging by what happened in Virginia Yesterday, this is ONE part that should be written out of the constitution.
Why as Americans do you believe you have this right to bear arms , it makes no sense to me.
Why do you believe you need guns as citizens? surely this perpetuates violence .Why do regular households NEED guns ? it's totally ridiculous , and no one says anything because they perceive they are being unpatriotic if they challenge anything in the constitution....mmaybe the founding fathers just got this part of the constitution wrong. I'm sure they never intended for this to happen whn they wrote that into the constitution.........People have misused this clause ......Please No more school shootings ,it's getting way out of hand.

2007-04-17 18:17:54 · 22 answers · asked by Wishing 3

The fear among “Asian” students at VT rises-------very afraid to be identified same as that of “Asian shooter”. It is no less than the anger rising among the non-Asian students.

Monday afternoon, the rumor ”a Chinese student from Shanghai did it” slipped into campus, widespread fast by sunset.

In face of a possible immediate retaliation from angry crowd, as a parent--------with a full and genuine feelings towards the victims’ parents, should I worry about the safety of my kid?

If he knew the shooter’s identity early on, should he have obligation to make it known in order to alley the unnecessary rumors, which could result in violence against innocent foreign students at VT.

These are the Fact:
The Korean Times confirmed that the shooter’s parents were contacted Monday night. So, the shooter identity was likely already known by the Monday afternoon.(See the Korean Times: http://www.koreatimes.co.kr/)

2007-04-17 18:08:07 · 6 answers · asked by Truth-for-all 2

bit more controlled in the USA?? DUH?? What is going to be next? This is AWFUL!!! Just awful and so senseless!?!?!?!?!

2007-04-17 17:59:23 · 23 answers · asked by VICTORIA L 4

Ps: send some extra at Iran
Should we do this? yes or no? and why?

2007-04-17 17:47:26 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous


Its crazy....After Hurricane Katrina, it took our great president (I'm bein sarcastic if you didnt notice) how long to do anything? Wasnt it something like a week before he responded to that issue? And when it comes to the VA Tech shooting..(my prayers go to the victims and their families)..Bush is there the next day? Am I the only one who noticed that?

2007-04-17 17:42:20 · 15 answers · asked by Jae T 2

We Have the Drivers license to where our government can keep tabs on who's driving and who owns vehicles, And keep thows who are a danger on our roadway off the roads.So with the second amendment in mind .Should'nt we have a DGC (Department of Gun Control? Where law abiding citizens are licensed to bare the rights to own weapons?

2007-04-17 17:27:04 · 4 answers · asked by Ms.Pickle 3

yes, the constitution does give us the right to bear arms, but arms wearnt semi automatic when that was written. you cant automaticly judge someones personality and say "oh, they are quiet and write violent things, they are gonna come shoot the place up", because while you are worrying about that kid, some kid who was active in school, popular, and all that may bust out a gun across the country and shoot people. dont pull the guns dont kill people, people kill people crap on me, guns do kill people. because i promise you if a kid was going around trying to choke people to death he wouldnt have gotten as far before someone stopped him. there are countries with strict gun control laws that have about one eight the shootings we do here, if that many. it just doesnt make sense to me. i know a lot of you are going to call me liberal for saying gun control, but honestly, i dont care. think about it...if you saw someone strangleing someone, you could stop it. try stopping a semi auto

2007-04-17 17:26:34 · 2 answers · asked by Ashley M 7

Are you fed up with foreign students? Why do we let them go to flight school just so they can fly into our buildings and why do we even let them into our country if they are going to pull that crap like that idiot from South Korea? Isn't it time for people to go to school in their own countries? If it's because the American education system is so much better, then why don't they improve their own education systems?

2007-04-17 17:16:41 · 22 answers · asked by touchesstudents 1

According to the media, Cho was on antidepressents when he killed 32 people. This is not an isolated case. In japan for example, there are reports of children jumping off windows, committing suicide, killing, etc. and this is world wide.

I am sick and tired of people calling for gun control and not focusing on the real problem: PSYCHOTROPIC DRUGS ARE KILLING PEOPLE. HOW ABOUT INSTEAD WE HAVE DRUG CONTROL!


2007-04-17 17:10:53 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

Because he was inspired by Columbine right? Does more of these mass murders cause other people to get ideas?

2007-04-17 17:07:38 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

I go to middle school and we talked about it and compared the dangers of a large college campus and a small middle school campus. Did you discuss it with anyone?

2007-04-17 16:25:36 · 14 answers · asked by ♫♪♫TAY-LUR♫♪♫ 3

2007-04-17 16:24:51 · 13 answers · asked by NONAME 4

Is there a way to stop these situations from happening in the future.

We've all met people who seem deeply troubled, depressed, angry, loners - but that doesn't mean they are going to go and kill a bunch of people.

Can we prevent these things? If so, how?

2007-04-17 16:24:19 · 17 answers · asked by Zezo Zeze Zadfrack 1

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