Why are people so upset about the Virginia tech killings but aren't even phased by the carnage currently happening in the Middle East? Why should I treat the 30 students any differently than the 180+ that died today from terrorist bombings in Baghdad? Why should I treat them any differently than the hundreds of US soldiers dying every year in combat? Or what about the 20 Iraqi police officers that were just executed and beheaded on film? Yeah, that’s right, I shouldn’t treat them any differently, and that’s why I don't care that much about the rampage at Virginia Tech.
I’m actually kind of glad this happened. Maybe this will wake our stupid country up and we’ll stop blaming the movies, stop blaming rap music, stop blaming violent video games, and START blaming the sophisticated & deadly weaponry that is so easily accessible. Forget gun control, it needs to be ILLEGAL to own anything but hunting rifles.
Did you know U.S. corporations produce over 250,000 9mm pistols per year? Not only was a 9mm used at VTech, but the 9mm is a favorite amongst inner-city gangs and thugs. So much of a favorite that you can hear 50cent sing about them in his rap songs! So many weapons are produced in this country that, if you can’t get one legally (which you probably pretty easily), you DEFINITELY can get one on the black market for not much more. This problem can be obviously remedied by cutting off the supply and making guns ILLEGAL once and for all! Please, lets make our streets a LOT safer and make guns illegal!
edit: For those that use the excuse “criminals will always buy their guns illegally” , I have a simple economic question: What will happen to the total supply of guns on the black market if guns are made illegal in the United Sates? Clearly, the supply will diminish. Hate to break it to you guys, but black market weapondry isnt created in some shady illegal arms factory. U.S. Manufacturers will cut their production, and prices for illegal weapons will price out most people.
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