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Current Events - April 2007

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Oh but that's right, guns don't kill people, people kill people. Terrorists don't kill people, planes slamming into buildings do. Drugs don't intoxicate Rush Limbaugh, his maid does......

2007-04-18 17:30:28 · 14 answers · asked by LR C 2

2007-04-18 17:25:50 · 4 answers · asked by lady26 5

As so many are now claiming, if anti-depressants are linked as a cause of most homicides and suicides... then does that mean all the Islamic human bomb people are taking prozac?

I am not convinced that it is the drug's fault, but the person was obviously a mess in the first place to be taking any drugs.

Or are they making a bad situation worse instead of better?

2007-04-18 17:09:13 · 9 answers · asked by NONAME 4

Well where do you GOP NRA gun-lovers draw that line?
I have the perfect American death-cult solution.
Let the Amish practice their religion and if a mass murderer shows up at their school don't send the police.
Meanwhile the government should supply arms to all public school-children across the country so we can rid America of gun violence in school. Right?
The 4Rs, reading' ritin' rithmatic & rifles .

2007-04-18 17:08:48 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

Have we been any closer to creating a republic in Iraq or helping the worl form Iraqs leaders? What have we done in Iraq?

2007-04-18 17:08:31 · 9 answers · asked by That/Cool/Person 2

Its stupid what people do especially on the internet, There are like 30 profiles of Cho on myspace, how stupid worshipping a killer, Parents should keep an eye on their damn kids and tell their kids to grow up.

2007-04-18 17:02:23 · 10 answers · asked by david 4

Did Bush go to war on Iraq because he wanted to make other countries a republic and Iraq was the first country that he could make an excuse to go to war on( and make them a republic)?

2007-04-18 17:02:22 · 10 answers · asked by That/Cool/Person 2


2007-04-18 17:01:42 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

I do. I would think it would be the least they could do. And if any of these students had loans, those funds should be absorbed by the loan agencies. It is sad enough that these folks have lost their family members, but to face putting more money out for this "education" is a travesty. Thoughts?

2007-04-18 16:55:44 · 19 answers · asked by parrotsnpearls 2

I chose to realize what is happening in the world without it being thrown in my face every where I go. Can we display something positive as the focal point each day?

2007-04-18 16:55:05 · 13 answers · asked by Robert & Linda W 1

I've noticed that in nearly every school shooting that has taken place in the united states, the police and newscasters make sure to point out social status. Is it relevant that the gunmen in Columbine and the gunman at Virginia Tech were loners? If anything, wouldn't this cause the outsiders to be singled out more in school? Are we now going to point at every student who is an outsider and be afraid that they will shoot up a school just because they don't fit in? What are your thoughts on this?

2007-04-18 16:50:31 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-04-18 16:46:32 · 15 answers · asked by Kristie 1


The war on Iraq was not what we though it was?
Did president Bush lie about there being Weapons of mass destruction in Iraq? If so did Bush say this because he wanted to change Iraq to a Republic?

2007-04-18 16:45:55 · 15 answers · asked by That/Cool/Person 2

its a really dumb question i know.. but i didnt watch the news today.. all i say when i got home from school was pictures of this Asian guy holding up some kick a** guns and i knew something happened.. they sound pretty related to me?

anybody wanna give me a link to a GOOD story about it? i wanna know how many people died.. what happened to the guy (another dumb question but did he shoot himself.. did police shoot him or what?), etc.


2007-04-18 16:39:07 · 9 answers · asked by K Boose 2

I wonder if we'll see a bunch of copy cat killings now...

2007-04-18 16:35:48 · 10 answers · asked by DJ 2

i apolgize if someone already posted this i just got off work but i think tis disgusting that they are letting him get his final word out there like he wanted when he did this - i dont think they should plaly his video at all... i think its sick .. and for ratings & money.

2007-04-18 16:28:37 · 11 answers · asked by lady26 5

Why are people so upset about the Virginia tech killings but aren't even phased by the carnage currently happening in the Middle East? Why should I treat the 30 students any differently than the 180+ that died today from terrorist bombings in Baghdad? Why should I treat them any differently than the hundreds of US soldiers dying every year in combat? Or what about the 20 Iraqi police officers that were just executed and beheaded on film? Yeah, that’s right, I shouldn’t treat them any differently, and that’s why I don't care that much about the rampage at Virginia Tech.

Maybe this will wake our stupid country up and we’ll stop blaming the movies, stop blaming rap music, stop blaming violent video games, and START blaming the sophisticated & deadly weaponry that is so easily accessible. Forget gun control, it needs to be ILLEGAL to own anything but hunting rifles.

Did you know U.S. corporations produce over 250,000 9mm pistols per year? Not only was a 9mm used at VTech, but the 9mm is a favorite amongst inner-city gangs and thugs. So much of a favorite that you can hear 50cent sing about them in his rap songs! So many weapons are produced in this country that, if you can’t get one legally (which you probably pretty easily), you DEFINITELY can get one on the black market for not much more. This problem can be obviously remedied by cutting off the supply and making guns ILLEGAL once and for all! Please, lets make our streets a LOT safer and make guns illegal!

edit: For those that use the excuse “criminals will always buy their guns illegally” , I have a simple economic question: What will happen to the total supply of guns on the black market if guns are made illegal in the United Sates? Clearly, the supply will diminish. Hate to break it to you guys, but black market weapondry isnt created in some shady illegal arms factory. U.S. Manufacturers will cut their production, and prices for illegal weapons will price out most people.

2007-04-18 16:26:12 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

Why are people so upset about the Virginia tech killings but aren't even phased by the carnage currently happening in the Middle East? Why should I treat the 30 students any differently than the 180+ that died today from terrorist bombings in Baghdad? Why should I treat them any differently than the hundreds of US soldiers dying every year in combat? Or what about the 20 Iraqi police officers that were just executed and beheaded on film? Yeah, that’s right, I shouldn’t treat them any differently, and that’s why I don't care that much about the rampage at Virginia Tech.

I’m actually kind of glad this happened. Maybe this will wake our stupid country up and we’ll stop blaming the movies, stop blaming rap music, stop blaming violent video games, and START blaming the sophisticated & deadly weaponry that is so easily accessible. Forget gun control, it needs to be ILLEGAL to own anything but hunting rifles.

Did you know U.S. corporations produce over 250,000 9mm pistols per year? Not only was a 9mm used at VTech, but the 9mm is a favorite amongst inner-city gangs and thugs. So much of a favorite that you can hear 50cent sing about them in his rap songs! So many weapons are produced in this country that, if you can’t get one legally (which you probably pretty easily), you DEFINITELY can get one on the black market for not much more. This problem can be obviously remedied by cutting off the supply and making guns ILLEGAL once and for all! Please, lets make our streets a LOT safer and make guns illegal!

edit: For those that use the excuse “criminals will always buy their guns illegally” , I have a simple economic question: What will happen to the total supply of guns on the black market if guns are made illegal in the United Sates? Clearly, the supply will diminish. Hate to break it to you guys, but black market weapondry isnt created in some shady illegal arms factory. U.S. Manufacturers will cut their production, and prices for illegal weapons will price out most people.

2007-04-18 16:24:09 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

In light of the Virginia Tech shooting it is possible that someone could of stopped him, if they had a firearm. The problem is that is currently illegal to carry a concealed weapon of any type on government property. Please tell me your thoughts on this.

2007-04-18 16:24:03 · 10 answers · asked by bonus_satis 1

I would've... I would've at least sat down and talked to him, about his past, his feelings, get to know him. How could teachers just sit there and let him be? Cared they not?

2007-04-18 16:20:25 · 14 answers · asked by lost.in.love 4

He doesn't deserve the post-mortem attention. I'm tired of looking at his face.

2007-04-18 16:18:01 · 7 answers · asked by Zhimbo 4

I mean im sure they make up some excuse!
I think religion is a strange, twisted thing!!

2007-04-18 16:17:10 · 9 answers · asked by raadsgirl 4

If you are morally opposed to private gun ownership, there's no way you'd own a shop, so I'm not really asking you!

I'm asking people who have no problem with people selling guns: how you would guess having that role in such a tragedy would change your life make you reconsider the way you make a living?

2007-04-18 16:14:01 · 12 answers · asked by wayfaroutthere 7

you think?

2007-04-18 16:11:48 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

Are people going to hate and isolate lonely person now because of the VT shooting?
Are people going to hate and isolate depressed, stressed person now?
Are people going to hate and isolate foreigners now?
Are people going to hate and isolate geeky looking person now?

2007-04-18 15:58:28 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous

Ok, I know that everyone in US is moaning for the victims of the worst massacre. But just think a minute; couldn’t this have been avoided if all the kids started bullying the less fortunate?? The footage he sent to NBC has stated how he feels about the constant bullying he was under. He had no other way to show his frustration other than to take revenge and take his own life.

I think for most immigrants this is the case. When 9/11 took place, most of the Muslims were a suspect in everyone’s eye even though this act was carried out by a certain militant group. Now will this massacre make every other immigrant a suspect too??

Couldn’t this have been avoided if only we spent a little bit more time for the less fortunate??

2007-04-18 15:58:21 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

Yet more fuel to the fire of the on-going debate on gun purchasing and licensure in America...

The article:
Investigators said Cho procured one of the guns he used in the rampage, a Walther .22-caliber pistol, Feb. 9 from a pawnshop on Main Street in Blacksburg near the Virginia Tech campus.

On March 16, he bought the second gun, a 9mm Glock 19, from Roanoke Firearms, a gun shop on Cove Road in Roanoke.

He used his driver's license as identification and had no problem buying the guns because he was complying with Virginia law, which permits the purchase of one gun a month, investigators said.

The Glock was used in two shootings, first in a dormitory and then in Norris Hall more than 2 1/2 hours later, officials said. A surveillance tape, which has now been watched by federal agents, shows Cho buying the Glock, sources said. Both guns are semiautomatic, which means that one round is fired for every finger pull.

2007-04-18 15:54:06 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

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