I totally agree with you man.
Leave him dead and forgotten.
Remember the victims.
2007-04-18 16:21:07
answer #1
answered by 6th Finger 2
I hope they mince his body on TV. This would demonstrate that actions of this type will not make you into a martyr, they will make you into a bunch of sausage patties.
That idiot actually took video games seriously. It is some consolation that he is now burning eternally.
lol I don't know about that, as an atheist, but I sure am glad he's dead.
Makes you wonder, though - if he were Christian, couldn't he have just asked for forgiveness for his sins and be granted blessed, glorious eternity? Just sickening.
2007-04-18 16:25:02
answer #2
answered by Svidrigailov 2
For as long as the media wants to give it attention I guess. It's not the prettiest face to look at either.
He doesn't deserve the attention - no. They need to show the faces of those who died so that people can remember this tragedy by the faces of the victims - not by their deranged killer.
2007-04-18 16:23:03
answer #3
answered by gretphemelger 5
I think the media will put his photos for at least two or three months and then at the end of the year. Then, a year later, they will put his face again.
2007-04-18 16:22:26
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Until we stop buying the products advertised while showing the picture. Then there's nothing to sell, no reason to continue after it has lost "marketability". I agree whole heartedly that his face is sickening.
2007-04-18 16:23:00
answer #5
answered by ruby1duby 2
I agree, but this is breaking news. People's children are dead, so spare with it for the love of them.
2007-04-18 16:25:03
answer #6
answered by lost.in.love 4
for six weeks. six weeks to long if you ask me.
2007-04-18 16:21:21
answer #7
answered by RANDELL 7