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Current Events - April 2007

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Do you think that the American people should turn to the Muslim faith in order to save themselves from enternal damnation for their sins to mankind?

2007-04-20 01:02:09 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

This time I have lost all respect for this insane President! He knows very well that members of the evil Baath party took off their uniforms and blended into the civilian world before U.S. forces entered Iraq. Now he wants to let this civil war come into our neighborhood. I feel like he's telling us that 25,000 really angry guys who hate you are moving in next door. Your wife will be raped and your children's heads will be cut off shortly. But you just keep working and paying your taxes and if you die we'll just replace you with another cipher in the moat. We've got plenty of ciphers to keep working and plugging money into the system SO WE CAN KEEP SCREWING YOU! Now drop dead and let me get on with my work! I've got busy fundraising to do! Working for Halliburton! I'm sick of it! I'm more angry with the conservatives in the media who claim to be conservative than I am of those in the government. They're all liars if they say they support the president at a time like this!

2007-04-20 00:54:29 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

Does this massacre show the world that all Americans should be feared and not trusted? If we think about it, the US have detonated 2 atomic bombs, invaded numerous countries, killed most of their native indian population, brought the world to the brink of nuclear holocaust, created biological weapons, increased world pollution, harboured and supported dictators and brought about the rise of Al Queda through the promotion of arms in the Middle east.

What do you think?

2007-04-20 00:31:54 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous

Do you believe,what comes around goes aroud?

2007-04-19 23:22:55 · 25 answers · asked by Brown guy 2

If it's so bad here why stay? Last I heard they still have Boats and Planes leaving the US every day.

2007-04-19 22:33:51 · 14 answers · asked by Mister Bald 5

Please leave your condolances and I shall email them to virginia Tec, their site is jammed packed with no space:

I was saddened to hear about the victims and cannot believe this guy did this, he was obviously evil and now he is in the best place for hell! I feel for the victims, and their familes and friends and all at the uni. My heart and thoughts go out to you all. May things improve slowly over time.

Claire Wood ( 28 ) West Yorks, UK.

2007-04-19 22:25:13 · 7 answers · asked by Jovigirl05 3

Regardless of its nature does it start a fight between the nations. Are we all being patriotic or pathetic.
The whole "my country is better than your country" thing is very childish and stupid.

2007-04-19 22:00:02 · 45 answers · asked by carlyjayne 2

Last time I went to the pub for 9/11 it was great to have a day off work and kick back.

2007-04-19 21:54:41 · 8 answers · asked by toyota s 1

Is it okay for a guy to cry?It was sad and senseless and makes me want to cry.

2007-04-19 20:30:36 · 13 answers · asked by ONLY THE LONELY 1

Well let's see this guy Cho was taunted and bullied and denied the basic human dignity and respect we all are entitiled to,Excerpt from an article about one of the many humilating experiences this guy went through"Once, in an English class, the teacher had the students read aloud and, when it was Cho’s turn, he just looked down in silence, Davids recalled in an interview with The Associated Press. Finally, after the teacher threatened to give him a failing grade for participation, Cho started to read in a strange, deep voice that sounded “like he had something in his mouth,” Davids said.

“As soon as he started reading, the whole class started laughing and pointing and saying, ‘Go back to China,’”.......When are people going to understand that you can not deny another person of basic respect and diginty with out their being consequences. Remember Columbine another example of inexcusable bullying gone wrong.

2007-04-19 20:26:07 · 14 answers · asked by Shantay M 1

There will be a great deal of pressure to get rid of guns, but I have several concerns about this:

1) The constitution makes provision for an Organized Military and an Unorganized Militia of Armed Fighting Men and Women that could mobilize into a fighting force if needed. So the idea is if a foreign nation invaded our country (which could happen) the people in our communities being armed could mobilize into a military force.
2)every country that has removed guns has seen an increase in violent crimes and criminals such as Cho.The criminals will still be able to buy guns somewhere.Violent criminals take advantage of unarmed people, as did Cho.
3)It is this punish everyone for what one person did kind of thing.
4)there will be a backlash against PTSD survivors and similar people.
5) ban guns,they kill with fertilizer,ban fertilizer,kill with propane,ban propane, they kill w/household items, ban household items, they kill using rocks, ban rocks... and on and on.

2007-04-19 19:52:14 · 16 answers · asked by art_flood 4

2007-04-19 18:33:17 · 12 answers · asked by E Train 2

The gunman never even talked to his relatives while in Korea. This guy was either genetically insane or some kind of abuse happened to him at an early age. I guess it just takes time to confirm things with his family.

2007-04-19 18:14:03 · 9 answers · asked by Tira Me A Las Arañas 1

Fact is, you can't plan for insanity. He was nuts, he did a horrible thing, and its nobody's fault but his. Can't just blame lack of guns, or too many guns, or anything else.

Your thoughts?

2007-04-19 17:17:23 · 18 answers · asked by cruachanmusic 3

I am wondering if there was possibly a link between how he was raised and his actions at VT. I wonder if his parents really knew how much hurt he was experiencing inside, or the kids that made fun of his speech.

2007-04-19 16:48:49 · 12 answers · asked by jaymccormick2006 3

I've heard people blaming guns, videogames and music.People want to blame what is convenient and not look at the more complicated issue.

Just comparing Columbine here ...the thread between them... "persecution" by peers and the murderer(s) hating the "well to do" (Jocks and "rich" kids).

We are so quick to blame video games and music.... however millions of children listen to music of questionable quality and play violent games... they never turn this into anything evil.

While this has been construed as the worst school tragedy.... actually if you look up the Bath school disaster at Wikipedia. You will see that a guy killed 45 students and injured 58 with an explosive device on May 18, 1927. He did not ever see a video game, listen to rock 'n roll music nor did he have a gun. He was mad because his educational school taxes went up on his property.

So what is the answer.... if there is one?

2007-04-19 16:46:46 · 7 answers · asked by AdviceManHere 5

This was unfortunately a horrible tragedy that could have been prevented if his medical condition had been properly reported to federal firearms licensing... even though it's required to do so.

But.. one thing that struck me me odd was in his ramblings CHO siad ... "I will no longer run, , if not for me or my children.... for my brothers and sisters .... *****"

What do you think he means by children?

He was not known to even have a real girlfriend... his roommate said he had an imaginary girlfriend. The news media has not picked up his reference to his children. Nor have they even mentioned if he had a brother or sister. But he certainly did not have children. If you believe he was speaking metaphorically... to what end

2007-04-19 16:24:24 · 17 answers · asked by AdviceManHere 5

We are all aware of the shooting that took place in the colledge (or place, forgive me, I wasn't sure which) Virginia Tech, now, I have a question.

WHY DON'T THE MEDIA BACK OFF? It's just the same with the war in Iraq, though I don't like comparing the two at all, the media just can't keep there butts shut long enough to actually talk! So why do they walk around with this big argument about 'the people's right to know things' when all they do is leave out the important stuff?

2007-04-19 16:21:00 · 17 answers · asked by Iamme 1

Was VA tech killer refering in his comments to the people as bad people as terrorists refer to Americans as infidels, do they (VA killer and terrorists share same views of American people?)

2007-04-19 16:02:34 · 8 answers · asked by mike 1

and faced by a suicidal psychopath who wanted nothing less then to shed innocent blood due to his failure of a life, wouldn't you be wishing that one of the "sane" people in the room that might have had been taught to respect firearms at one point in his/her life had their pistol at that very moment?
Don't answer "We should have banned all weapons!" Lets pretend that the bad guy has the weapons and there is nothing that you can do about it. Do you want someone in that class full of adults who wants to protect you, and has the means to do it with?

2007-04-19 15:59:41 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

Is it even close??? Where the heck is Osama??? Get back in the game and at` least make this LOOK like a contest! For Christ's sake!

2007-04-19 15:58:54 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

shouldn't koreans feel responsibility?

2007-04-19 15:42:56 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

If big George and big Barbara had had little George institutionalized years ago when he was doing drugs and wasting money and couldn't keep a job, could they have prevented the deaths of thousands of Americans? If Cho's parents had had him evaluated, could that have prevented the 32 deaths at Virginia Tech?

2007-04-19 15:37:39 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

But they insist that every detail and video should be shown about the Virginia Tech massacre? Dont they think that will also breed hate?

2007-04-19 15:36:25 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

1. Guns should be banned, period!

2. Using both hands, that's gun control!

3. Mental health screenings in addition to traditional background checks, etc.

4. Other: ___________________________________

2007-04-19 15:31:51 · 15 answers · asked by fox3bhc 3


how do you feel

2007-04-19 15:28:12 · 3 answers · asked by Sgt. Fletcher 3

VA Tech colors are orange and maroon. i am. i had to amke my own because i didnt know until like 2 hours ago that it was Va tech color day. so i took orange lanyrand and colored one maroon with sharpies.
who else is gonna wear orange and maroon? show your support!!!

2007-04-19 15:21:58 · 6 answers · asked by gousa1991 4


to people who lost their lives in the massecere in Vergina Tech and this years Titanic anniversary!

2007-04-19 15:20:15 · 5 answers · asked by Sgt. Fletcher 3

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