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News & Events - June 2007

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Current Events · Media & Journalism · Other - News & Events

I mean...the USA has it's own form of "insurgency" going on with gang killings and other murders.
Look at it this way:
Murder rates are usually quoted as per 100,000 people per year.
The 10-year average homicide rates (1987-1996) for the United States averaged 8.8. Considering the population of the USA at 300,000,000....
So that was about 26,400.

TWENTY SIX THOUSAND PEOPLE MURDERED EVERY YEAR ---in a country that isn't "IN A WAR ZONE" is a heck of a lot of people folks.


2007-06-04 06:22:58 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Current Events

Americans seem to care very little about what the government does with their tax money. The money that has been spent on Iraq war for instance can be put to better use like fixing the healthcare system , education, public housing or social security etc. Despite spending over 400 billions dollar in Iraq, Americans don't necessarily feel safer and gas price going lower. What is the purpose of this war. Doesn't America need to take care of its own people before taking care of foreigners? Besides the people in most countries including majority of Iraqis think Iraq was better off before than now. I for one feel that ensuring security of America is not a one shot deal like Iraq war but on going concern that has to be addressed and planned and implemented in legitimate manner. FYI, I am neither Democrat nor Republican nor French.

2007-06-04 06:08:46 · 3 answers · asked by mozart8 3 in Current Events

she was going on about how people are wrong to critisize the McCann's for leaving three babies in an unlocked room in a foreign country to go out for dinner and a a few drinks. Then there was an area (on the internet version of the paper) where people are invited to give their comments..... so I did, I explained my reasons why I hold the selfish parents responsible for allowing their child to be abducted, and guess what? My "comments" weren't shown! There were loads of other comments that were shown, but they were just the ones supporting the selfish parents!

Did anyone else write a comment disagreeing with Ulrika, if so, was it shown?

2007-06-04 04:54:43 · 14 answers · asked by MissEssex 5 in Media & Journalism

Have a good day,What's your day like?My Day is going bad already,I want to wish you a better Day!!

2007-06-04 04:30:16 · 4 answers · asked by lorraine B 3 in Other - News & Events

do we want Al Queda or the Saudi's running things? You can't change a country by fiat.

so, are we willing to leave Iraq to either one of these choices...changing one bad guy for a worse guy

2007-06-04 04:18:29 · 6 answers · asked by vote_dummy 1 in Current Events


2007-06-04 03:42:59 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Current Events


Please look at the above picture and tell me that is not pain?

If you can, then I feel sorry for you.

2007-06-04 02:14:42 · 26 answers · asked by abluebobcat 4 in Other - News & Events

Does anyone else think its a bit odd that the friend who saw a child in her pyjamas and blanket being carried by a man. Then took weeks to say anything?

2007-06-04 01:41:16 · 25 answers · asked by mrs bean 2 in Other - News & Events

For all those who were offended by my original question. Mr McCann has been in the news considerably more than twice and is never perturbed. You are all sucked in by team mccann but cant see it. try to think for yourself and ask yourself this. Is this the only missing child out there? really? think about it. Are you so concerned for the millions , yes millions of others in the world. No?. Perhaps that is because their less fortunate parents cant afford a media circus. This case is no more traumatic than the hundreds of cases of need we see on comic relief ONCE a year. Why should these people deserve round the clock coverage. Why should hundreds of thousands of pounds be donated to them instead of helping millions in Africa. This is one girl, one case and it is their own fault. That is harsh but it is true. If we give every instance of child abduction this kind of coverage, their would be nothing else on T.V. Thousands will die in Africa this week, but dont worry. It'll not be on TV

2007-06-04 01:05:49 · 33 answers · asked by duck surprise 2 in Other - News & Events

I'd like to know what, specifically, she has done. All I have ever heard is her blabbering on about how unjust the war is, how Americans are the terrorists, how we shouldn't be doing what we're doing, etc. Anything? Anyone?

2007-06-04 00:42:41 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Media & Journalism


I think that it is time that the police seriously investigated the possibility that Mr McCann set this whole thing up as a money making exploit, with or without the knowledge of his wife. Before anyone starts shouting abuse at me,think about it. It is possible. It would explain why he is seemingly coping very well with the whole thing. There are too many peculiarities with the story and the whole Team McCann thing is annoying

2007-06-04 00:29:41 · 31 answers · asked by duck surprise 2 in Other - News & Events

2007-06-04 00:07:57 · 3 answers · asked by pomosimulacrum 2 in Current Events


Do you generally believe in psychics? I do - not crystall balls, of course, but a power in some people that so few possess. Those people may have these powesr but be deprived of sight or something else...

2007-06-03 23:55:52 · 11 answers · asked by S from Dublin 3 in Current Events

If it is a Ltd Company they can close it at anytime and keep the money is that correct?

2007-06-03 23:49:01 · 27 answers · asked by Anonymous in Current Events

These parents do not know if their daughter has been beaten, raped, starved or killed.

The pain they are going through is unimaginable, truly hell on earth.

The thought of the story just fading away into the background fills me with a sense of panic so I cannot imagine what it would be like for the parents which is why they are trying to publicise the case.

They do not want people to forget their little girl.

They just want her back.

How can you be so heartless?

How can you be so cynical?

2007-06-03 23:37:07 · 29 answers · asked by abluebobcat 4 in Other - News & Events

Lots of people have mentioned that they thought the money donated to help find Maddy, would have been used to fund a private investigator.

How do you know that this isnt the case, surely this would be secret to protect the investigation and investigator.

Just a thought!

2007-06-03 23:26:58 · 11 answers · asked by LEXY 4 in Current Events

Should assisted suicide be legal? If yes, what should be the criteria? Explain

2007-06-03 23:10:10 · 6 answers · asked by Silkeez 3 in Current Events

Get this please...NO ONE supports Madeleine's parents in leaving their babies alone.
Its not even debatable. What they did was inexcusable & i'm aghast to think how they chose to do it.
So whats the blah blah blah about???
People truly concerned about Madeleine should support them in whatever way they believe is best to get THEIR baby back
and channel their minds positively towards creating awareneness for other missing children.
The McCanns will be charged with child neglect for sure & are facing (worse for them their Madeleine is facing)
the worst possible punishment of not even knowing whether their baby is alive & if she is,
the horrors she is facing. You want to hound them for leaving the babies, do it...if it makes you
feel better & proves a point to other irresponsible parents. But passing slick comments on what they do/don't & how/why & when they met the Pope &
analysing their every single gesture, expresssion & twisting their comments does not make for an objective
debate but just a cruel witchhunt. I fail to understand how such comments will help Madeleine.
As much as their actions baffle me, i will not judge them, as am certain they are being advised by experts
who know more about such situations than any of our wiseguys on YA.

Statements about "standing up for Madeleine & not her parents" are so pointless.
We all stand up for Madeleine & other missing children. Who wouldn't???
Our hearts ache for her & for all the other little ones lost.
As clever (& entertaining) as some of the observations of the guilty parents may seem, have any of our wiseguys
on YA even stopped to think about the damage they may be causing??? Such comments suggest that
Madeleine's parents are heartless & frivoulous & don't deserve her. Is that what we want the abductor / potential abductors
to hear??? C'mon guys, pause awhile & think about the hurt you can cause before hitting that submit button...

2007-06-03 23:07:59 · 4 answers · asked by Faith 6 in Current Events

It kind of beats me, because other newspapers and numerous web sites often assign such ratings, either in star or number form. (The objective of the question also applies to another New York journal, the Village Voice.)

2007-06-03 23:05:43 · 5 answers · asked by pierre612004 2 in Media & Journalism

Over the last 10 years I could probably count on two hands how many children in the UK have been abducted and murdered, or not found, springing to mind is poor little Jamie Bulger, and the tragic case of Jessica and Holly. There was a little boy age 7 I think who disappeared from Becton in East London, he was never found and there have been other children....thankfully in this country children are not abducted and murdered that often so that it does not make the news.

The majority of missing children (ive took a look on the missing persons website) have been taken by a parent, now I know for the other parent left behind, these children are missing, and the pain must be horrific. But, they are mostly alive and well.

So, its unlikely that these missing children would get the sort of media attention as a missing child abducted by a stranger.
If Ben Needham had disappeared now instead of 1991 he would have been all over the internet as well.

2007-06-03 22:26:03 · 14 answers · asked by LEXY 4 in Current Events


they mention money as the first way to help, the poster second

2007-06-03 22:10:59 · 16 answers · asked by mrs r 2 in Current Events

Its been a month. Portugal can be reached in a few hours. The twins- do they need some semblance of normality yet? Surely the Team can be based here, our International airports are excellent, with frequent flights out.

What do you think?

2007-06-03 21:50:08 · 34 answers · asked by babyshambles 5 in Current Events

i wanted to know if this blog that Mr McCann is writing is avalible to read now?
how do i find it?

thanks everyone x x

2007-06-03 21:05:31 · 6 answers · asked by ? 6 in Current Events

What do you guys think about her going to prison? Will it make an impact on her lifestyle or will she just come out as clueless and careless as before? Thoughts?

2007-06-03 20:53:00 · 14 answers · asked by wenchiepirategirl 3 in Current Events

The things he is writing about don't help anyone find his daughter. It's just boring minutiae of his life - ".....had a bite to eat. Blah...blahh!!!" How can someone one focus on food when they have a missing child? I'd be too sick to eat! I understand the need to keep a diary and write down intense emotions, but shouldn't it be private until the issue is resolved?

2007-06-03 20:47:42 · 10 answers · asked by Pixxxie 4 in Current Events

So now theres press saying that they've scared a 'ransom' away. Do you think this is the case? That because they've made suc a fuss no one will now come forwards? (Notice how the press is starting to destroy them already.)

2007-06-03 20:29:53 · 3 answers · asked by UniBeauty 5 in Current Events

First of all,I'm not against the Americans as a whole. I'm against the US government and their army. When will they leave Iraq? It's been too long since they have occupied Iraq! They abuse Iraqis on their own land. They keep on complaining and broadcasting worldwide how lots of American soldiers get killed in Iraq.If so, why don't they just leave Iraq?Their wasting the lives of their soldiers and great amounts of money in Iraq for what? The truth is Iraqis have greater death toll rates since the foreign troops came in! Is it because they want Iraq for it's oil?Is it because they want a permanent base in the middle east to have access on other near countries?

Saddam is already dead. Pres. Bush has no "bad" leader to further fight with in Iraq. They already brought him down. Next, there were NO proofs of nuclear weapons found in Iraq! Lying was their main ways to get into Iraq. In fact, US is one of the countries that has the most number of nuclear weapons! This is plain hypocricy.

2007-06-03 18:58:23 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Current Events

This is a genuine question, not a cover for a McCann bashing session!!!

I frequently read the plea to 'leave the McCanns alone as they already feel guilty enough/will have to live with the guilt for the rest of their lives' etc.

But what is it that makes you come to this conclusion? Why is this what you think? We have all seen the same footage/interviews/newspapers and so on and yet there are two distinct camps of opinion. The Anti McCann camp tend to quote the McCanns themselves and point to visible actions to support their case, whereas from what I have seen their supporters tend to go with an emotional response which has no value in a reasoned debate... I'm prepared to listen and to re-assess my opinion if presented with reasoned argument and facts/opinions based on observation and sources, so how about starting with this question?

2007-06-03 18:50:08 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Current Events

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