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Women's Health - November 2006

[Selected]: All categories Health Women's Health

If a virgin woman can insert something 5 inches long, and 1.5 inch thick inside her without any bleeding, does that mean her hymen has broken from before?

And also, do most guys penises be about 1.5 inches in diameter?

2006-11-18 01:11:16 · 6 answers · asked by Lara D 4

hi all, pl advice me,
me and my gf are tired up of having sex from rear entry,
so we thought of trying new things,
recently watching a porn movie, she asked me to go for rear entry, which seems to be impossible looking at her asshole, moreover that will cause immense pain to her as well as me,
how can we make it big,
in movie guy smoothly entered, how come
also is that safe

2006-11-18 01:02:40 · 8 answers · asked by golu 1

hey this is my second ever period and my first ever 1 was very light so this is abit of a shock but its very heavy i am having to change like every 1 -2 hours is this to heavey or is this normal?
its the start of my period it only had it for 2 days but it very heavy it started light and brown then the next day it was heavy and red ?? plz help ?
im 14

2006-11-18 00:51:10 · 7 answers · asked by laura 1

2006-11-18 00:47:54 · 33 answers · asked by lesley w 1

It's like this. When I turned 16 and never started my period my doctor freaked out on me and started sending me to all these peoples and running tests on me. I've been to a gynocologist(sp?),blood check(hormones and stuff like that),chromosome check and an Ultrasound. They put me on this medication in JUNE(Medroxyprogrostone(sp?) and Premarine) It worked, but then they said I would start naturally after that and I never did. So we waited till OCTOBER and still nothing. So they gave me the same medication again but more of a hormone booster. So now we are waiting to see if I will start naturally this time. It worked so now we are waiting 2months to start naturally. And if I don't start by the end of DECEMBER naturally they will give me an MRI and if they don't find anything they will give me birth control pills.

What can be wrong with me though? She never said how long I would need to take the birth control pills for if it comes to that. What do you think?

2006-11-18 00:46:17 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-11-18 00:24:24 · 6 answers · asked by chick 1

My girlfriend got her period last month on oct 13. We had sex on oct 20 and oct 28. I wore a condom both times. She is on a 33 day cycle, so she was supposed to be due on nov 15th. She took a pregnancy test last night and it came back negative. (we used E.P.T.) She has still not gotten her period. She ovulated normally, and was getting all the symptoms (P.M.S. side hurting, ect.) And she is starting to get cramps. Her period however is nowhere to be found. Any ideas?

2006-11-18 00:14:50 · 4 answers · asked by Joe 2

2006-11-18 00:08:36 · 8 answers · asked by mugsie91 2

in some countries it is common to circumcise a female' how it is done ;what are advantages ; ??

2006-11-17 23:55:37 · 5 answers · asked by zeeshan k 2

My girlfriend has a lot of pubic hair and she was recently told that it's unsanitary for her to have so much and not shave or trim. She has become somewhat insecure about it and I'm disagreeing with her friend so I would like to know if there is any medical reasons for her to shave or trim her pubic hair

2006-11-17 23:28:31 · 15 answers · asked by micahkenneth 2


I've just had the mirena coil fitted (Thursday morning) and I'm still experiencing severe cramps, like period pains. Is this normal? I'm really worried as they're so painful and thought the cramps would only last 24 hours after the fitting. If anyone could help or share their experience I'd be very grateful. Thanks.

2006-11-17 22:55:02 · 9 answers · asked by Vicky A 2

2006-11-17 22:13:59 · 10 answers · asked by javra m 1

Most of the nights she does not feel like making sex. So we do it may 2/3 times in a month. We have a very good relation in all other respect.
Is there any medicine, is it a hormone problem. We are at thirties.

2006-11-17 19:45:25 · 7 answers · asked by R Rumman 1

I had my first ultrasound done in September to monitor some ovarian cysts, and I just had them mail me a copy for when I see a new doctor since I have moved. I am trying to understand the results but am not sure if the numbers/sizes/dimensions are normal or not. It says that my right ovary itself is bigger than the left one. Is that normal? I would think so, to a point, but do not know. I'm trying to look up "normal measuremrents" for the uterus, ovaries and endometrial plate online but haven't had any luck so far. Thought maybe someone here would happen to know? (A little info about me-I am 19 yo, 94lbs, 5'1, and have one child, if that can help any.) My uterus measures 7.5 x 3.7 cm. Right ovary-2.7x1.5cm. Left ovary-2.4x1.9cm. Endometrial plate-7mm in thickness (The thickness of 7 dimes stacked together.) And also, what does "well circumscribed" mean? As in I have well circumscribed ovarian cysts involving both ovaries?

2006-11-17 19:00:12 · 2 answers · asked by Just Me 7

2006-11-17 18:29:19 · 10 answers · asked by sexyandconvinced 1

OK, I know there are similar questions, but still. My lover and I are very much in love, and have great pleasure from all kinds of sex, but I never orgasm. It deeply hurts his sense of pride, and because he is a sensitive guy, he really wants to make me feel good. Now he is feeling selfish and bad.

I need help! I worry that maybe we could only do it with the aid of sex toys, which may make him feel useless. I don't want him to continue feeling crappy about himself, and YES, I certainly want to experience orgasm! What should we do?!?

2006-11-17 18:07:22 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-11-17 17:26:07 · 4 answers · asked by Jackie 1

i was taking ortha evra (the patch). I quit about 4 months ago. Then i had no period. i looked this up and it said it was normal for some people. Its said to see a doctor if it doesn;t return within 6 months. so i waited and then i recieved my period. well i had more of a browning (old blood). anyway then it stopped after a week. About three days later i had sex and immediatly started bleeding. About 2 days later it seemed to stop. a day after that i had a gush of blood, so i figured i was wrong and it had not stopped. I continued to have what seemed like a period, then it stopped. the next day i was cleaning the house and the gush of blood happened again. and again it slowly stopped. the next day i had another gush of blood. it has been about 2 weeks of this now. i don't have insurance, so i don't want to visit the doctor for no reason. i was testing for thyrod almost a year ago and it was negative. and i took a pregnancy test last month (negative). please help.

2006-11-17 17:03:28 · 7 answers · asked by Eden 3

My boobs are really sore and they are getting darker and starting to get little bumps that are white on the top of them! Seriously my nipples are like head lights! What could this be????

2006-11-17 16:52:07 · 15 answers · asked by Ashley L 1

Do not read ahead.So, click the answer button and make a list 1-8 and just start putting ur answers in AS YOU READ EACH question.start with "yes" or "no" and if u want to add more, the do so. but start with YES or NO, please!

1) Is abortion murder?

2) are there any acceptions in which abortion is acceptable?(is yes, why only those)

3) is a fetus/unborn baby (in your oppinion) a conscience being?

4) In this non-abortion situation: a girl was born with a twin attached, head to head. The twin has a FULLY functional brain. It can feel, react, cry, sleep, etc. Is this twin alive?

5) is it more alive or more of a human being than a fetus/unborn baby?

6) same twin story: the twin has a lump of a body with no organs. http://msnbcmedia.msn.com/j/msnbc/Components/Photos/050219/050219_twin2_hmed_8a.hmedium.jpg do you still consider it a live human being?

7) Is it worse to seperate this "twin" which will die, or have an abortion? (sorry, not a yes or no answer)

8) comments

2006-11-17 16:35:29 · 14 answers · asked by ur a Dee Dee Dee 5

My period started a week early and lasted the normal 4 days.2 days later I start to flood for a few hours then stopped. Today I started spotting.My periods are always real heavy and it was recommended that I have my uteris removed. Anyone else have this happen?

2006-11-17 16:33:56 · 5 answers · asked by Cindy 2

okay. i am now pregnant with my 2nd son (he's due in about a month) and my 1st son just turned 1 on the 29 of October. After i have this child i am going to be going on some type of birth control (i have never been on any before). i have always heard that the pill is the most effective, but it just isn't for me. i cant even remember my name somedays, much less remember to take a pill everyday. what are some other means of birth control that would be good for a mother of 2 that cant remember to take the pill. i am also scared b/c i am always hearing stories on T.V. about like the ring thing and the patch and the shot...that they can cause severe side effects. i do smoke, and i also hear on every commercial that you shouldn't smoke when on birth control....so i guess what i am asking is...is there any birth control out there that wont kill me if i smoke and that i dont have to take everyday. or are condoms just my best bet...that way i only have to remember when its NEEDED! thanks!!!

2006-11-17 16:24:00 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

I swear this board is nothing but teen age girls with period questions! Okay, so not really, but man, don't they teach you guys anything in school any more???? Have they completely abandoned the birds and the bees? Are girls literally going through school and never being taught the basic principles of how their bodies are different and how they function??? Short answers: yes, you will eventually get your period unless you are actually a boy with undecended testicles. Yes, it is normal to pass brown dishcharge on your first period. Yes, it very well could be PMS if you have been a b#$%^ for a week and don't know why. Okay, had to get that one off my chest. Sorry if I offended anyone.

2006-11-17 16:20:10 · 10 answers · asked by lilia_164 2

I used to take Ortho trycle before until i decided to try a diferent pill ..my Dr prescribe Seasonal for me and I've been a month on the pill. I'm a little concern because with my old pill I lost weight , clear my skin and no bloating at all. since I've been on Seasonal I gain weight ( I haven't change my eating habits or exercise) I wake up bloated every day to the point that My clothes doesn't fit anymore on my waist and the worst My face is full of pimples. Should I go back to the old pill or should I wait until my body get used to this new pill ??? My dr. said that i need to wait but I feel horrible between my weight and face is not good! does anyone take seasonal and have the same symptoms??? what should I do???

2006-11-17 16:01:25 · 9 answers · asked by CAJA 2

How do you avoid it? Is it like diaper rash? What product would provide relief?

2006-11-17 16:00:58 · 9 answers · asked by Hysteria 4

My boy friend and i were doing that thing and when he did it hard ,my vigina started squirting...,Iam worried .What's wrong with me ? SOMEONE PLEASE TELL ME!!

2006-11-17 15:51:43 · 11 answers · asked by Zargor2645 1

I recently got my period and I am using panty liners because my mom has a HUGE pack, I just change them often... but whats the best brand of pad/tampon out there that I can get at CVS or Safeway? Any brands welcome cuz I can look on the CVS/Safeway site (its close to my house)

2006-11-17 15:32:16 · 20 answers · asked by browncow 1

For the past 8 months I have been in pain. I have severe pelvic pain, back pain, painful intercourse and orgasms. My periods are absolute hell! I've been to several doctors and they say its just part of being a woman. The only time I ever found relief was wen I was taking vicodin for migraines. I'm fed up with this pain! I don't even want to see another doctor just so I can be told its nothing. I know my body and I know that something is wrong. What do I do? I feel like nobody believes me when I say I'm in pain! Its like they think I'm just tring to get drugs. But I'm hurting. I can't take it anymore, its ruining my life. I've been reading alot about endometriosis for the past few days and I think that may be the problem. How do I get help?

2006-11-17 15:25:16 · 10 answers · asked by deansheena 1

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