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Other - Health - October 2006

[Selected]: All categories Health Other - Health

I was bit by a cat outside my house this morning. (not my cat)
I have 4 deep puncture wounds on the top of my left hand. It happened 5 hours ago, now my hand is so swollen I can't use my fingers. I went to a neigborhhod clinic & they wouldn't see me. Dr. told me to go to ER. I don't have insurance. Will swelling go down? I don't know what to do?

2006-10-05 07:40:49 · 12 answers · asked by moonsister_98 6

2006-10-05 07:40:00 · 15 answers · asked by playboybunny031389 1

i need a job. yes i did go on all the web sites and put my resume out. but i asking the people on line. i'm a mesical assistant for 4 yrs now. i live in ny. if anyone know of any health center, hospital or private medical office that need a medical assistant or medical clerk PLEASE LET ME KNOW. IF YOU WANT I CAN EMAIL ME MY RESUME. THANKS

2006-10-05 07:38:43 · 6 answers · asked by helpenss 1

My friend got stung by a wasp on her finger. What helps ease the pain and bring the swelling down?

2006-10-05 07:36:37 · 7 answers · asked by The Initiative 314 1


I know this is weird, but I have to know. Since having kids, I have found that when I go poop, not all the poop comes out. I have realized that there is a "pocket" in my rectum that doesn't go straight to my anus. Even with pushing not all the poop comes out. I can still tell there is poop in there. Does anyone else have this or know what this is? How can I get it corrected? Is there a way to correct it without having to go to a doctor? Thanks for reading. I didn't know who else to ask.

2006-10-05 07:27:23 · 4 answers · asked by cows4me79 4

should he get tested for std's?

2006-10-05 07:25:18 · 11 answers · asked by bubblez 1

Ok I am 16 and i have trouble getting up in the morning. I am a very sound sleeper. Even if my radio alarm goes of I am still asleep. Even a sonic boom is useless for me. What can i do to wake up early in the morning??? I knows most of you would say go to bed early. But if so how come my other family members dont have the same problem? My mom can wake up at the time she wants to. I know most of you would also probably say to let others wake me up but no there are nobody to wake me up. My mom will never wake me up if its holiday. I often get up like at noon hours like at 1pm or 2 pm. If this continues then I might ruin my life later. I would never be able to wake up early in the morning. Plz send me the best answers possible. I dont wanna be in bed 15 hours a day and waste my time. I jus wanna be in bed for max 6 hours. I dont wanna sleep more than that.

2006-10-05 07:14:08 · 12 answers · asked by Unspoken Truth 1

2006-10-05 07:12:19 · 1 answers · asked by melanie r 1

Can anyone advise of support groups for families who have adults with seizures or assistance programs that might be available?

2006-10-05 07:08:55 · 1 answers · asked by JenV 6

Well, the title says it all! Lol. But is is so annoying.

2006-10-05 07:03:11 · 22 answers · asked by xMwahahahahahahax 3

smoothly transition into these new work hours? I am used to going to bed late and getting up late ... how do I change my ways?

2006-10-05 06:58:59 · 4 answers · asked by J.Z. 3

my boyfriends skin turned bright red and blotchy and he was having a hard time breathing. he said it was because he was talking to fast and had been drinking but it lasted about 45 minutes and he is still having a hard time breathing today. i know this isnt normal and it is scaring me. it has never happened before

2006-10-05 06:55:36 · 5 answers · asked by Emily May 11/10/08 :) 6

why is it esstiental to have this ingrediant same with adding salt and sugar.

2006-10-05 06:53:40 · 5 answers · asked by El Greco 2

ive taken pepto and tums but that hasnt helped me at all. im taking some antibiotics right now and one side effect is acid reflux. id like to know if there is something else i can do...maybe a natural remady...some type of food i could possibly eat to help me out?? please help!

2006-10-05 06:49:17 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

What can happen if soemone has a calcium overdose im thinking about taking clacium supplements.

2006-10-05 06:48:53 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

I'm a sophmore in highschool and a virgin. Not many people (in my school especially) can say that. I get ragged on all the time because I haven't done anything with a guy. I haven't even had my first kiss yet. People call me a lesbian since I haven't done anything with a guy, but I don't feel that I should have to get laid to prove that I'm straight. Is it bad that I haven't done anything? Or are people just being stupid?

2006-10-05 06:44:04 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous

is it able to be trasmitted to the partner?and if a female has herpes will her child have it too?

2006-10-05 06:31:05 · 15 answers · asked by realgirl1415 2

how old do you have to be to buy a lighter in the state of michigan?


Can you smoke chewing tabacco?


How old do you have to be to buy zig zags?


How old do you have to be to buy a cigarette roller?

I know these answers but my friend doesn't believe me on them so please answer them!

2006-10-05 06:28:22 · 3 answers · asked by Amanda M 1

i rarely drink alcahol, like one or two beers in a month. i haven't smoked pot since 1998 or took acid since then, but every time i wake up in the morning i feel like dog s h i t. i'm always dizzy or in some kind of physical pain. i'm usually confused about the most simple things. and get easily distracted from easy random tasks. if you want to further understand than you should see the begginingof the movie crank. what the hell is happening?

2006-10-05 06:24:33 · 10 answers · asked by the one and only robertc1985 4

My 14 year old son is about to get contacts and thinking about comfort but also expense what type is the best way to go monthly disposable or i even heard there is a yearly kind

2006-10-05 06:24:26 · 4 answers · asked by sparkles05 2

I want to get a job at home depot to help my mom get through her divorce and they are giving me 48 hours to pass and i already been through 24 hrs.

2006-10-05 06:11:18 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

My daughter almost always writes her numbers backwards. She comprehends mathmatics and her reading/writting skills are at or above average for her age (6). Could it be a form of dyslexia? Or maybe something else?

2006-10-05 06:08:03 · 4 answers · asked by CHRYSTAL I 3

This may sound totally ridiculous, but I seem to be getting less intelligent over time. I don't read a whole lot and I don't ever study or research anything. It's like I use to catch on to things very quickly and always remembered things easily. But, now it feels like I really don't catch onto things nearly as quick as I use to and sometimes I have a hard time articulating my thoughts. Am I not exercising my brain enough to keep it sharp? Is this making sense to anyone? If so, what do I need to do? Because I honestly feel kinda dumb most days.

2006-10-05 06:07:09 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

me and my wife has been trying to have kids but we sem not to can eny one till us how we can we know sex is one of the thing but we just cant

2006-10-05 06:03:09 · 3 answers · asked by jack_chase_car 1

What do you do to stay sober??!!
I relapsed last night after 18 days, & I feel so ashamed...

2006-10-05 06:02:04 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-10-05 05:59:19 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

My daugther is 31/2 and had a cough and was getting better intil I had her watched by a family member with other kids that had a cold for 4 days and she just got worse, better and now she still has it....last day was monday and now it is thrusday. So is it possible she and the the kids just bounced the cold back and forth?

2006-10-05 05:52:27 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

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