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Other - Health - September 2006

[Selected]: All categories Health Other - Health

I was given a prescritption two days ago and took my second one today. And I was severly depressed and cryed most of the day. Does steriods have this effect?

2006-09-03 16:10:48 · 4 answers · asked by auntkarendjjb 6

I have degenerative disc. desease and deal with a lot of pain. But today I went in to church and sat down and in the small of my low back I could feel sharp pains with every heart beat , and felt sickening. It actually felt the pounding of my heart beat in my back and each one sent a sharp pain. Have you ever had that and what do you think is going on or did you find out what caused yours.What was done for it? I have been having problems walking the part three days.

2006-09-03 16:06:45 · 4 answers · asked by auntkarendjjb 6

the amitripyline is 50mg and my dilantin taken nightly is a total of 400 mg.....are they sage to take together - trying to find a safe sleep aid to get badly needed sleep but not interfer with my dilantin.

2006-09-03 16:00:30 · 6 answers · asked by SallyJane 1

I am 5'1" and weigh 120 pounds (healthy weight). Lately when I am falling asleep at night, during the first 30 minutes of sleep I wake up gasping for air, like I've been holding my breath, and I am scared to death. After that I am fine. It only happens once during like the first half hour of sleep. I wonder if this is sleep apnea or a panic attack. I don't recall dreaming when this happens. I also have GERD which I am taking Nexium for, don't know if this is related?

2006-09-03 15:51:56 · 4 answers · asked by LadyA 2

are there contacts that last for more than two weeks, or any that you dont have to replace?

2006-09-03 15:51:31 · 3 answers · asked by ace-face 2

Ok, I am addicted to eating! Every time of the day, I am eating something. But I am skinny. How do I stop my food cravings?

2006-09-03 15:45:17 · 14 answers · asked by xoxarielle14xox 2

I need help im not sure what to buy ..

2006-09-03 15:35:16 · 11 answers · asked by azsxdfcgvbhjn 2

So my dad, who is in his mid-40's, retired, has a pretty severe sleeping problem
that somehow splits his personality. This has been going on for about 2 years.
He will either sleep very long periods at
a time (about 3-5 days) only getting up to go to the bathroom or eat. The
other is that he is awake for usually the same amount of time (without any
naps/sleeps!). Okay, now his "sleeping" phase makes him a person who is
mean, extremely grumpy, hostile, resentful, and at points hysterical. He just
sleeps away in his room the whole time and the worst thing is waking him up.
His "awake" phase is the same dad that we've grown
up with (funny, loving, caring, getting things done). I never really wanted to ask anybody what's
wrong with my dad but I guess I should. This habit of his is destroying his
relationship with my mom. We don't know what to do. He makes sincere
apologies when he is acting like my dad when he's awake, but sometimes
we just can't put up with the way he acts when he is asleep. What's wrong
with my dad? Is he aware of his behavior? Anything at all would truly help.

2006-09-03 15:15:02 · 11 answers · asked by eminem526 2

since i am working so can not take off for too long. need to sit in fron of the computer 10 hours a day!!!!

2006-09-03 15:13:44 · 5 answers · asked by priyanka 1

my weener is 3 feet long is that normal??

2006-09-03 15:10:44 · 15 answers · asked by XxTaurusxX 1

thing to drop off for someone when they are sick?

and for foods, what is good, soup and orange juice?


and they have a lung infection.

2006-09-03 15:08:27 · 5 answers · asked by trish 2

2006-09-03 15:08:12 · 10 answers · asked by chubby 1

2006-09-03 15:05:40 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

you could get head lice

2006-09-03 14:59:36 · 9 answers · asked by Fatrix 1

is more because of weight or emotional issues

2006-09-03 14:56:16 · 16 answers · asked by vera 2

either in a shower or a hot tub

2006-09-03 14:53:28 · 5 answers · asked by kev_28659 1

ive stopped cutting for almost a year now i have these scars that bring back what ive done that i dont want people at my school to know ive done. what should i do? no negitlve answers plz.

2006-09-03 14:47:26 · 6 answers · asked by hotchick_06 1

2006-09-03 14:35:08 · 2 answers · asked by ravennah_666 3

The skin on my body [especially my legs] is extra dry. I exfoliate regulary and use thick creams and lotions, but nothing seems to help. Got any ideas?

2006-09-03 14:24:38 · 13 answers · asked by sophie 2

2006-09-03 14:23:22 · 9 answers · asked by Fiend 1

Gastric Bypass or Lap Band?

I have a friend going into surgery next wk to have the lap band done & I am concerned....but I dont know which one is considered safest...

2006-09-03 14:15:40 · 4 answers · asked by mysticfairy74 5

2006-09-03 14:15:05 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

A few days ago, I was near a sewer and a smoker. I must admit that sewer smell more good than the smoker. It is incredible how I hate the odor of a smoker! Am I alone to think like that?

2006-09-03 14:09:44 · 9 answers · asked by ecusoohay 1

I'm giving blood at a blood drive for the first time WEdnesday this week and I'm a little nervous.

2006-09-03 13:54:38 · 10 answers · asked by C. S 4

i keep getting dehydrated, my pulse is fast, i feel dizzy, my body goes in and out of feeling, my head always hurts, i have a LOT of trouble talking, my eyes hurt and im starting to get a lazy eye A LOT, i feel nauseous sometimes, my ears are KILLING me , but i have no ear infection and the ear pain is really sharp and goes down the sides of my neck most times, i have trouble consentrating on something, i can barely hear anything, and my fever going from 94-100

2006-09-03 13:53:28 · 14 answers · asked by decrepitsoul_singer 1

when we were told my mother was dieing and giving a time frame in the same breath of that. we were asked if we wanted an autopsy. not in the right frame of mind, we said no.now we wish we had said yes.

2006-09-03 13:48:43 · 7 answers · asked by linda t 1

I have a new friend that I am concerned about. I will try to explain as best I can
This person is always leaving jobs for the flimsiest reasons. Therefore this person is always looking for a job. This person was homeless on several occasions, but has an apartment now. Just recently this person is without a job again and is in danger of being evicted if a job isn't found in time to pay the next installment of rent.
This person is always telling me that they are looking for something better and when they get it, it is not what they are looking for so they quit after a season.
My question is how do you deal with a friend who tells you something and it just doesn't seem to ring true with you? Something is wrong or missing in what they say and you just can't put your finger on it!

2006-09-03 13:43:39 · 4 answers · asked by December Princess 4

Safe Period

2006-09-03 13:39:22 · 10 answers · asked by Edward Charles 1

Ok before I start I am not perverted, and I am an adult male, married for 31 years. Until about our 25 anniversary everything seemed to be ok with our love life. Since then my wife has become (for lack of better word) frigid and doesnt seem to be interestsed in intimate relations. I have dealt with it since then. I have never have an affair, although it has entered my mind a few times. Here is the problem, I have had erotic dreams in the past but this one really freaked me out and bothered me and at same time I really enjoyed it. The other night I dreamed we were on a reality show that deals with partners and sex. My wife and I were given different partners. As my new partner and I were having sex, a sign appeared that said, She has an STD and I was asked what I should do. The sex became more intense. I woke up with the largest ejaculation of my life. I felt very guilty but really wanted this in my life. What does it mean? No jokes only serious replays. Help here, please.

2006-09-03 13:35:51 · 11 answers · asked by mo_nut53 4

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