So my dad, who is in his mid-40's, retired, has a pretty severe sleeping problem
that somehow splits his personality. This has been going on for about 2 years.
He will either sleep very long periods at
a time (about 3-5 days) only getting up to go to the bathroom or eat. The
other is that he is awake for usually the same amount of time (without any
naps/sleeps!). Okay, now his "sleeping" phase makes him a person who is
mean, extremely grumpy, hostile, resentful, and at points hysterical. He just
sleeps away in his room the whole time and the worst thing is waking him up.
His "awake" phase is the same dad that we've grown
up with (funny, loving, caring, getting things done). I never really wanted to ask anybody what's
wrong with my dad but I guess I should. This habit of his is destroying his
relationship with my mom. We don't know what to do. He makes sincere
apologies when he is acting like my dad when he's awake, but sometimes
we just can't put up with the way he acts when he is asleep. What's wrong
with my dad? Is he aware of his behavior? Anything at all would truly help.
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