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So my dad, who is in his mid-40's, retired, has a pretty severe sleeping problem
that somehow splits his personality. This has been going on for about 2 years.
He will either sleep very long periods at
a time (about 3-5 days) only getting up to go to the bathroom or eat. The
other is that he is awake for usually the same amount of time (without any
naps/sleeps!). Okay, now his "sleeping" phase makes him a person who is
mean, extremely grumpy, hostile, resentful, and at points hysterical. He just
sleeps away in his room the whole time and the worst thing is waking him up.
His "awake" phase is the same dad that we've grown
up with (funny, loving, caring, getting things done). I never really wanted to ask anybody what's
wrong with my dad but I guess I should. This habit of his is destroying his
relationship with my mom. We don't know what to do. He makes sincere
apologies when he is acting like my dad when he's awake, but sometimes
we just can't put up with the way he acts when he is asleep. What's wrong
with my dad? Is he aware of his behavior? Anything at all would truly help.

2006-09-03 15:15:02 · 11 answers · asked by eminem526 2 in Health Other - Health

11 answers

You present a wide variety of symptoms for your dad who shows the possibility of a few disorders. I think the best thing to do would be to get him to see a neurologist. A sleep disorder is remotely possible as is a mental illness, but this sounds like much more to me (I am a therapist) like something else. My guess is that what is occurring is happening in the brain and could possibly be from a tumor, some sort of damage to the brain (a severe blow to the head) or some sort of possible dementia or disease of some type. Were there any significant events that occurred two years ago, prior to the onset of this odd behavior?
I believe a neurologist would be my first choice, I am not sure if a regular medical doctor can treat this or if they would refer you.
Whether he knows what's going on, I really don't know. I would guess he must know that there is something wrong. Please take this issue and treat it seriously. I am really glad that you finally asked somebody. I hope this helps and perhaps someone else might answer that knows more.
Good luck.

2006-09-03 15:37:54 · answer #1 · answered by Doc2b 2 · 0 0

Oh gosh, that sounds rough.

Since he is apologizing, he is aware on some level at least that something is not right. It's not a sleeping disorder as such, though sleep problems are developing because of it.

He needs to see a psychologist and find out what exactly is occuring. He probably will need tests. And he will probably be on medicine the rest of his life.

Good luck!

2006-09-03 22:22:37 · answer #2 · answered by Tigger 7 · 0 0

well i don't think there is a name for that disorder. he does have a problem though. i think he needs a hobbie or part-time job. you need to get him back to sleeping at night and being awake during the day. it is not good to sleep so much like that because it makes you lazy, grumpy and so on. you might want to take him to the doctor, he will tell you the same thing i'm pretty sure.

2006-09-03 22:24:05 · answer #3 · answered by natie90 3 · 0 0

Wish I knew something that could help you. That cycle seems long at 3 to 5 days. Wait, I may have something> Bi-Polar? Perhaps it is a psychological problem. may be a psychologist can help. Medication from a psychiatrist

Or it is a physiological problem: or intermittent insomnia. the inability to sleep well or at all.

2006-09-03 22:26:24 · answer #4 · answered by Batchlor of the Arts 2 · 0 0

Sounds like a sleep disorder of some kind, you are right. Or it could be depression manifesting itself by sleeping. Either way, he needs to see a doctor. Talk to him when he is being the good dad and let him know you are worried. Hopefully, your mom will back you up.

2006-09-03 22:18:53 · answer #5 · answered by Chloe 6 · 2 0

Has he been to the doctor? He needs to see the doctor right away. It could be a chemical imbalance or a number of things. If he recognizes his strange behavior he needs to do something about it. It has to be a strain on your parents relationship, but you be strong. I would encourage my dad to seek medical attention. It could be sever depression also. It could be drugs a number of different things, but first he should see a doctor asap. Good luck to you.

2006-09-03 22:22:12 · answer #6 · answered by tjm317 1 · 0 0

It could be severe depression....or a myriad of other issues. He needs to seek medical attention. Sleeping 3-5 days is abnormal.

It also could be a sign of some type of substance abuse.

Best of luck!

2006-09-03 22:21:35 · answer #7 · answered by Venus__27 4 · 0 0

Do you think it might be depression? When did he retire? Sometimes people who are depressed sleep a lot. I am sorry your father is having this problem. I hope you find the help you need.

2006-09-03 22:21:52 · answer #8 · answered by eddysmomma 4 · 0 0

It could be a sleep disorder, or he could be bipolar. He should see a doctor to be evaluated.

2006-09-03 22:21:10 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

actually it sounds more like bi-polar, or depression than a sleeping problem

if he wants help, then he can go to see his family doctor and go from there... if he doesnt, then there isnt much you can do...

2006-09-03 22:21:25 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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