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Mental Health - January 2007

[Selected]: All categories Health Mental Health

I have trouble opening up. But want some help. I'm not sure how I could be helped, maybe I just need some drugs to lift me up. Feeling lonely, stressed... I just hide all my feelings, and then by the next day I've usually forgotten them and start over again. I don't feel I have the strength to help myself. I'm not motivated to exercise, to study, or to phone the GP. I'll probably be able to put a new "facias" on for school when term starts, but I might still feel this bad. I have a history of depression and I don't know if it's just my personality that puts me in this position. Can I pull myself together? (I'm in Scotland btw)

2007-01-03 11:19:17 · 12 answers · asked by joy_hardyman2003 2

I've been drinking daily for over twenty years and its part of my life

2007-01-03 11:16:13 · 8 answers · asked by Hippie_Rebel 2

2007-01-03 11:16:05 · 2 answers · asked by shuttabug22 1

and what else can it be used for? what about rational emotive therapy too?

2007-01-03 11:12:54 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

My husband died in a car accident a month ago, is there any way that they can communicate with us? Things were not good between us at the time of his death, I just need a sign to know things are alright

2007-01-03 11:10:47 · 10 answers · asked by jennifer m 1

Things that happened this past year have made me a very angry person and I can not stand it. I am so happy the new year is here to try to clear things up.

2007-01-03 11:09:05 · 7 answers · asked by Smelly 2

Is there a sure-fire way to know if I am bi-polar without seeing a doctor ? Thank you for all of the serious answers.

2007-01-03 10:50:21 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am an addict. I do not want to be. To think of once an addict always an addict makes me deppressed. Its like being sentenced to death afraid to go to the dentist or doctor, if there was a need for pain meds. what kind of life is that? The irrational fears and anxiety make me tired.

2007-01-03 10:46:21 · 13 answers · asked by no time to feel this way 1

2007-01-03 10:36:12 · 16 answers · asked by = [ 1

Anxiety is really having a negative affect on my life. Its affecting my social life, school, and work. I try to hide it but sometimes its really hard. Some people just think I'm mean or anti-social but when Im around a group of people I feel really uncomfortable and I think others can sense it. I've been suffering from this since my pre-teen years and I thought I would grow out of it but I was wrong. Its making me lonely because avoid others just so I wont have to go through feeling this way.Now being a little older I have identified that I have I problem and I need solutions my anxiety is blocking who I really am and I dont want to be like this for the rest of my life.

2007-01-03 10:17:27 · 12 answers · asked by BUTTA 2

I have nightmares almost everyday and I'm not exactly sure why. I dont think that its stress because usually great during the day. but sometimes i do get depressed because I'm on lots of medicine for my glaucoma. i've been recommended things such as dreamcatchers and praying but i'm atheist. are there any other ways? what is imagery rehearsal?

2007-01-03 10:15:31 · 15 answers · asked by Tuan N 1

I went to the ER this morning because i thought I was dying...

2007-01-03 10:15:28 · 11 answers · asked by deejay 1

2007-01-03 09:59:23 · 6 answers · asked by bongu 1

my 15 year old sister has been showing symptons that are very very disturbing.

Last night I heard screaming coming from her bedroom, So I ran up stairs to see what was wrong.When I walked into her room she had defecated on her bed and she was hunched over it masterbating and screaming at the top of her voice, S he has been talking to herself a lot lately and she is waiting for a diagnosis from her psychiatrist.

Please help me I am not making this up, I am 17 years old and I dont know How to handle this and I need help.

should I tell my parents what happened, thanks in advnace

2007-01-03 09:59:19 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-01-03 09:57:58 · 10 answers · asked by bongu 1

I have Dual Personality Disorder.
And so do I.

2007-01-03 09:20:34 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

I'll often stay up till about 2-3 AM and just shake and get rapid heart beats because Im so terrified. I live in a good part of town, but its kind of in the country area. I just get so paranoid, I really want to get a restful sleep at night.

2007-01-03 09:12:58 · 19 answers · asked by Marielephant 1

Ok lately I have been very upset about going to school i'm in 9th grade and I literally hate going to school. I wanna learn and try but at my school everyone is always sick, and sicknesses are going around, everyone is mean, and the teachers are so hard on us.. I really don't like it there.I have been worrying so much about this that its makeing me sick and i can't sleep from it.. My friend told me about a website for home schooling and I really like it and think it would be better for me I mean i feel comfortable in my own house and I think I would be able to concentarte more.. right now in school im not concentrating that good im too worried about what everyone else thinks.. and im to worried that i am gonna get sick.. I told my mom about this and she said I need to go into a mental institution and she said no about the homeschooling thing.. im really upset now because i really think that homeschooling would be alot better for me.. anyone no what i should do? Any advice would be nice

2007-01-03 08:51:47 · 6 answers · asked by kulpbre 2

My dishes are making me sad... there are so many dirty that it's daunting and depressing... yet at the same time i wish that they were done, so that's making me depressed as well... it's a vicious cycle. Any ideas?

2007-01-03 08:43:27 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

I drink all the time. When I am depressed, alone, or bored. It makes me feel worse but how can I stop. I am addicted. I think if I met people and had friends or a girlfriend I wouldn't as much. but how can I meet someone. No one seems interested in me.

2007-01-03 08:39:29 · 12 answers · asked by John S 2

i dont eat is that why im so dizzy and i feel like somone is pushing on my head???

im sick of ppl telling me i need to see a therapist well i jsut dont want pro. help bc i cutt,have an eating disorder, i tried to od,and i have planned how i was going to kill myself. why do so many ppl care about me??? what should i do??? im so scared to go to a therapist bc i dont want to go to a mental hospital and i know if i go they will make me!
i cutt and i have stoped eating... everyone at my school knows from teachers to principles.... no one understands..... im not crazy im a cheerleader and im a great student..... i just need some advice..... what will happen if i dont eat and in how many days????? nedd advice thats all.... why do people always say that the reason you cutt is bc you want attention..... if you cutt or have an eating disorder can you still be a teacher or a psycologist when you grow up???
... everyone at my school knows from teachers to principles.... no one under

2007-01-03 08:23:37 · 6 answers · asked by theyscrewedupmylifeycanttheylive 1

not trying to be rude. Doctors: why do they act the way they do?Any scitzofrinics? i need to understand why you think the way you do. should i be worried? my aunt is a scizofrinic.my aunt is 40+ years old, and im 15. i like spending time with her, because she's nice and kind. but she gets on my nerves sometimes, because i will say something and she will just look and stare at me, and say something like "STOP IT!" and then she will always wonder what im doing if im in the kitchen, for too long, she will come in there and see what im doing. she also annoys me by laughing at stuff i say. and talking bad about me. but inside shes really nice, and she used to be nice to me, she probably gets fed up some with me. but she doesn't like to be alone, and when ever my uncle is out of rown she calls me to stay the night with her. are these actions normal for her. she is on medication.

2007-01-03 07:58:11 · 3 answers · asked by me 1

Just trying to find out...

2007-01-03 07:55:42 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous

I want to take a personality test, but I don't know where I can find one. Any websites/links you can give me?

2007-01-03 07:53:26 · 7 answers · asked by Tally(: 2

In Oct., I suffered a series of mind-blowing headaches that made me hurt so bad (on the right side of my head, mostly), I'd get tremors. They made me feel as if I was dying, and it felt like electricity moving through my skull. I could feel when they were about to happen, 'cuz the left side of my brain would start to tingle and feel weird. No meds helped, and that includes Tylenol, Advil, or whiskey. These episodes left me drained, very tired, and were unpredictable. Then one night, while I was having another episode, I told my b/f I didn't love him anymore, and I had no idea why I said it. My behavior was erratic afterwards, and my beautiful 4-yr. relationship started to rapidly deteriorate. We have no unresolved issues, and my love treats me like a princess. So...what gives? What could make me feel like dropping out of love with my future husband in one night? What the heck happened to me? These headaches totally messed up my world!

2007-01-03 07:52:07 · 7 answers · asked by scarlet_sands 1

2007-01-03 07:45:30 · 10 answers · asked by Babydoll 2

what do you do?i cant walk around like this and i dont want to go to friends again.i know it will turn off friends if i talk about it too much.

2007-01-03 07:40:23 · 5 answers · asked by dlbonhomme 1

what do you do?

2007-01-03 07:29:00 · 3 answers · asked by dlbonhomme 1

Several days ago he told me he hasn't been happy for a long time even before we met (we've been together for 3 years). He had very hard childhood, his mother died when he was little and he had very hard times since then including beeing sexially abused. He doesn't love his job, he told me lately, and it's been going on for a while. I'm strugling to find out the way to help him. I love him very much and want him to be happy but I don't really know what to do. Please, help!
Thanks to everybody for your unswers.

2007-01-03 07:25:46 · 6 answers · asked by Trisha 1

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