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Mental Health - September 2006

[Selected]: All categories Health Mental Health

I suffer from anxiety and depression, so I have a hard time with every day life, much less the wedding plans. BUT her finance's family is being so great - buying her dress, cake, flowers, etc. I really feel left out, but know in my condition I can't do much. I live 12 hours away, they live closer. THEN within a month my daughter and son-in-law will be moving in with his parents. I am very happy for them, but extremely sad for me!

2006-09-03 21:36:27 · 15 answers · asked by lorna56dave 4

For the last 5 years I have grown an increasingly troublesome fear for the physical interactions of greeting and leaving people. This has become so bad that sometimes I choose not to go out to avoid physical interaction. One recent example is a girl (only friends, she has a boyfriend) I play music with, we have only hung out 5 times but the last 4 times I have given her a hug when we greet and when we depart. I then dwell on the appropriateness of this hug, and honestly fear seeing her again because of this. I have this same problem with friends and co-workers (men and women alike). It is not that I fear the social settings, I love hanging out and talking with people, and once the physical interaction is over I'm fine (although right before we depart I start building anxiety). I was wondering if anyone else has this problem, could anyone offer me advice for this, and is this fear normal or should I seek help? Thanks

2006-09-03 21:31:34 · 7 answers · asked by shaun11 1

he is very smart on the Yahoo answer thing! he has helped me a lot.

2006-09-03 21:21:59 · 3 answers · asked by Auntie B 2

He had a fling a few weeks ago and now I have twice found that her number has been rung from our home phone but he totally denies it, says the phone is malfunctioning. Also I was having trouble logging onto the internet but when he tried it was fine, when he was out I realised he had unplugged the modem, so I plugged it in and the computor connected, I left it unplugged before he came home, and this morning said I was having trouble again. He connected ok and I checked, and the modem was plugged in again. He denied this too and said I was going crazy. Is there a condition which would make him do this? Has he had a breakdown? Please help.

2006-09-03 21:14:48 · 40 answers · asked by good tree 6

Aren't taking drugs or drinking too much just as bad or worse for your body than a few little scratches on your arm?

2006-09-03 21:12:46 · 9 answers · asked by xfallenangelstearsx 2

2006-09-03 20:56:02 · 13 answers · asked by vonnie 1

I have high cholesterol (about 180) and lower than normal blood pressure (10/7). I wonder if anybody else has had these symptoms and any suggestion to cure my ED.


2006-09-03 20:55:51 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

i got married at the age of 16 and had my first born at the age of 16 too,since i married young and had a family young i lost all of my friends because i stoped partying, drinking, acting wild and going out.
for years i felt complete just by having my family members around, i still feel very happy and greatful to have my family, but i am starting to feel that i need to make some friends,i feel lonely, people always take a liking to me but i am scared to take the next step, it is very hard for me to socialize and carry on a conversation, what should i do to become less shy and more outgoing and more confidant?

2006-09-03 20:54:44 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-09-03 20:52:55 · 8 answers · asked by Joy_Brigade 3

I´m really getting concerned about, is it normal to have this close relationship with a psiquiatry? or do they have a crush? is she really trying to help him or just taking advantage? I don't like the situation... he calls her to get his pills bought, to ask her to extra appointments when he feels depresed (she never says no), and now she invited him to a 3 day weekend yoga and meditation group followed by an extraordinary appointment this week to work his issues, is really necesary?

2006-09-03 20:08:40 · 15 answers · asked by edna_bis 1

worry worry worry, is suicide the answer ? i don't want to be alone. if i am dead i will not worry...

2006-09-03 20:02:40 · 17 answers · asked by psyman_x 3

Hi I am 18 yrs old, guy. I have an Iq of around 130, is there a way to improve upon it? What is the best way to improve mathematicall skills?

2006-09-03 19:50:41 · 18 answers · asked by kevin 2

I've tried everything, including prescriptions they only seem to make it worse. I've been to doctors and sleep centers. They just write a prescription. The nights I can actually dream seem to be a better rest, than those nights without dreaming. I am going bonkers with sleep depravity. Please give me a some help.

2006-09-03 19:36:13 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

i cut. i just started the other day so the cuts arent really that deep but im afraid that if i continue then they will get deeper. i cant tell my parents cuz they will freak out. i cant tell my school counselor cuz i think she'll tell my parents and ... well... yeah. i dont have a shrink. the only people that know are my older sister and my friend. my sis knows cuz she saw the cuts and my friend knows cuz i told her. where can i go so that my parents dont find out?

2006-09-03 19:26:28 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

this happens to me since i was a little kid , im always worried about my health! if my head hurts i think its a tumor and i get obsesed , it doesnt stop after i get over one disease another one starts helpp!!!!

2006-09-03 19:24:48 · 10 answers · asked by JohnMcgregortexas123 2


For some reason i'm always drawn to the lighthouse near my house. There is nothing special about it. its just the tower part, the building burned down long ago. I always have the strong urge to go there at around midnight. Is it that i enjoy somthign about it or something more.

2006-09-03 19:20:20 · 14 answers · asked by Noonk 2

hello im 16 years old and this has been happening to me lately , it happens just when im going to sleep , instantly after i close my eyes i start dreaming knowing that im awake and this happens a few times before i can get to sleep

2006-09-03 19:08:23 · 9 answers · asked by JohnMcgregortexas123 2

i cant seem to concentrate well in the day, but i am more active n feel fresher in the nite. any tips to help my prob in the day, coz i want to utilise my every hours everyday.

2006-09-03 19:03:16 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

if so how long does it take to go away, i already seen my docter and she gave me pills to help me. i am already starting to feel better, but i still feel down alot, what can i do to help me get passed this, It is so hard.

2006-09-03 18:59:21 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am not sure if this is a mental condition or the experiences that I have encountered and accumulated in life, I am losing confidence to meet anybody, or talk to anybody.I shivered almost every waking moment. What condition is this? where do I go help? I don't wan to let my family know and am aware that medical bill would definately alert them. How to regain my confidence?

2006-09-03 18:49:12 · 4 answers · asked by juan 1

I Fear is the Start Off. I havent been on a plane of 8 years and im scared i got 14 more days to go.

Right Now I take 4mg Daily is there anyother things that help. Ginger, Ginger ale need advice Bonin Dramine

2006-09-03 18:43:10 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

How did it help you? If you would like, can you tell me how old you were when you read it and what your issue was?

(no names or locations)

2006-09-03 18:41:49 · 11 answers · asked by Dune 2

Comedians and musicians use their right brains optimally , Or do they? is wittiness and sense of humor and musical inclination and instrumental skillfulness has a hemispheric localization? Science is telling us that the brain is like a muscle, that can be trained, it also increases in mass, over time, as we practice musical instrument or do anything that exerts brain power, If so, is there any hemispheric asymmetry in the brain of a musician or a comedian, or a artist, compared to people with, say, more analytical or mathematical jobs, like an accountant?

2006-09-03 18:27:03 · 2 answers · asked by crunk 2

please i want a medical doctor to answer this. better yet a neurologist or a psychiatrist

2006-09-03 18:03:01 · 7 answers · asked by Viktor 2

2006-09-03 17:44:26 · 21 answers · asked by john b 1

I know "letting your hair down" is an expression, but is it normal to actually fear letting your hair down and avoid doing so at all costs? Is it normal for a girl to worry about losing her hairband or clip and so she carries extra with her all the time? To feel completely uncomfortable and anxious when her hair is not tied back?

This is a completely serious question.

2006-09-03 17:04:44 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

That "sexual" question wasnt near as bad as some of them that i have answered today so ju chill ok give everyone a break

2006-09-03 17:01:07 · 8 answers · asked by Brook-Lyn19 1

2006-09-03 16:49:37 · 38 answers · asked by Anonymous

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