About a week ago, I felt a small ache on my left side of my chest, down near the bottom of my ribcage. I had been coughing a lot from a cold the previous week, and now that ache has blown up into a pretty painful area. I am not having any trouble breathing, I can take a deep breath, it just makes that area hurt when I do. However, when I bend over or double over, I can cough or take a deep breath with a LOT less discomfort, or if I pull the skin away from my ribcage. I am able to sleep normally, and when I wake up, it feels a lot stiffer on that left side, and it hurts when I attempt to lift myself up, then when I am up it feels better.
The reason I ask here is because for one, I have no health insurance and would like to avoid a trip to the emergency room if at all possible, if I have to go in, I will of course, screw the money. Also, about 20 years ago my father had an attack of Pleurisy, and I want to make sure it's not a lung issue. Thanks!
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