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General Health Care - August 2006

[Selected]: All categories Health General Health Care

First Aid · Injuries · Other - General Health Care · Pain & Pain Management

The back of my throat hurts really bad and it is so very hard to swallow. The thing in the back of my throat seems swollen, how do i make it go down, or feel better? Its been like this for a few days now.....

2006-08-11 02:01:12 · 9 answers · asked by jessnclh 3 in Other - General Health Care

2006-08-11 01:21:37 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - General Health Care

They may respect the work you do or your ability to nurse or your knowledge but has every single doctor you've ever worked with like you. The reason I am asking is that I am the managing RN for a newly formed hospice, I went out marketing with our new marketer a couple of days ago and in the process of making our visits I mentioned to her a couple of doctors in our small home town who didn't particularly see eye to eye with me in the past. Now I know it's her job to be all sugar and sweet and basically kiss *** to get them to refer to us. The next day my corporate nurse calls me to see if there will be a problem with me working in this area. I asked her the same question, just thought I would hear from others.

2006-08-11 01:08:44 · 11 answers · asked by Only hell mama ever raised 6 in Other - General Health Care

ive been sffering with depresion for over a yr and have been on the sick for 6months, seeing a counselor for 3 but hasnt helped. i thought being off would help me buti ts made me worse, and my personal situations are brining me further down.. discovered i am a lesbian, fell in love witha girl who for the last few months thinngs have been very rocky with.. spposed to be together now but never see her, only when it uits her i think, shes not 'out'. my nan died last week and had funeral yesterday, gf wasnt there for me as much as she could have been.. cant stand living at home, dont get on with my parents and i dont have any friends nd im realy shy to make any.. also work have now given me half pay so im getting into money troubles :o( i dont know what to do.. i have this really bad energy around me all the time and i feel exhausted all the time, im always crying, i justdont know what to do to help myself :o(

2006-08-11 01:07:48 · 32 answers · asked by shygirl83 1 in Other - General Health Care

But when the alarm clock starts to bleep
I just want to go back to sleep?

2006-08-11 00:57:33 · 11 answers · asked by nev 4 in Other - General Health Care

2006-08-11 00:54:35 · 4 answers · asked by acer67razer 1 in Other - General Health Care

2006-08-11 00:50:19 · 18 answers · asked by johnny28 2 in Injuries

Does anyone know of any ?

2006-08-11 00:25:21 · 2 answers · asked by Claudia G 2 in Other - General Health Care

Been giving some thought to participating in some medical trials to help pay off some debt from Uni.
Just wondering if anyone has taken part in any such experiment and wouldn't mind sharing their experience as the web sites seem to skirt around the actual details of what you'll be subjected to:
Where was your trial? What did they actually do to you? How long did it last? How much were you paid?

2006-08-11 00:06:25 · 6 answers · asked by sly` 3 in Other - General Health Care

I have suffred with panic attacks for almost 4 years i can go months without having one then i'll get lots all at once my symptons are chest pains and tingling arms I used to think i was having a heartattack lol but my heart is fine.
I am not taking any kind of medication as everytime i go to the doctors they are very dismissive can anyone give me their take on panic attacks and what are your symptoins??????

2006-08-10 22:04:52 · 27 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - General Health Care

2006-08-10 21:56:14 · 14 answers · asked by Tia 1 in First Aid

2006-08-10 21:23:26 · 14 answers · asked by Me 3 in Other - General Health Care

I get headeaches about 3-5 days a week. Somedays though they are so umberriable. I had one today took 800mg ibprofin and and two hours later 2 extrasrength tylonol then back to the advil in two hours. This did not even help. What can I do?

2006-08-10 20:15:16 · 23 answers · asked by finkksta 3 in Other - General Health Care

I find that the preparatory laxative drink that is given to patients before a colonoscopy to clean them out seems to have an ingredient in it that I have a reaction to. I start retching and vomiting just from the smell of it let alone drinking it. Now, I can eat and drink some pretty gross things with no problems, so it's not a matter of taste or smell. It seems to have an ingredient in it that I have some sort of allergic reaction. I have the same reaction when I drink Gatorade, but I can't seem to find a common ingredient.

Does anyone else have this problem? If so, what is the cause???

2006-08-10 19:56:07 · 4 answers · asked by CumQuaT 2 in Other - General Health Care

when iwash my hair they look abit fluffy but from the next day they become oily and sticky and flat.i have big round face which looks horrible with flat hair .pls suggest some hair remedie

2006-08-10 19:43:16 · 2 answers · asked by bicky_rndhw 1 in Other - General Health Care

I want sleep! I have my hours all messed up... can't get to sleep until close to morning. What have you tried that works? Thanks everyone:)

2006-08-10 19:04:09 · 12 answers · asked by el 4 in Other - General Health Care

Its stiff anf i have to rub it constantly and it all started after my neck spasm. What do i do?

2006-08-10 18:36:39 · 11 answers · asked by siroric 1 in Injuries

I know farting is inevitable in airplanes, but is there any way to lessen or stop it. I swear my stomach hurts when I'm up there! I'm leaving in two days. I need answers right away. PLEASE. Seriously. :(

2006-08-10 17:49:45 · 12 answers · asked by tomato_marker 1 in Other - General Health Care

It only hurts when stiff. After sleeping or sitting still..then hurts when first walked on, but after 1 minute, no pain and I can do anything painless. But sit still for 10 minutes or inactivity and it tightens up and I cant even stand on it. anyone know what this condition is called? anyone have a medical link on the web for it?

2006-08-10 17:38:01 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Injuries

she have hers on her toe nail and its just sucks, she tried some products before but it didnt do anythin for her i guess

2006-08-10 17:27:03 · 11 answers · asked by gracy_rivera 1 in First Aid

I have problems sleeping almost every night. I wake up many times and I have a hard time staying asleep. Even taking tyelenol pm doesn't help some nights, other times it will keep me asleep. It doesn't really seem like I have racing thoughts that keep me awake, as that has been the case for me before. Now my body just doesn't stay asleep. I also always feel uncomfortable in many positions and change alot. My family has told me that I sometimes gasp for breath or breathe weird but I don't know how often that is.
I feel like I need a sleep study just to get something solved but I am running out of insurance pretty soon and I wondered how much they are, if it is worth getting one, and what happens during it.

2006-08-10 17:21:23 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - General Health Care

i am taking prescription pills for inflammation of tissues around the elbow. i took the pill this morning but i think when i swallowed it went down wrong. my throat is irriated and having hard time swallowing. is there something that would make it easier to swallow and not irritable without going to the doctor

2006-08-10 17:13:45 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in First Aid

I heard in France, Germany and western European countries have free health care, but that you have to pay for premium care.

Is this true?

2006-08-10 17:08:01 · 6 answers · asked by motorized vehicle 3 in Other - General Health Care

I get these stupid leg cramps - mostly at night or early morning -
6:00 am or so... they grab you and your leg and you get such pain
& can't move! Yesterday I was walking to my car & it was 5 pm &
I felt it come on me - from my back of my knee down my leg! It sure hurt like heck! I am on Quinine Sulfate 325 mg for it and it
mostly helps, but what does anyone else take? This is driving me
nuts! Stress doesn't help it either - it brings them on. EEK!

2006-08-10 16:32:03 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - General Health Care

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