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Skin Conditions

[Selected]: All categories Health Diseases & Conditions Skin Conditions

ok so here is my story... for the past 3 months, my friends and myself noticed flakes (dandruff?) around my mouth.

i was told to put some cream on it and unfortunately i used dove cream which i discovered i was allergic to it when my mouth turned red hours later.

it's been two weeks now, and i've still got the redness and LOADS of flakes around my mouth.

i was told not to use vaseline because it'll only trap the germs and make things worse.

so i have 2 questions:
- Does aqueous cream do the same as vaseline?
- Should i use aqueous cream to help my rash?

please help :(


2007-12-13 05:40:11 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

i have a very unsightly scar on my leg which i done when i was younger i think i may have needed stictches but i didnt think at the time, and now it looks kinda like a burn scar,
how do i reduce the appearance?
any natural solutions?

2007-12-13 05:31:08 · 13 answers · asked by BB 2

2007-12-13 04:48:50 · 26 answers · asked by Kizzeith 1

I noticed a few weeks ago that I had a cluster of three bites that swelled like puffy mesquito bites two different spots on my body. After a couple of days they turned red and flat. I went weeks with no bites. Then yesterday I slept on the couch and my stomach and back were attacked. I have five on my somach and six on my side and maybe a couple on my back. My children havent had any until that night. My son slept on the couch wth me and has two on his tummy. My dog doesnt show any signs of fleas. He is a fawn colored pug and fleas would be easy to see on him. I flipped my matress to look for bugs in all the beds and there is nothing. I looked in the seams and nothing there either. I am shampooing my dog to be safe. I am freaking out because I dont know the problem. What are these bites??

2007-12-13 04:17:13 · 3 answers · asked by galbee 3

So this guy i know is getting his legs cut off, and i want to help him with his dealio. Seriously, does anybody know any treatment, *besides going to the doctor* maybe organic or home-treatment. please help me!!!!

2007-12-13 02:16:25 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-12-12 20:24:33 · 12 answers · asked by pip 34 4

For the last few years I'll go through a period of time when I just break out in weird skin rashes/hives through out the day. Its totally random, out of no where i'll break out in huge pink rash on random parts of my skin. They rarely itch but its embassing having big rashes swell all of a sudden. Could I be allergic to something or what?

2007-12-12 19:45:04 · 4 answers · asked by sunkissed02 4

I am very tiny (4'10" 90 lbs) and I normally have chicken legs and when I woke up this morning, my ankles and feet are bigger in diameter than my calves. I am 45 and take high blood pressure meds along with depakote. Has this happened to any of you? My ankles never swell up. Should I be worried?

2007-12-12 19:29:50 · 2 answers · asked by sherijgriggs 6

I mean everyone is different but say what's the average age I should notice a difference by?

There's a giant pimple on the back on my neck and back and litterally they appeared out of nowhere i just noticed and felt both of them now..

2007-12-12 17:06:52 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have dry skin around my cheeks and sides of my noise, when I put lotion on it it starts to burn, is it normal? is there any good treatment to help make my face healthy and yellow toned? My face is a little pale and long ago I didn't have that kind of face. Thanks

2007-12-12 16:35:18 · 6 answers · asked by NiNes 4

Did pine tar soap help get rid of the flaky, itchy skin?

2007-12-12 14:22:47 · 6 answers · asked by Pogonotomy 3

2007-12-12 12:37:06 · 10 answers · asked by nat g 1

Hey, I have a little, red rash type circle on my arm, it is smaller,and in the middle it is kind of dry. Somebody said this was ring worm, Any ideas for what ti is?

2007-12-12 12:07:38 · 5 answers · asked by Emily J 6

In the middle of last year i had really dry hands. I used lotion but it would only make it sting. This year i got it again and it itches really bad and it feels like flour. My hands are constantly red and when i take a shower the water hurts my hands. I only have it on one hand but its starting to happen on the other hand. It espiccilaly worst at the knuckle area. I think it has something to do with the soap i use to wash my hands but im not sure since i had it lasat year to!

2007-12-12 12:06:58 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am having surgery to remove my gaulblatter because i have gallstones but i don't know if it is a big enough of a deal that i need to miss any work for it.

2007-12-12 10:59:10 · 3 answers · asked by Buggz 1

what should i do they are numb

2007-12-12 09:46:16 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-12-12 08:00:59 · 6 answers · asked by Questi0n 1

I've tried everything...doxycyclin, minocyclin, erythromycin, even birth control...but nothing works! (the cyclins were the most successful but it turns out I'm allergic) I don't want to go on acutane because of the side effects, what else can i do?!

2007-12-12 07:10:04 · 18 answers · asked by tc 2

when ive been outside in the cold for about half an hour my face starts itching and my feet , legs and hands, why is this ?

2007-12-12 06:40:55 · 19 answers · asked by blossom 1

I know it can not be cured but surely it can be controled. Doctor has prescribed all kinds of things and it will start to control it and then goes right back to the way it was. He changes to another and the same thing. Anyone have any suggestions.

2007-12-12 05:52:12 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

How long does it take for the skin underneith a scab to heal so that it doesn't bleed when you take it off? It's gross yes, but bear with me:)

2007-12-12 04:25:47 · 5 answers · asked by Isaac van Mosley 2

This started about four months ago, i noticed a change in the mirror when i was combing my hair my armpits had gotten danker!! And they keep getting darker!!!??? Has anyone else encounterd this problem before? Anybody know how to get it off????

2007-12-12 04:10:09 · 2 answers · asked by zayu1215 1

I have small blisters in between the toes of just one of my feet. Why have i got them? I get the impression that I have spread them due to olaying with them. I tend to feel uncomfortable when my feet are too hot could it have anything to do with that?
How can I get rid of them?

2007-12-12 02:54:31 · 5 answers · asked by Hally 2

i know sunlight helps depression (i have mild-moderate) but how does the sun make u feel better ??
. i love it since thesuns been out lately :)

2007-12-12 00:07:07 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

Does it hav an effect on the sebaceous glands in the skin, to cause breakouts?

2007-12-11 19:32:10 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

Can any one give me a good link to Acne Cure Ebook, and Possible Treatment Site Urgent Please

2007-12-11 19:15:35 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

sideways and remove it real quick i can see my skin slowly returning back to its original state..is this normal?

2007-12-11 18:23:15 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous

ive had this lump under my skin on my right temple for a long time, id hate to guess how long and have it b wrong if that makes a difference in anyones answer, but ill just say like 4 months or so. sometimes its not so visible because it would b small enough that the skin wouldnt buldge out much, but its popped a few times now and some blood and pus comes out but it always heals up somewhat smaller but never acually goes away. it hurts too, but only when its irritated from popping. when its not irritated and i touch it its like i can feel it moving around under the skin like its just full of some fluid that just doesnt want to leave. im probably gonna go to a dermatologist at this point to figure it out once and for all i just hope its nothing serious, because i also have something like this going on between my eyebrows now that ive popped a few times now and its gotten much smaller, all i can describe it as is cystic acne, or a boil or a carbuncle, i just hope its nothing more serious

2007-12-11 15:57:57 · 6 answers · asked by Schnauzer 1