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Other - Diseases - November 2007

[Selected]: All categories Health Diseases & Conditions Other - Diseases

This moring I woke up. I had my head under the blanket and could not breath. But when I tried to move my head out or throw the blanket off i coudn't move eventully i was able to kick thew blanket off. After a minute i regained control of all movment but what happend for that minute.

2007-11-21 02:17:40 · 5 answers · asked by E S 1

I I Am a heart patient with three major blocks in all the three major blood vessels. I have to be very vigilent for any kind of pain in my left side of abdorminal or chest areas . Recentely I had "pancreatitis" attack & pain under my left rib and was diagonised as gall bladder stone problem. Treated and cured completely. Now if i take oily foods, i get pain under my LEFT rib.So I stopped oily foods. Sometimes even IF I DO NOT take oily food ALSO some times mild pain under rib . I am not able to discreminate wheather the pain is due to heart or gall bladder. One Website says Gall Bladdar pains always under right side abdomon but I had on the left side and having How to discreminate the pain is due to Heart Or Gall Bladdar. This pain is random and occational. As I heart Patient with all blocks I can't take chances. The pain some times for 5 minutes or 10 min or 15 min and vanishes always.

2007-11-21 00:07:23 · 7 answers · asked by Sanjay K 1

My Bf is only 18 and will be migrating soon to California, the saddest news is he will be donating his kidney to his mom. at first i agree but what if he will suffered a lot on the operation, what if he will not make it?or what if his other kidney will be infected 10 years from now, i dont want to donate my kidney for him. im scared for him because he is too young. and i dont think my thoughts would change his mind....what do u think

2007-11-20 23:34:29 · 11 answers · asked by girl ur looking for! 4

Obviously, I have read all the info I can from the 'net and elsewhere, but that's not the same as personal experience. My son, who has learning difficulties, seizures etc is being investigated for this.

2007-11-20 19:38:45 · 5 answers · asked by Penelope R 4

(Those 2 glands on your neck are lymphnodes right??)
Just my right one hurts, like if I move a certian way it feel like little needles. It's not too terrably painful, just noticeable. It feels a LITTLE bit swolen compaired to my left one. I am traveling now, so that's why I havn't gone to a doctor. PLEASE HELP, I am freaking out!! (I am a hyprocondract) Could it be from traveling? Air difference? I am sort of pushing it a lot and rubbing it to check if it;s swolen, could that be why too?

2007-11-20 10:37:05 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

btw i also just startes drinking that fleets phospher soda GROSS!

2007-11-20 10:17:36 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

i have one now and every time i blink it hurts, so irritating

2007-11-20 09:59:59 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

In gym class, I have a friend who, after working out, running etc. is hot and sweaty - except for his forearms. They turn a dark, bruised purple and they are very cold to the touch (imagine what a sweaty glass of a cold drink would feel like). If I press my finger lightly on his arm, his skin turns a bright yellowish color.

What exactly is causing this???

2007-11-20 09:06:56 · 1 answers · asked by Ammy 6

I have been on xanax xr for about a week and a half, and i have generalized anxiety disorder. it has helped with my stomach, but i still feel like i have a lump in my throat. what's the problem, and what should t try?

2007-11-20 08:31:34 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous

has anyone experienced this or know what it might be? he takes in as much fluid as he always has so i dont think he is dehydrated.

2007-11-20 08:31:02 · 13 answers · asked by curiousin08 3

My angiogram does not suggest that the LAD is suitable for intervention of any kind , I require aggressive management of my risk factors - what does this mean

2007-11-20 06:36:23 · 2 answers · asked by Moid A 1

It feels as if i'm on a rollercoaster even if i'm sitting or standing. The only way the dizziness stops is if i go to sleep or I'm able to use the restroom

2007-11-20 06:20:52 · 4 answers · asked by Shannon B 1

did king george the 3rd of Great britain have rabies?

2007-11-20 05:12:04 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

i just know someone who has it and i was wondering if you can gradually grow out of it or anything?

2007-11-20 05:00:12 · 3 answers · asked by Keila 4

I’m not sure how to ask this, but my daughter is 2 ½ years old and she has been getting UTI’s since she was 6mos. And we recently had VCUG and a NVCUG. The VCUG showed that she had reflux of a grade 2 and the NVCUG confirmed the results, she also has scarring on her right kidney and is smaller than the left so we have her on an antibiotic for now but the Urologist is suggesting surgery. Is this in your opinion the only way to resolve her problem or will the antibiotic over time be something we should consider, please help.

2007-11-20 03:29:42 · 2 answers · asked by Sean 1

I know a friend that has henoch schonlein pura it lil red spot that shows up on the body but it painful and it hurts him. I was wondering what you can use to help take the pain away,

2007-11-20 02:33:31 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous

Its been over a week and its stlolo there, now i FEEL LIKE THERES A LUMP IN IT. Help?!

2007-11-20 02:00:38 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

i dont know what it is but something about the sound of pee splashing in the toilet pleases me in some way. do any of you have this same feeling and what does it mean? please comment on what u think.

2007-11-19 23:38:28 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

This is a question based on nothing more than curiousity. Is it possible to inject Heroin wrong and cause your arm to be messed up and amputated? I've heard somewhere that its true. I have my doubts.No, I'm not an addict, only with coffee. And I dont intend to be one. I would just like to know for general reasons. I'm not a student or anything, I'm actually a factory worker with a bit too much time on his hands. Any repiles would be great, because I am genuinly interested in this. Thanks.

2007-11-19 20:11:09 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

Can't get to see a doctor until next year!

2007-11-19 18:11:42 · 5 answers · asked by comelucky96 3

I have had my own script for a couple of years but now i cant aford it. my sister has medicade, so she had the doc prescribe it for her, but she gives it to me. would i fail a drug test because of this

2007-11-19 18:08:37 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

Could casual drug abuse (ie, cocaine and marijauna), help show early sign's of the above. I have been told that Paranoia that is sometimes evident after taking these drugs is due to a dopamine deficiencey. If that is the case (which I'm not sure is accurate or not) would it not show that the brain is already showing sign's that it will not be releasing enough dopimine that could cause Alzheimer's and Parkinson's?

2007-11-19 16:57:19 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-11-19 16:18:03 · 7 answers · asked by cello 1

2007-11-19 15:54:02 · 10 answers · asked by blue 1

i've had a history of kidney stones and kidney infections. i get a lot of nagging pains in my kidneys that only last for about 2-3 a few times a day. i always thought they were kind of like "phantom" pains or just normal if you've had kidney stones or something. could there actually be something wrong with my kidneys?

2007-11-19 15:11:22 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am suffering from symptoms, that are causing me great pain. my symptoms are: burning in my hands and feet, my legs, and arms. Numbness in fingers, stiffness in hands, difficulty walking, ripping feeling in hands. This has been going on for a month. I know what it is NOT: reflex sympathetic dystrophy, diabetes, lupus, lyme disease, anxiety,depression, the doctors do not think it is autoimmune, inflamatory,or something wrong with the nervous system. the rheumatologist believes told me it is due to stress and basically without actually saying the words, told me i was going crazy. i know my body and i do not believe it is RSD. please if these symptoms sound familiar and aren't i mention please tell me. I just turn 17, and i have miss a month of school. this is very diabilating. I just want my normal life back. I am open to any ideas. thank you very much.

2007-11-19 15:08:27 · 7 answers · asked by ladyhella2000 1

Since I was 7 years old. Now I'm 13 and beginning to wonder how I got it if nobody in my family has had it. Well it started when I was 7 and then I threw up one day, and then ever since then, I've had acid reflux.It Just has me puzzled. Could anyone give me an explanation???????????????? or a website on this?
I am on Medication still.............

2007-11-19 10:14:47 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

sorry i know its a gross question. i always see on medicine boxes do not use if you have mucus in your stool? how can you tell? is it fairly obvious? i mean is it the same/ does it look the same as the stuff in your nose? here is why i worry. i am only 26 but am a retired heavy drinker. i know i have burnt the insides of my stomach so i quit earlier than later. just lookin for some info to be aware of. thanks.

2007-11-19 10:10:49 · 10 answers · asked by joenoname81 1

Meaning in (levels) I mean
Level 1:Single gene disorder
Level 2:Chromosome Abnormalities
Level 3:Multifactorial Disorders

2007-11-19 09:19:43 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

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