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Diseases & Conditions - 2 May 2007

[Selected]: All categories Health Diseases & Conditions

Allergies · Cancer · Diabetes · Heart Diseases · Infectious Diseases · Other - Diseases · Respiratory Diseases · Skin Conditions · STDs


First of all I do not have crabs, just want to make that clear. My friends and I were having a discussion the other day about crabs. Back when I was in school I saw some "things" crawling in the head of a girl that I went to school with. They looked like mini lobsters with the pinchers and everything but they were a brown/tan color. I could have sworn that these were crabs but my friends said crabs don't look like that..What could these things have been? BTW, the girl was nasty so don't leave anything out.

2007-05-02 17:03:32 · 4 answers · asked by prettyprettyprincess 1 in STDs

This sounds strange and bizarre, but I've noticed for a few weeks that I get a definite pins and needles sensation in the front of my thighs when I bow my head towards my chest.

I have absolutely no idea what that could be, or even if it's serious (feels a little like when you bang your elbow; the "funny bone" feeling.)

Any ideas of what this can be? Anyone ever have this happen to them?

2007-05-02 17:00:23 · 10 answers · asked by bizzyditch 2 in Other - Diseases

Im 50 yrs old and just went threw a IVP ..I have a very large imbedded stone in the uper quads of my left kidney along wit 2 other mstones in the middle quads of my left kidney.My left kidey was very ,very slow in showing void of the dye. I work in a factory and on my jab I am lifting 25 - 50 lbs and pulling weights of up to 150 lbs. Will working untill they are removed hurting me and/or my kidney farther.

2007-05-02 16:54:35 · 1 answers · asked by ohio mamaw 1 in Other - Diseases

So, pretty much, I want to wear cologne. However, whenever I do, if I can smell it all day, I get horrible headaches and feel light headed. I'm pretty sure I'm allergic somehow... but not in the usual sense of my body attacking a certain chemical... but is there a cologne in existance that I could wear? I know some other people who have told me that they have the same problem with certain brands or scents so I don't think it's uncommon. I just seem to have the problem with all of the brands and scents I've tried. Any help would be highly appreciated!!

2007-05-02 16:23:53 · 4 answers · asked by notallchipsarefood 3 in Allergies

Can heat/ hot weather cause bloody noses? I was wondering because when I lived up north I never got bloody noses, then I moved south (Florida) and suddenly got spontaneous bloody noses often-including the summer. I can't really think of a difference between the locations besides weather that would cause this. However, when I read over causes of bloody noses just to see, I don't see hot weather there, just other weather causes like dryness in the winter.
Also, while on the matter, what causes some nose bleeds to bleed more heavily than others or to not stop when you pinch your nose?

2007-05-02 16:20:24 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Respiratory Diseases

I was just wondering, Does herpes 1 feel the same as herpes 2? I have had one on my lip before and it hurt so bad i hated to even move it.
Story behinde it. I had sex with my boyfriend and we always use condoms now and after we had sex for an hour i started to hurt and get sore and then i got swollen. i first thought maybe because of the condoms. The lubricated ones always irritate me inside so i wanted to use the non-lubricated ones but i think they both bother me inside*but doesnt mean i am going to stop using them* as well. So a few hours later i thought that maybe he had tore part of it. So being the weekend i called my doctor and had an appointment today. Which she looked at it and she said it looked like it had been strecth bad but it didnt rip. she said my skin was really irritated and that some skin looked raw like skin was coming off. She tested me for herpes. I mean that freaked me out. I mean it doesnt hurt that bad if it was like it was on my lip. help please.thanks.

2007-05-02 16:13:09 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in STDs

the effects of bad nutrition

2007-05-02 16:12:01 · 3 answers · asked by abel huerta 1 in Other - Diseases

In April I had a pap smear done. I guess everything came back normal cause the doctor had said if anything bad they would call. (but tomorrow I will call to make sure) They reason why I had went to get a pap smear because my family doctor assumed that I had a yeast infection so she put me on Canesten or whatever...it did take the burning and the itching away but couple weeks later the itching came back but it wasnt as bad. But I scratched it so hard that I ruined the skin thats around the inner labia. Well I developed small bumps after I did this intense scratching and hoped that it would go away. The skin is still cracked and sometimes it looks like the skin is trying to come off. Bumps developed where I screacted the most!! When i got the pap smear the doctor put me on a three day treatment cause she said it just sounds like a yeast infection. The iching went away completly but the bumps are still there...and sometimes at night I get this little burning and iching feeling where I scractch again. But what I am asking is do you think that this sounds like a yeast infection or hpv?
Ps. I notice a bump under the clitoris but the hood is covering it

2007-05-02 15:59:56 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in STDs

I was diagnosed with Chlamydia and took the prescribed 7 day dose of doxy. My boyfriend was given 7 days worth of 500mg levaquin. If he had started it on a Tue and we had intercourse on Sat. how likely is it that I will be reinfected since he had not finished his prescribed dose? I mean he will have taken only 5 of the 7 days of Levaquin.

2007-05-02 15:56:15 · 5 answers · asked by ms sue 1 in STDs

I had my blood work done for my cholesteral level. I'm 33 6'2 and around 215# . Should I go back or not worry about it? My parents told me that 301 is very elevated and I need to go in asap. What do you think?

2007-05-02 15:48:02 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Heart Diseases

2007-05-02 15:39:17 · 14 answers · asked by The Naughty Librarian 5 in STDs

My husband has recently developed genital warts. He swears he has been faithful to me and that he got the from his ex wife
years ago. Can the virus remain dormantfor years ?
Also, is there anything I can do to keep them from showing up on me since we have had a lot of unprotected sex over the course of several years ?

2007-05-02 15:26:36 · 4 answers · asked by txharleygirl1 4 in STDs

My child has chicken pox. What can I do to help soothe her. She is 7 and driving me nuts about the itching and pain. She is saying that the Aveno baths are burning her. Any suggestions?

2007-05-02 15:03:09 · 21 answers · asked by not2smarttoday 2 in Skin Conditions

2007-05-02 14:57:25 · 2 answers · asked by nowyouknow 7 in Other - Diseases

My wife works at a nursing home and was emptying a resdients trash can and was poked by a needle. This should not have happened for the needle was not disposed of in the proper place. This happened almost two weeks ago and though my wife went to the hospital, her employer was supposed to have blood samples taken of the resident to find out if any threat of disease but they have not yet. Is this something I should contact a lawyer about? Her work basically tells her its no big deal. We have contacted OSHA and also the corporate office.....we are very worried about this. Just wondering because I think we should contact a lawyer and she doesn't. Can someone please give an opinon?

2007-05-02 14:45:58 · 5 answers · asked by thecoxons 2 in Other - Diseases

Genital warts ...can a woman get them inside the vagina and what do they feel like when they are present ? Also how do you get rid of them if they are there ?

2007-05-02 14:44:48 · 15 answers · asked by txharleygirl1 4 in STDs

im doing a project on anal cancer and just incase my teachers asks me how do you change it. i would like to know

2007-05-02 14:03:32 · 1 answers · asked by david g 2 in Cancer

i hav headaches, my throat hurts wen i swallow, and my nose is backed up.

2007-05-02 13:45:56 · 7 answers · asked by dustmitebunny 1 in Other - Diseases

2007-05-02 13:45:51 · 1 answers · asked by deb 1 in Other - Diseases

2007-05-02 13:27:34 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous in Cancer

ive read a lot of things that make it seem pointless

2007-05-02 13:22:19 · 5 answers · asked by Ambini 2 in STDs

There's a round, red sore on my hand about the size of a nickel. From what I've read, it might be ringworm, but the edges aren't as raised as I've seen in pictures.

What is it and how do I treat it?

2007-05-02 13:17:15 · 1 answers · asked by Lex 2 in Skin Conditions

i have the flu so is it a good idea to put a wet towel on my forehead and if it is should the wet towel be hot or cold?

and should i drink cold or hot liquids?

2007-05-02 12:55:12 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Infectious Diseases

ok so i go to put socks on today and all over them were these white little ball things that were attched to them....like really tiny almost sock material feeling.....im really scared cuz i looked and alllll my socks have them...are my feet gonna rot?

2007-05-02 12:46:51 · 5 answers · asked by xperfectionx 2 in Skin Conditions

It talks about: Anorexia Nervosa, Bulimia Nervosa, Binge Eating and Compulsive Over-Eating.

2007-05-02 12:37:13 · 4 answers · asked by ChoklitDrop 1 in Other - Diseases

2007-05-02 12:35:00 · 5 answers · asked by louierockyjim 2 in Cancer

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