My dentists says that a crown he put in about 10 years ago is a little loose and that he wants to investigate by pulling it off. Does not seem loose to me, but I don't want to force it. He indicated that worse case he may have to extract tooth or replace crown ($1000+, insurance may only pay half). Tooth has never caused me any problems since crown was put on.
To anyone with dental expertise, what is my recommended course of action? Should I start a process which could result in a extraction of a tooth which is not causing me problems? Or spend alot of money on a crown replacement. If tooth is extracted, then what?
I am somewhat concerned that he may be "drill prone". For example, I still have my wisdom teeth in (I'm 47). My former dentist recommended doing nothing because they have never caused me problems. My current dentist suggests that I have them removed, which I have resisted. Why undergo expensive, painful dental surgery for something that causes no pain?
5 answers
asked by
Robert M