Let me just propose this. When I was in school, my Astrophysics teacher (god knows why I took this class bc it was freakin' hard) presented a formula that a famous theorist had written that proved there was life on other planets. We could pick the minimum yet the formula always proved that there had to be. With all that space & all those infinite situations, earth is not the only perfect planet for life. He explained that "perfect" was relative (as everything is in physics) and that our definition of life wasn't necessarily the only definition of life. Life could be out there but the book of laws could be completely different because we only know WHAT we know. A rock could have a soul. The wind, a spirit. Fire could represent the wrath of the gods & water could be the left over tears of a broken heart. This is poetic but chemically sound. The last thing my teacher said was that earth was just a big rock floating around in space & we were just growing on it. What do you think?
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