Fill in the Blanks
i.Big Fork is also called as ______Fork.
IiNon aleshlic Beverage is clarified classified nourishing, Refreshing and__________drinks.
iii.Cheese top coating is called_____________.
iv.Refreshing drinks , water and____________.
v.Host and Hostess is responsible for _____________and seating.
vi.To carve double sirloin, use __________and Dinner Fork.
vii.Two Flambéing methods are___________and fIrst prepare the sauce then Flample.
viii.Flannel and _______is same.
ix.Cottage cheese is -_______ Cheese.
x.UHT milk is stands for_____________
Q.3Match the following questions:
A.The dinner knife is always is placed left of the fork
B. In silver servicecalled as Nourishing drinks.
C.Because silver tarnishes easilyplaced to the right of the napkins.
D.The Bread plate, with a small knifewith gloves are used by wait persons.
E.Milk and dairy products areis requires constant care
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Other - Food & Drink