I'm a little nervous, see I work at a grocery store in the meat department. well i was in the back room, and i've been having some problem with penile inflammation since my trip to the city a few weeks ago, so i usually unzip my pants when no one is around to let the old boy air off....so i was thinking about this lady that was buying some cold cuts and she leaned over the counter..and man oh man...anyhow long story short, i got some substances in the meat that shouldn't have been there. i tried to get it out but it got kinda mixed in with the meat and i didn't want to get in trouble so i put it on the counter, and some old lady bought it. i forgot all about it but then three weeks later i saw her obituary in the paper and she died of some weird stomache infection...do you think i could have caused it??? i'm really scared. should i report this to someone? also anyone know how to clear up penile inflammations?
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Other - Food & Drink