Hi, I have a question that needs to be Answered, you see I'm 26 and haven't dated In over seven years, I want to get back into The dating game again, I've tried to talk to Women in the malls, at school, at church and
In the community, but so far they all seem to Turn me down, have of them are with baby Daddy's, others have boyfriends. I have a Very bad experience with women, they seem To run away when I talk to them, my pick up Lines are bad and it might be that I'm not Aggressive enough for them, but my last Relationship was easy, because she was
Genuinely nice, I can't get that back I know The Girl has moved on, I think she's married
Now or something. My problem something
That has me thinking Am I to be a virgin at 40? Anyway, I need a boost on how to talk To women, which is to me like Long division
And I suck at that. Math is not my favorite
Subject. I am at a point where I will be the Only at a relative's wedding one day sitting
All by myself, drinking until I pass out.
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