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Singles & Dating - 14 March 2007

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

OK I'll try to make this short. I dated my ex for a short time then HE ended it. He's 26, I'm 21. He has lots of experience with dating, while he was my first kiss & first bf. Our relationship was so innocent, cuddling in his room, holding hands, kissing. We never had sex cuz he knew I wanna save sex for marriage. He would still say hi to me on msn even though HE ended it. It has been over for more than ONE YEAR. 2 months ago, he called me, after one yr. & wanted to make plans together so we could see a movie sometime. We set a date, he picked me up & after the movie he took me home. IOn the drive home, when I asked him why he wanted to see me, he said that he wants to "see me every once in awhile". I felt disrespected so when I got home I said "bye forever" to him on msn. Then I felt bad so a week later I said sorry to him on msn. Since then I have said hi to him 2 on msn. Then a few days ago he said hi to me on msn & he wanted to know what I had been up to.

2007-03-14 19:17:42 · 11 answers · asked by Hottie 1

2007-03-14 19:16:28 · 11 answers · asked by robert 1

I was with my ex for about 2 1/2 years. We where even engaged. We got engaged in 2005 and the wedding was not to be until Sept 2008. We came from 2 very differnet backgrounds but this to us did not matter. His mom and dad did not like me because of this. They would say mean stuff about me all the time and I knew he would not always stick up for me. When I was with him I always felt like I was last.

Him and I broke up last Aug. I thought it best that him and I dont talk anymore because of the fact of trying to move on. All we would do after we broke up was make each other feel bad and we would do this too the last few months we where together.

I'm finding it so hard to move on from him. I feel like things are never really going to get better. Its been months now.

Can someone please give me some advice. One thing that bugs me is, that I will never meet someone and feel that away about anyone else other then my ex.

Advice would be good.

2007-03-14 19:16:05 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

how come some guys will say a girl has nice lips for giving head....doesnt a girl just suck and her lips stick out its not like the outside of her lips touch (maybe a little) but its mostly using the inside of her mouth. can anyone explain that

2007-03-14 19:14:52 · 12 answers · asked by Sarah 4

I asked a guy this question and he didn't respond, then I asked him again and he said he was over 6 feet tall. I emailed him once more and he never got back to me.

Do you think he was offended?

2007-03-14 19:14:14 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

It seems that girls dont want to date a nice guy or a sensitive guy. They claim to though. "Why are all the good ones gay ?"
When they have a "nice" guy right in front of them they will turn him down. "I dont want to hurt you." Yes, but you will. Its the attitude of a "bad boy" that has them hooked. "My last boyfriend was such a jerk! But my new boyfriend is just like him, isin't it great !"
I believe that girls think they cant do any better then they guy who treats them badly. And when a guy comes along who has charm and grace and is sensitive and caring, he scares them off becasue they feel they dont deserve to be with him. So they both lose out.
Please can someone tell me if I am wrong or right ? I would prefer to be wrong. I am a nice guy.

2007-03-14 19:13:54 · 12 answers · asked by broc_lyrain 2

there's this girl in my class and I want to talk to her but I don't want to come on too strong by using some cheesy pick-up line, but I want to say more than just "hello" or "hey I think you're hot". So what's a good way to start a conversation with somebody who doesn't even know you??

2007-03-14 19:13:51 · 4 answers · asked by sammy22 1

ok me and my bf have a year together n hes very demandin.. he always tells me oo where u at who uwit??etc. but when iask him he b like oo dont worry y u tryna b a detective nstuff..today we had a big argument but i feel as if i cant b witout him..he told me ill call u whenever i feel like talkin...i dont kno wat to do..i tried talkin to him n he starts sayin oo i dont wanna talk about it...wat shud i do?

2007-03-14 19:11:44 · 4 answers · asked by Stranger07 2

Would he just ask you out if he was interested, or would asking him break the ice? Does it usually scare them away? What do guys think of girls that ask guys out? What if it was an unofficial date? A group activity? What if you asked guys and girls? And feel free to tell me anything else you think I need to know. (on this subject and if it's appropriate, of course) Thanks!

2007-03-14 19:10:58 · 31 answers · asked by Jessthemess 4

says she has like him for longer, and so she isnt sure what she would do.... I also believe the other guy is my best friend... bad i know.. so should i ask her out or not? however Ive freely told her that I like her alot, and she told me the same, it wasnt until tonight that i realized how much she likes me and now i want her even more! but i dont want to ask her out and have her say "no" because she thinks she will "miss out" on things she could have done with the other person. He does not know that she likes him and i dont believe that he likes her, but you never know maybe hes a good friend and doesnt want to tell me and make me sad!?
really confused!!!

2007-03-14 19:10:41 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

There is this girl who likes me, we both are 17. She has started flirting with me in the past few weeks almost everyday. However i have found out from her that she has a boyfriend who she has been going out with for 15 months, however she has told me that I am the most attractive guy she knows, how should i interprate this? does this mean she wants to go out with me and dump her other bf or what? or does she want me to make out with her or something? I also like her, but not too seriously. I'm pretty new to these types of things, not having ever had a gf before. its so confusing.

Please give me advice

2007-03-14 19:07:40 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

Well, wait wait

Read what am going to say and then reply..
I like this one guy who comes frequently to fix stuff in my house. He is 28 years old, and am 21. He is very polite; he doesn’t even look at my eyes when he talks to me and so HOT. I’ve never seen a guy with beautiful eyes like him. OMG !!

I recently started to get his attention with expensive gifts and ask him for dinner, and he looks like neutral. I mean I don’t know what’s going on ??????

Does guys hate it when a girl act like that? Is being poor limit the gap between two couples?

I need help I like him to DEATH, and want him to love me even though he have a tons of girls, even if he was player. sounds stupid but I just can’t imagine my life without him.

What should I do? I can’t sleep and my appetite is Zero.

I need a solution

2007-03-14 19:05:00 · 6 answers · asked by Sara 1

Here is your situaition
you have been friends with this person for a few months
they like you and you like them and they are going to ask you out
but you know their history with drugs, law an stuff like that. and you yourself is someone who doesn't an would never do any of that stuff but you really like them..
What would you do?

2007-03-14 19:04:54 · 19 answers · asked by I Luv Joel Madden!! 6

how old do you think you should be when you lose your virginity? and when did you lose yours? i was 15 nearly 16 and i didnt feel it was too soon just with the wrong guy.

2007-03-14 19:04:21 · 45 answers · asked by Blitzkrieg 4

it could be anything.

2007-03-14 19:03:04 · 8 answers · asked by sunshine 3

Ive heard this from a couple guys, also on yahoo answers they act like a woman is only interested in money and it makes me mad cause i think the real reason is the woman dosent like the man as a person yet the man blames it all on 'money'. The ones who say it i notice dont even have that much money and have a hard time with women in general. Women like a man to have money but it dosent matter if she really loves him. Why do men blame it all on women wanting money? Why do they think women want them for their money?

2007-03-14 19:02:40 · 7 answers · asked by Hunter 1

I'm drunk too but not that drunk, she threw up everywhere, tried to stand up and then hit her head on a ledge when she fell back down. She's breathing okay, I try to wake her up and take her to the bathroom but she can't move. Should I just let her stay on the floor or try to move her? I'm trying to wake her up but she just mumbles. Is alcohol poisoning really serious?

2007-03-14 19:01:05 · 30 answers · asked by jamie kat 6

I love this guy he isnt at all like me but thats why opposites attrack rite? Well we went out and i was comepletely and utterly in love with him but then my family thought that he wasnt good for me so they started saying all this crap and stuff which got me sooo confused and i exploded and me and him got into a big argument and he broke up with me because i said some stuff i didnt mean . Well as you see my family HATES him no rewinds or getting use to they HATE him and dont think that he's good for me in their terms he isnt very classic
well but i think i love him but i heard from his cousin that he is going out with someone else and he lives 4 hours away and i havent made contact with him in i think bout 2 months well i still love him i dont think he feels the same way bout me though. i dont know if i should tell him or just stay friends but the thing is is that i loved him more than he loved me and i dont know what i sould do if i should tell him or not
details would be nice plze!

2007-03-14 18:58:56 · 8 answers · asked by ? 1

2007-03-14 18:58:29 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

What would you do to pleasantly surprise a guy?

2007-03-14 18:53:20 · 19 answers · asked by MARINKA 2

okay, this guy i like, he likes me, but we haven't like "talked" about it. but we flirt majorly!!! . he is so cute! but i don't get to seee him till friday night when we all hang out. what are some things to do/say when i see him friday? thanks!
you could also just like encourage me too...idk, i just want to know what to do/say....

2007-03-14 18:52:55 · 7 answers · asked by ThinkPink 3

She flirts with me and it seems like she flirts with one of my friends also. She knows that I like her and she gave me a hug and said I love you and asked do I love her do you think she wants to be friends or more than friends

2007-03-14 18:51:46 · 3 answers · asked by Gabriel L 2

My bf is amazing.he's sweet, caring, intelligent, and makes me feel amazing.....but lately he's been making fun of me....like he makes me feel stupid and not capable of doing certain things because im not smart enouch.Im a junior, and im taking an AP test, but i havent been really doing good in the class for that subject because i really dont do my work.but i kno if i did i would have a good grade. Well basically this is what he said "Why are you even taking that test if your grades are bad? Your not gonna do good, because your not a critical thinker, like me. I bet you im gonna do better than you."
umm.....maybe this is stupid and i should get over it...iono what to do. But lately he's been making little comments like this....or he criticizes me...what should I do.

2007-03-14 18:51:21 · 12 answers · asked by hannahbannah 3

My boyfriend and I have been together for 3 years. We are both young, 19 and 21, and for the most part have a pretty good relationship, despite the fact I tend to break up with him often. In the last 3 years we've brolen up probably 7 times, each time it was me, and because he's too protective sometimes and doesn't let m do what I want.
When we break up it's usually for a few weeks, and we don't talk at all, usually go out and party and he tries to make me mad for breaking up with him of course!
When we break up he fools around with other girls. Sex twice, and other times kissing and stuff. When we get back he never usually admits to what the's done and when I find out it's a cause of ANOTHER breakup.
Some people tell me I deserve it because i break up with him and he's not DOING ANYTHING wrong.
I seem to think that "technically" what he's doing is okay, but "emotionally" is not because he knows we always get back! so it's like he's still cheating?

tell me what you think...

2007-03-14 18:50:00 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

... if they weren't involved anymore and no feelings had been hurt? If they seemed like a great match?

2007-03-14 18:49:43 · 12 answers · asked by imnotachickenyoureaturkey 5

I've seen this guy around my dorm building since last semester and we gave each other eye contact throughout. Near the end of the semester, we had a little "incident" where we both finally smiled at each other and the next time I saw him he silently mouthed "hey" to me, but all I did was raise my eyebrows in amusement. Now its spring semester (and I guess we've gone past the eye-contact part) and now all we do when we see each other is grin. We've never talked. We don't take any courses together and we don't really hang around the same people, so introducing myself to him may seem a bit awkward. Of course I've thought of the whole small-talk thing when in the elevator or in the cafeteria line, but for some reason, something's telling me not to do that. My intuition is telling me that, from what I know about him, we're not ready to meet. Is my gut feeling telling me that the timing just isn't right? (I know for a fact that he has some personal issues that he has to deal with too.)

2007-03-14 18:48:58 · 5 answers · asked by pharmdcougargal12 3


How can I make my ex girlfriend come back to me? I am 25 and she is 22...It's been 5 weeks since she has broken up with me...and ever since that day there has not been a single day that I havent thought about her...I waited 2 weeks and callled her and I spoke to her for 2 hours and exactly told her how I felt...and I told her to think it over...but I havent heard anything back from her...AND NO I havent called her or Begged her to take me back.. but I know she is the one...I deeply love her to death I just can't let her go or I will be thinking about her for rest of mylife...So I know for a fact there must be a way I could get back with her...I need to do something beyond ordinary something extremely sweet and romantic that would absolutely melt her...make her think OH GOD why did I break up with him?!?! I just need one more chance with her so Please Guys and Girls help me out please be original! no negative comments either please!because I have made up my mind

2007-03-14 18:47:11 · 5 answers · asked by Mike s 1

OK I'll try to make this short. I dated my ex for a short time then HE ended it. He's 26, I'm 21. He has lots of experience with dating, while he was my first kiss & first bf. Our relationship was so innocent, cuddling in his room, holding hands, kissing. We never had sex cuz he knew I wanna save sex for marriage. He would still say hi to me on msn even though HE ended it. It has been over for more than ONE YEAR. 2 months ago, he called me, after one yr. & wanted to make plans together so we could see a movie sometime. We set a date, he picked me up & after the movie he took me home. IOn the drive home, when I asked him why he wanted to see me, he said that he wants to "see me every once in awhile". I felt disrespected so when I got home I said "bye forever" to him on msn. Then I felt bad so a week later I said sorry to him on msn. Since then I have said hi to him 2 on msn. Then a few days ago he said hi to me on msn & he wanted to know what I had been up to.

2007-03-14 18:46:35 · 9 answers · asked by Hottie 1

I hope no one takes this the wrong way, but if you do, oh well...

I hope you'll only answer if you've thought about this before reading this question, but I am just wondering if it's possible to have an open relationship/threeway/etc. and still say you're in a committed relationship?

2007-03-14 18:44:15 · 7 answers · asked by randyken 6

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