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Singles & Dating - 1 March 2007

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

I'm tired of deadend relationships in my state. I wanna start fresh in another state, hopefully!

2007-03-01 06:09:36 · 5 answers · asked by southpark392006 2

i ask women do u get into relationships for phsical reasons or for the emotional aspect. and men the same question. take a long time to think about this question. please

also what do you think love is, tell me anything you think please

2007-03-01 06:07:40 · 6 answers · asked by CoreyS 1

I keep finding things wrong with every guy i've dated since my Ex.... how do i stop comparing and start look at whats on the inside. HELP!

2007-03-01 06:07:33 · 13 answers · asked by **Taira** 3

We broke up 4 months ago. It was pretty bad, he dumped me. There's hardly any closure and we completely stopped any contact. For now, i'm just keeping my faith that time will heal. What do i do with 'our stuffs'? They're all in a box, in my room, still. I want them out, yet can't bear to trash 'em in the garbage. Sending the stuffs back to him will probably remind him of the past and thus, hurt him (i dont see the point of doing that). Or sending the stuffs back may only make me look like a loser - that i'm still not over him (which is true) and he probably would have moved on (imagine the smirk on his face). Should i be dramatic and burn the stuffs by the beach with my girlfriends? hehe. What's your advise?

2007-03-01 06:07:21 · 16 answers · asked by tauri 1

Who likes to be TF? Even if he ends there, do you like it?

2007-03-01 06:06:13 · 20 answers · asked by Anthony R 1

i have a girl fiend and she needs baby, i said is not the time we have to organz for almost 60%, she said even with out getting married,, ohhh what to do pls!

2007-03-01 06:05:44 · 3 answers · asked by onlyGODcan!! 1

With so much temptation nowadays you just never know..can couples that started at an early age stay together??? I'm 23 been with my man for 5 years...he's 22...love him lots..but scared we might mess up since we started so early..

2007-03-01 06:04:51 · 15 answers · asked by Alejandra2008 3

He wasn't going to tell me he'd left til he'd picked me up from work, and then dropped me back at the house when he'd cleared all his stuff out.
I didn't hear from him until sat night when he txt me asking if we could talk, then sent another msg saying he missed me. Met up with him on mon, and he said his feelings hadn't changed, he still didn't know if he wanted to be with me, which he could have txt me instead of dragging me out the house to talk. Been getting mixed signals since then as he later said that he wouldn't be able to move back in with me (after saying he didn't want to be with me). He txt me again later that night asking if i wanted to meet up with him after work the nxt day for something to eat, so i said yes. I txt him to ask what time we were mtg, only to get a msg back saying he needs space but he was sorry for messing me about. He did say he'd ring me and talk about seeing each other every so often. Do I just leave him to make his mind up? or try to talk to him?

2007-03-01 06:04:16 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

kk...my ex bf...well actually now hes my current bf...but he wants to get married..hes so sweet...but im only 16 and hes 18 but ill be 17 in 2 months and he wants to get married on my bday...he rly is sweet...here let me let you read the message he left me on myspace
"i thought u hated me. i want u to be mine for good im not kidding. your all i think about even if u think i have issues i dont care ill do w/e it takes to make u my girl. ill get on my hands and knees and beg ur mom if i have to. ill come see u everyday if i have to. i'll give u everything i have , id give u my life if it would make u happy. i uno what to do without u. i miss talking to u, and you saying hunnie i love u and all that gawh! i hate this. i want u , i know i really dont know u all that good , i havent known u for long but i feel like ive known u all my life and i just cant live without u and im serious if i lose u i'll die. its like takin the air i breathe away. :( i miss my baby.."
its sweet but wat to do?

2007-03-01 06:03:46 · 27 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-03-01 06:01:02 · 24 answers · asked by queenstarfirerobin 1

2007-03-01 06:00:42 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous

What are some great totally free personal sites to meet people on. Perferably in the 30's ?

2007-03-01 06:00:06 · 4 answers · asked by . 5

I'm sure you've heard the saying "third time's the charm." Some things happen right in my life the third time around and I think there might be some truth to that. A long time ago (she doesn't want to talk to me anymore and I'm trying to move on) I really liked this girl and within two months of us talking I asked her to the movies because she told me she wanted to see a specific movie and she said no beacuse it was too much like a date. I asked her two months later to the Valentines dance at school last year and she didn't say no, but she said she was going to her friend's party that night. (I know for sure it wasn't a lie. It may have been a convenience so she wouldn't have to say no, but it wasn't a lie.) Two months later she went to the park with a boy that started talking to her later on on a casual date (she had told me). It never occured to me to ask her to the park and I have no idea why. My theory is I was trying to take her somewhere I would have to spend money.(see question)

2007-03-01 06:00:02 · 2 answers · asked by Icebox -0: Never Again 5

I have a friend who has a boyfriend who is married. They have been seeing each other for almost 5 years. He is afraid of the age difference between them (23) he is also worried about my friends child. his family is grown. His son is one year younger than her. What does she need to do to get him to commit?

2007-03-01 05:59:51 · 12 answers · asked by His Girl 1

Friends i have say its wierd because im a guy and i dont like girls just for the sex. i listen to there feelings and everything. I am strait. Is there something wrong with listening to girls?

2007-03-01 05:58:53 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous

i mean you've been friends for a long time so how do you stop the awkwardness???

2007-03-01 05:58:36 · 2 answers · asked by lila03 1

ok well me and my b/f broke up about a week ago so it hasnt been that long..towards the end of our relationship i not longer felt like being intiment with him...now that im single all i can think about is "hooking up" it's driving me nuts...i spend a lot of time during my day dreaming about this...why is this? has this happend to you?

2007-03-01 05:58:27 · 6 answers · asked by CRAZY 8 3

I am currently dating a man that I am 100% in love with. Not too long ago I ran into a guy (a guy that I have known and hated for years) at a bar that happened to know my boyfriends ex. The guy told me that my boyfriend supposedly fell in love with her after only 2 weeks and was talking about marriage! I truly believe that he is very much in love with me but now I'm scared that it isn't as special as I had thought. What if he falls in love with every girl he dates?! I don't want to loose him because he is the best thing that has ever happened to me....but how can I forget what that guy told me and believe that everything my boyfriend tells me genuine?

2007-03-01 05:57:04 · 13 answers · asked by Shoe Gal 1

Hey i am so sad about at 7 year relationship that i just lost! No matter what i tried i cant get her out of my head..what is the best way to start getting this pain out of my chest? any help any one please

2007-03-01 05:56:55 · 17 answers · asked by leomebaby 1

get over someone that dosent want a relationship with anyone right now and still "loves" you, but is scared of getting hurt??, u have been with him for a year, then he wants to break up and MAYBE try again later...but still reasurres u he loves ya...how would you get over him????????????? wen u kno u need to? i was thinken of sending him a text but i dnt kno wat to put???!!!! plus he wants to be f.w.b w me,until he wants a real relationship... we hooked up 2wice since we broke up, i dnt kno wat to do!!!!!!!!!!!! any suggestions?? wat should i send him as a text,if i choose to send him one..

2007-03-01 05:56:54 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

Been seeing this guy for a couple of months, and he is giving me that whole now you have me/now you don't affection. One day he will be as sweet and nice as can be, the next he's aj sob without a doubt. I didn't talk to him for a cuple of days and then he started texting and called and said I miss you. So I start talking to him again and he goes right back to his ways. Normally we text a little during the day, but I didn't text him yesterday and he finally sent me one last night and wondered why. After about 20 minutes of texting he starts a fight with me about nothing. It seems like if I back off a little, he pulls closer. If I try, he doesn't want me too. What does this man want from me? I have asked him and he says he wants me to try like I do, but he is always so hot and cold. I don't know if I should just say no more, and if that's what I need to do how do I do it? I don't like playing games and don't want to be played with either. Is that what he is doing? Please help!

2007-03-01 05:56:33 · 1 answers · asked by Queenie 1

I had a boyfriend for 2 years, we decided to break up becuz we wanted a little independance from eachother, and to stregthen our friendship.

2007-03-01 05:54:25 · 27 answers · asked by BrunetteBabe 3

If your boyfriend buys you a cell phone because he says you need one, Should he be obligated to pay the bill also?

2007-03-01 05:54:17 · 13 answers · asked by stella 2

I'm female, well into my early 20's now and I've yet to date. People always tell me that I've got a nice, though slightly odd, personality so I assumed the reason I didn't date was because I'm hideous. I spent several years in high school coming to terms with that and now that it doesn't really bother me anymore I've started to attract a good deal of male attention.

I recently got a job working the night shift at a fast food restaurant and males of various ages, shapes, races and sizes are constantly hitting on me. I generally write it off when they're drunk or high because clearly they're not seeing straight but I don't know what to think when a sober guy compliments my appearance or asks for my number.

I'm incredibly confused and would like a bit of advice. Am I wrong in assuming that I'm ugly or should I just blame the fluorescent lighting at work for creating facial features I don't possess? Or I am possibly that bad at identifying people under the influence of drugs or alcohol?

2007-03-01 05:54:14 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

Why is it that the women I have no interest in have the hots for me, and the women that I really fancy don't even seem to know I exist? Is this one of life's cruel tricks?
It is really frustrating.

2007-03-01 05:52:20 · 23 answers · asked by Aries 2

I just want to find someone to love me.......

2007-03-01 05:52:02 · 13 answers · asked by Dani 1

he said he was fine about it but now he's acting all weird with me, and telling me i will never know how much he loves me, but he's the one that said he didn't want a gf. do u think we can still be friends. i value our friendship

2007-03-01 05:51:11 · 7 answers · asked by SHY1 2

and i dont mean in some lame sneaky way. just something i can say where what he says means he is interested or not.

2007-03-01 05:50:49 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

Me and this amazing guy dated for over a year.About a month ago he dumped me clear out of the blue.I was happy and thought he was happy too.He said hes confused about things and he thinks its for the best.Lately Ive been physically sick. Like I havent been eating, I always have headache, my stomach is constantly hurting and all kinds of other things. Ive missed more school in the past month then I have all year.I cant stop thinking about and and all I do is cry.I never trusted anyone and was always afraid of letting myself get close to people.Well I did with him.Now Im so confused.I talk to him about and he says I just need to deal with it and learn to adjust.I dont want to seem stalkerish but I really really miss him.Being with him made me so happy.We shared so much and now it feels as if everythings being thrown out the window.All my friends tell me to just convince myself that hes a jerk.Truth is hes not.Hes amazing.Hes never wronged me in any way.I want him back.What should I do?

2007-03-01 05:50:11 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have a guy friend for a long time and a few days ago he ask for a hug, so i gave him a hug then while we are hugging he whisper to me that he want to kiss me, so we kiss...
I love this guy but i don't know if he loves me too... please help!

2007-03-01 05:47:54 · 19 answers · asked by spydurwuman 1

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