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He wasn't going to tell me he'd left til he'd picked me up from work, and then dropped me back at the house when he'd cleared all his stuff out.
I didn't hear from him until sat night when he txt me asking if we could talk, then sent another msg saying he missed me. Met up with him on mon, and he said his feelings hadn't changed, he still didn't know if he wanted to be with me, which he could have txt me instead of dragging me out the house to talk. Been getting mixed signals since then as he later said that he wouldn't be able to move back in with me (after saying he didn't want to be with me). He txt me again later that night asking if i wanted to meet up with him after work the nxt day for something to eat, so i said yes. I txt him to ask what time we were mtg, only to get a msg back saying he needs space but he was sorry for messing me about. He did say he'd ring me and talk about seeing each other every so often. Do I just leave him to make his mind up? or try to talk to him?

2007-03-01 06:04:16 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

update! he rang me the other day and asked me to sort out any stuff he left in the house, sounded shocked and a bit gutted when i said i already had! he was then being really nasty saying 'oh have u got sum1 else already like, not that it matters', (i haven't btw!) but it obvi does bother him if he's asking in a really horrible way! he then txt me last nite (fri) to ask if i was working! what does it have to do with him what im doing, unless he just wants to know where i am - and as long as it's either being miserable in the house on my own, or working, he's fine with that. god help him if he txts me 2nite and asks - im off to a party! even his family are confused as hell by the way he's acting.

2007-03-03 00:18:10 · update #1

19 answers

Tell him tgtf

2007-03-01 06:08:23 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0


I think this guy is just playing head games with you and maybe because he knows that you are at a vulnerable time in your life since the break up . If he wants space and time to deal with whatever he may be going through allow him to do just that .

Stop being so available to him and I will bet you he will come around . Stop being sad and depressed and go outside and take in some fresh air .

Give him the time he needs and in the meantime focus on what you want out of life and then go after it . Trust me it is not worth the tears . Time does heal all wounds so take it day by day .

Take care

2007-03-01 06:31:16 · answer #2 · answered by Constance M 4 · 1 0

Never mind making his mind up - this is messing your mind up.
Avoid contact with him and give him some space to realise what he is missing. Whilst you are dangling on a piece of string for him he will be in no hurry to make his mind up.
You've heard the saying 'If you love something let it go, if it comes back it's yours forever if it doesn't come back it was never really yours at all'
I have followed this philosophy over the years and it has proved alot to me about certain men!
Good luck, it sucks and I feel your pain at the moment x

2007-03-01 06:25:45 · answer #3 · answered by Poppy 4 · 1 0

i left my Ex alone for abt three days after a huge fight just so that he gets space to clear his mind. when i approached him that three days after (i couldnt take the painful wait and decided to be proactive abt the r'ship), he broke up with me. should i have waited longer and gave him more space? and if i had done so, could i have avoided losing him? i have no clue.
'taking a break from each other' might work for some couples and they end up patching back. but it may not work out for some too - driving each other (or one of you) crazy with the 'lets-wait-and-see' game. but i have come to a conclusion - a relationship needs communication to work.

maybe you might want to give him a few days to think and work out his feelings on his own, and then approach him a week after? don't wait too long. you'll suffer. and if he really treasure you, he wouldn't to stay away from you too long either. just a suggestion.

trust your instincts.
i hope things will work out. all the best dearie.

2007-03-01 06:31:11 · answer #4 · answered by tauri 1 · 1 0

We are going through the exact same thing, You can mope around and you can cry, you have that right. Now don't make the same mistake i did. Don't pick up the phone don't talk to him. (in my case her) she was really good at ***king with my head. Led me on said she loved me and wanted to try dating or something. Then she start sleeping with people, the scenario is terrible. The more you communicate with him the longer and deeper the wounds will be, it's been a month and i'm not even close to healing. Try to keep your head on, it's not easy at all, and i know you want to call him, and you want to know what he is doing. I've had to resort to turning my cell phone off, to ease my mind and help with not caring if she calls or not. If he tries to pursue one of your friends like this one is mine, then they are worthless. Argh. i'm sorry i don't think i'm helping much. take care of yourself, spoil yourself you deserve it.

2007-03-01 06:12:17 · answer #5 · answered by aphotic nostrum 4 · 1 0

This guy is really messing you around and whats worse he is trying to make it out to be your fault (asking you out then saying he needs space). I know its easier said than done but you should cut your losses, dont reply to any of his texts and ignore his calls. It will drive him crazy! Love and appreciate yourself enough to realise that this situation is not healthy for you and is hurting you, you are worth so much more than what he is doing to you. Get out now, its hard but every time you want to call or text him call your best friend instead.

2007-03-01 06:14:07 · answer #6 · answered by Peaches 1 · 1 0

tell me about it been there and still am and honestly from experience is too painfull. I say that if you have the strength to walk away do so. Hes just testing you to see where he stands and to see what your weeknesses are.. mine are my boyfriend he knows this and feels he can step all over me so when he does treat me bad i get mad but he knows that by him saying sorry ill be happy again... so trust me leave dont get hurt anymore this is just an EGO thing guys love the attention so dont be like me dont hurt yourself

2007-03-01 06:13:30 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Get him THE HELL OUT OF YOUR LIFE. He has no right to screw up your mind like that. It's hard, but just screen his calls. He wil either come crawling back, or not. If not, you DEFINITELY did the right thing and you will eventually get over him and find someone else, if he does, then you will have to get him to talk straight to you, and work out if you want the same thing (it sounds to me like you don't, though.).

2007-03-05 02:16:23 · answer #8 · answered by Insomnia 3 · 0 0

good! go to this party, get yir glad rags on and have a ball, yo deserve it, dont just lie down and roll over 4 him every time he phones, in fact the next time he phones and wants 2 meet up, tell him you cant your busy that night,sorry 2 say this but i think hes just using u, dont b such a pusover you deserve better,good luck,

2007-03-05 01:10:08 · answer #9 · answered by fay y 2 · 0 0

Sounds like a game he is playing ...I wanna be your friend , no I dont...Come on you know your smart enough to leave him alone and go out on the town and have fun. He wants you to play but be a woman and move on . Let him fine someone ealse to play high school games with. You will fine someone ealse after you fine yourself!@

2007-03-01 06:16:29 · answer #10 · answered by flyangel1118 1 · 2 0

sorry but anyone who's in a relationship and says they need space is either thinking about or having an affair, it sounds like he's messing you around big time, tell him it's all or nothing that way you will know where you stand.

2007-03-01 06:17:33 · answer #11 · answered by me 4 · 2 0

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