kk...my ex bf...well actually now hes my current bf...but he wants to get married..hes so sweet...but im only 16 and hes 18 but ill be 17 in 2 months and he wants to get married on my bday...he rly is sweet...here let me let you read the message he left me on myspace
"i thought u hated me. i want u to be mine for good im not kidding. your all i think about even if u think i have issues i dont care ill do w/e it takes to make u my girl. ill get on my hands and knees and beg ur mom if i have to. ill come see u everyday if i have to. i'll give u everything i have , id give u my life if it would make u happy. i uno what to do without u. i miss talking to u, and you saying hunnie i love u and all that gawh! i hate this. i want u , i know i really dont know u all that good , i havent known u for long but i feel like ive known u all my life and i just cant live without u and im serious if i lose u i'll die. its like takin the air i breathe away. :( i miss my baby.."
its sweet but wat to do?
27 answers
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Family & Relationships
➔ Singles & Dating
i feel as strongly about him as he does about me...so yea...ive been thru so much crap in the past 2 yrs theres not enough time in the day to type and tell you...its rly rought ****...relationship stuff...and i rly just want a long term relationship and settle down rly
06:13:14 ·
update #1
Just be happy how you are. DONT marry him, you are way to young to know what you'll want later. (yes I know it's annoying to hear) xx
2007-03-01 06:18:24
answer #1
answered by Londonbaby 3
Marriage is hard or anyone but the younger the male is at marriage the more likely it is to fail. Get back together with him. In a year make it a commited relationship if your both into it. In 5 more years marry him. If that seems long picture marriage. If the guy is under 21 the chances of failure are around 80%. WAIT
2007-03-01 06:08:52
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Girl, you are 17 teen you have a whole future a head of you, collage or university , you need more experience you need to live life you are not ready for marriage don't make the biggest mistake in your life you are way to young, live life date you shouldn't be having a relationship until @ least 25 when you are settled you are to young to know what you want. If you are having sex be careful not to get pregnant too cause that could be horrible, listen to me enjoy yourself don't get tied down life is about experience and you need a lot more of it. This guy sound s like he got issues stay away!
2007-03-01 06:27:57
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Sorry, but those words don't count for anything. He started with "I thought you hated me" which means that everything that comes after that is emotionalism designed to make you think something and not necessarily truth.
Even if it is true, it would be incredible stupid to consider getting married at your age. You are not who you will be in two years and neither is he. Just how many times do you want to be his ex?
Also remember that it was only two days ago that you posted this:
"I need to meet a cute emo boy!!?
any one single that fits that??...lol..."
How strongly could you feel about this kid? Do you want a long term relationship with him or do you just want a long term relationship. There's a big difference.
And long term relationship does't necessarily mean marriage.
2007-03-01 06:10:08
answer #4
answered by JB 6
He's 18, you're underage! That's the line of crap all young studs feed little naive girls like you. Don't you get it? Marriage!? Are you crazy? Does he have a job? Have either of you finished school? Do you even have a clue as to what he is really after? Does he even have a clue? No, right? So get your mind off this crap and hit the books, young lady. We don't need another single, illiterate, miserable, young mother sucking more tax dollars out of us. Sounds harsh, right? Sorry for such a rude wake up call but someone's got to do it!
2007-03-01 06:15:29
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
All of these things are normal things to feel when you first start dating. It's called being in love with love. It's so exciting and everyone wants to do it. Don't make a mistake and marry someone at the age of 17. You may think it sounds so romantic now, but the shine soon fades and reality kicks in.
2007-03-01 06:09:45
answer #6
answered by J F 6
wait why did he tell you this in myspace?.....It sound really sweet and you are a very lucky girl for finding a guy like this but you should ask your self this question
are you ready to get married
do u think the relationship is gonna last
do u want to start a family
if you are positive with all this question go for it but if you want to wait some time then i think that will be the best cause it seems to me like you both need to finish school and get a carrier to support each other well I wish you the best to both of you!!
2007-03-01 06:09:55
answer #7
answered by Hummm... 3
You are both too young to get married. He can say he would give you everything he had, but right now, he really dosn't have anything. You need to experience life on your own before you can truly love and live with another. Time to discover who you are......and if it is true love.....it will endure the test of time.
2007-03-01 07:26:27
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Statistically, if you marry early, you'll divorce quickly.
Its a sweet, romantic message, but things change when the realities of life hit you. When you don't have enough money, when you don't have enough time. Better to take some extra time and get your ducks in a row before leaping into marriage.
2007-03-01 06:07:52
answer #9
answered by Scotty Doesnt Know 7
Say thanks obviously, but ask again in 5 years. No one sucessfully marries that early. Actually better yet, if you're that serious, agree to it as long as he's good for a 5 year engagement. If you can last that long, that'll prove you really are ready. Start saving lotsa money for the big day - good luck !
2007-03-01 06:10:16
answer #10
answered by Lexington 3
Yeah he is sweet and any girl would die to have a boy like that.. But at this point in your life you don't know what you really want and he's not sure either and Im not saying he don't love you because its obvious that he does but you better save that boy. Stay in that relationship with him........PLEASE.......
2007-03-01 06:12:00
answer #11
answered by Misunderstood 1