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Singles & Dating - 1 March 2007

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

Love at first sight is when a person feels romantic passion for a complete stranger upon his or her initial encounter with the stranger. The term can be used casually to refer to a mere sexual attraction or crush, but it usually refers to actually falling in love with someone literally the very first time one sees him or her, along with the deep desire to have an intimate relationship with that person. The stranger may or may not be aware that the other person has any such notion, and may not even be aware of the other person's presence (such as in a crowded place). Sometimes two people experience this phenomenon towards each other at the same time, usually when their eyes meet.

2007-03-01 21:28:11 · 15 answers · asked by THE CUTESTT EVER!! 1

my boy friend of 6 years, lately is sleeping all the time day and night, he has been sleeping now for 2weeks and then tonight he gos out, dont know where. we have six kids and am doing it all my self, when i ask him to help his to tired, but tonight he gos out. he dosent go to pub or clubs,and rarely drinks..i love him dearly but he wont tell me whats happening.

2007-03-01 21:24:02 · 4 answers · asked by goolie06 2

I'm wondering because we've only been on one date, but we've been friends for 6 months. If i kiss him now, will he think i'm easy? Don't guys want a challenge? Should i make him wait?

2007-03-01 21:21:15 · 8 answers · asked by APerfectSonnet 2

is it some sort of hobbie tha guys enjoy

2007-03-01 21:20:43 · 14 answers · asked by cya m 1

if a guy 3 years older can go out with u and it is not sen as wrong. is it ok 4 a girl to go out with a guy 3 years younger than her

2007-03-01 21:20:36 · 2 answers · asked by krazy 1

I am deeply in love with a very beautiful, gentle, sweet and loving woman. The problem is she has been lied to cheated on and abused by every man she has ever had a relationship with. I have never lied to her and I work very hard trying to show her that I mean what I say every time. I have never cheated on anyone or been abusive. Every time I try to use words to communicate things of importance in our relationship she says sorry but she has heard it before. I know it is the truth but I must find a way to show her I am nothing like any of the men in her past. The difficulty is that it does hurt a bit when she says these things but she is worth it to stick it out. There must be a way to get her to finally trust me and let our love grow without limits.

2007-03-01 21:19:30 · 8 answers · asked by John N 2

OK.. I know time heals all wounds...get out and keep busy...meet new people..hang with friends......... BUT we lived together and when we broke up, I moved to a new city AND in with my parents. 2 strikes. Sooo now I am looking for a job all the while mad at him because I have to start over. Not that starting over is bad.. BUT I don't know anybody or know of any clubs. This is a very very small town and I think the people here go to Walmart for their highlight of the day. Kidding but that's how small this town is. Soooo now what do I do? All I have is time to think about him. TV, books, nor the internet is a distraction. Ok people help me!!

2007-03-01 21:15:30 · 7 answers · asked by Kimbo 2

to make a serious relationship, is it important that i have to meet my bf's family and he has to meet my family, at least within 6 months of dating each other?

2007-03-01 21:13:36 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

my name is kittties, am 20 and i believe i could be addicted to sex. 1st time i had sex was when i was 18 and it was with my 1st boyfriend who'se now my husband, but ever since i discovered how it makes me feel, i want more and more!! I think of sex every now and then , I think of him alot, am honest. When he comes home from work all I can do is throw him in bed and start, sometimes he says I might have a problem, or is it, that, when it comes to intimacy i worry about pleasuring him and i forget about me, i feel happy to see that he gets release from me, but i just cant find ways of how to please myself, is hard for me , idk why. But I do know I think of it every minute just like KORN says A.D.I.D.A.S

2007-03-01 21:11:22 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

Ok so I am 19 and last month I met this great guy. He came to see me 4 days after we started talking. We are not dating but he told me that he likes me a lot and I told him that I like him too. Everyone thinks we are dating just because he kept giving me hugs and we held hands and cuddled. But we are taking things one day at a time. We do like each other but we have both been down the same road, being cheated on and lied to and all that. He told me that he was going to kiss me the night before he left but didnt know if he should. I told him it would have been ok. Now he wants me to kiss him when I see him again which might be tomorrow. I am nervous bc i have never made the first move. I have never felt so good before and i am just confused. I dont know if I should kiss him or wait for him to do it. I mean we both want to and he is looking foward to it. Can someone please give me some advice?

2007-03-01 21:09:41 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

A guy at uni seems to like me he flirted with me like staring at me and touching my hands. I knew he had a girlfriend so I didn't ask him out. He seems to like me but it looks as if he's shy around me even tho he's married so why did he get married if he has feelings for me?

2007-03-01 21:08:16 · 12 answers · asked by Unknown princess 1

How old are you?
How many people you've slept with?
How many do you regret?

Just curious.

2007-03-01 21:02:49 · 1 answers · asked by Queen 3

or would they think im being nice?

2007-03-01 21:01:15 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

Sanjit's DOB: 28.07.1972

My DOB: 27.08.1980

My time of birth: 08:58 P.M

2007-03-01 21:00:02 · 1 answers · asked by sanjukta 1

If I give my g/f all the freedom she wants and stuff and when it comes to my attention that she grinds on random guys when she goes to a club and I get bothered/irritated/mad that she would do that. Why does she get defensive about it? Liek shes gettin mad at me for being botherd that she "grinds" on random guys that arnt her b/f at clubs. I trust her completely but theres a line i believe. I wont let a chick grind on me at a club. I wont even go to a club without my g/f. Why does she get mad at me for being bothered by it?

2007-03-01 20:59:26 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have talked to this guy for awhile in passing and he asked me out in jan - dating ever since. Things are great. He says he will do anything for me and I don't doubt it (he drove 60 miles to take me to breakfast after work one morning).
The problem is me.
On the outside I am friendly and inviting, but I let no one get close to me.
This is because I am a "cold" person. I dont feel much. I am detached - emotionalally and physicially. Last night he said that he loved me, and I could not say anything. Even when we are "together" I am just going through the motions for him. Is there something I can do, he is starting to worry?

2007-03-01 20:52:27 · 8 answers · asked by shae b 1

its next saturday i'm planning breakfast in bed , got him loads of prezzies ,guys what else do you want on your bday???

2007-03-01 20:50:01 · 8 answers · asked by Mal S 1

My girlfriend finished with me on Sunday. On Monday,she said that we needed space apart,& for me not to contact her for 2 weeks (she said 2 give me time 'to get over her', and she said, maybe we can be friends, if 'she' wanted to? The thing is I still like her, and am kind of in a 'either she wants me back' mood, or 'i want nothing from her again'.... Any ideas? Should I leave it after 2 weeks, and see if she contacts me? Or contact her around 3 weeks, asking how she is? I still love her, we went out nearly 18 months!

2007-03-01 20:48:35 · 5 answers · asked by Rejhaven 1

Is it possible to mistake fear of commitment with not loving someone? I'm asking this because when my girl broke up with me she lied to me about the reason why she was breaking up with me. She had told me a few weeks before we broke up that she was scared because she didn't know what was going to happen with us. Then I just talked to her a couple days ago and she told me that she felt like she didn't love me anymore but it wasn't my fault. I've thought about this and the only thing I can think is that she's misinterpeting her fear of commitment with not loving me. What do you think?

2007-03-01 20:47:42 · 8 answers · asked by Jake 1

theres this girl i like and i know shes not into a relationship (to the best of my knowledge) and i met up with her for a bit the other day. and she was wearing a ring on her ring finger on her left hand. why would she be wearing a ring on that hand, usually wearing a ring there means your married. she also knew we were gonna meet up that day. does she like me or not? do girls wear a ring there to keep any guy from approachin her? any opinions would be appreciated thanks

2007-03-01 20:44:33 · 6 answers · asked by Wilson J 4

My boyfriend's a really great guy, but like every1 he has his flaws. He goes to Cal-State LA & gets good grades, but I sometimes feel like I have to think for him. He never knows where he's going when he's driving unless he's driven the route 10 times. His manners aren't bad, but they're not good either. When my parents brought him w/them 2 visit me at college, he didn't once offer 2 pay for anything -- gas, food, etc. I know he didn't do that intentionally, it's just that he didn't think. He treats my like a queen and we've been together for 3 years, but I don't know what to do anymore. I try to ignore my parents "comments" about him ("He's too shy," "He walks funny," [which is only a little true but he's really cute so that trumps it]) but it's getting harder. I really love and care about him & we share this amazing connection - I know it sounds corny but it's actually true. My folks say I should see what else's out there, but I don't know. Do u think things will get better w/time?

2007-03-01 20:40:54 · 11 answers · asked by rascal 2

Is it true that if a guy likes the girl and the girl knows the guy has the intention to marry her and truly loves her the chances of the girl loving and liking the guy is higher and if the girl is 27 years and above chances is the girl also wants to get married? That will increase my chances?

2007-03-01 20:38:37 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

I was wondering how far a normal guys c.um fliys?
does most of it dribble?
do most guys fly?
mine FLYS far, im talking 4 feet at least.. maybe 5 feet..
girls like it... but its annoying when i jerk off becuase it flys so far that it gets EVERYWHERE

by the way im 22..

does anyone know?? is this normal?

2007-03-01 20:38:32 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

I was on the net today and i saw a site dedicated to CFNF, which stands for clothed female naked female. it was showing videos of girls who were dressed sexually humiliating another girl who was undressed infront of a bunch of guys. they would masturbate her off and play with her boobs and stuff. so crazy i cant belive ppl watch this stuff??

2007-03-01 20:36:24 · 2 answers · asked by Jessica D 1

I'm 28 years old, single. I want to be ın a relationship that is trustful, serious and long-lasting. only psychics pls..

2007-03-01 20:32:04 · 1 answers · asked by gozdem g 1

My ex of 8 mths broke up with me 1 mth ago. We reached a situation where that was probably for the best because she was adamant her unhapiness over the previous 1 mth was caused by our relationship. That coincided with her suffering from depression which I thought was causing her to be negative about us. She refused to accept this despite her dr saying she was depressed, giving her meds & referring her for counselling (which she says she won't do).

I decided to give her some space and haven't contacted her for 3 & a half weeks. We last spoke 2 days after the break up. She said that "it would be nice to see me when I'm ready" and we agreed to meet after a couple of weeks. I haven't contacted her & she hasn't contacted me.

I have been clear for a few weeks that I want to try & get her back. That is why I decided on no contact, to give her space. I am not sure when to contact her!?

I want to try & get her back but know if I push too much she will pull away

Any thoughts people?

2007-03-01 20:31:33 · 10 answers · asked by bepositive1976 1

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