My boyfriend is an atheist, I'm an agnostic, and my parents are strong conservative Christians. When I actually tell them about our relationship, I know they're going to be very unhappy. My dad will probably go as far as trying to convince my boyfriend to dump me and I'm worried they'll break off contact with me because apparently somewhere in the Bible it says, don't date non-Christians.
I love my boyfriend and if anyone felt the need to convert him I would seriously kick their butts. I know some friends of mine have told me before I shouldn't be hanging out with him because he's an atheist and because he's turned his back on God, he's going to hell. I don't believe it. It's who he is and he's a wonderful person, he doesn't need to change and I don't want him to. How can I tell my parents and friends about him, and then how can I tell them--nicely--to back off?
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