my ex broke up with me 3months ago, it was my fault i was needy, she wanted to stay freinds i treid to win her back many times i rang her and told her how feel...eventually i got over that,, so as soon as i stopped calling her ,she started calling me, and staying on the phone for ages i just kept cool i didnt mention anything bout love or anything.. then she asked me to go for a drink with her so idid we ended up in a club and she was really flirty with me, kissing my neck holding my hand n stuff the next day she said she just wants to be freinds, a week later(new years eve) i was out in a bar she was there too. iwalked outside for a smoked and i saw her kissin another guy then she saw me and she stopped kissing him, i didnt talk to her for a few days even though she was txtin me saying sorry n trying to call me... i got over that, i called her and said sorry for over reacting, i esaid i cant stop you, she said sorry for hurting me.. she said can we start over as freinds... i said i need time to think, i txted her the next day and said i still care bout you n id rather have you as a freind than have you as nothing, she txt back, saying that i cant be her freind and not be her freind whenever i feel like it, i just said fair enough, an hour later she called she sounded like she was crying and she was saying sorry for giving out to me.. i said its ok, so we are just freinds now, but if she really wants to stay freinds, y does she txt me, e mail me, call me everying day????
what do you think??
5 answers
asked by
Dan W