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Singles & Dating - 4 January 2007

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

ok so heres some backround.. i hooked up with this guy for almost two month.. nothing but kissing.. i thougth we really liked eachother .. well at least i really liked him.. but i figured he liked me back bc who would stay with someone that long and just hookup.. anyway so i go to a bar one night with a friend get really drunk and sleep at this guys house with her... even though nothing happened we got into a fight and stopped talking.. no later that happened i found out he was talking to someone on myspace a few days before... after we stopped talking he went out with her!! after two months of them together she tells him shes going away to college and they break up.. coinsidently me and him start talking again and he claims hes done with her and still really likes me.. idk wut to belive bc we were tlaking the other night when she called and he totally avoided her... does he still like me? if he does am i suposed to get back with him or is that just like being the door mat.. help =]

2007-01-04 15:59:08 · 4 answers · asked by xoditzxo 1

I'm in love with this guy online.I been talking to him for 11 months now.almost a year.He's from another country.he can't come to see me because he's having trouble getting a visa. He wants me
to go there to see him.I'm very much in love with this man, very muchand please don't anyone say that I am not, that is wrong it is only up to me to proclaim and label what I am feeling.It's my life,and my body and my mind.therefore I am only to say if I love or I do not love. Anyway,he says that he wants to have a baby with me.Because his dream is to be a father, he loves me so much,and he believes that this baby would be something really special.The thing isI'm a little thrown off with that. He's rushed to do this with me,and I didn't even meet him yet.I want that, yes but I want to take time. I want to know him in real life before I do that.
I don't even care if I have to go see him. I will,I love him very deeply.It's just very intense for me,but I dont know what to do
Give me help pleas

2007-01-04 15:57:57 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

Okay.so about 6 months ago, i met this guy in yahoo pool.im 14 he is 17. he lives like almost 3,000 miles away. but he is totally amazing! and no too mention totally hott! we have talked a lot. and learned a lot about each other. i think i may be falling in love with him. and he says he feels the same. i have talked to him online, on the phone,and through texting. we are planning on meeting this summer. please help and give ur opinions on the situation. thnx :]

2007-01-04 15:56:04 · 16 answers · asked by babeegurl 1

There is this girl at myhusbands work who I have noticed seems to flirt with him alot. When I go to pick him up or take him to lunch she is ALWAYS nearby, and she stands abnormally close to him. SHe usually gives me dirty looks, and is always talking to him, and the two of them are always laughing. Today when I went to pick him up she was standing near him, and when I came up she walked passed him and hit him in the shoulder with her shoulder, hard enough to jolt him a bit. HE ignored it, but I thought it was extremely odd, as if she were angry at my presence. He shows no signs of having an affair. He is tentative, and affectionate with me, and other than smiling at her flirtation, I am not sure he would actually cheat. Her actions however, make me want to pound her. Is my intense anger at her flirtation, and obvious anger at my presence unnatural, or do I have a right to want to pummel this girl?

2007-01-04 15:55:28 · 11 answers · asked by rebecca 2

if yes why do u think it's right ...If no give your reasons !

2007-01-04 15:54:56 · 31 answers · asked by Jarih 3

Ok me and my fiance are having trouble. I love him and all of you know this...Lately he has been I guess -tired of me- i dunno what to do...he has been ignoring my calls, and has just been really mean to me just for askin him a simple question...I know me and him talk alot on the fone and all, and yes I do call him a pretty good bit...how can I make things better with him? I want things to work out. What should I do...to show him that I want things between me and him to be right??? HELP ME PLEASE...i need advice, b4 i go crazy over this...any advice is appreciated

2007-01-04 15:53:35 · 14 answers · asked by ~*Mrs.Madrox*~ 2

hello!! I am five foot ten with long light brown hair and light brown eyes. I am naturally tan and weigh 125 pounds with mile long legs lol. I love working out and going out to have a good time. My friends describe me as very outgoing. Would you date me?

2007-01-04 15:51:22 · 41 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-01-04 15:51:13 · 29 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-01-04 15:50:43 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-01-04 15:49:06 · 23 answers · asked by lover_nota_fighter 1


i like a boy but i ? if he like me

2007-01-04 15:49:04 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

We had an argument, and he stopped answering my calls and we weren't able to have a chance to truly talk about it. I sent him an email and he said he have to think about it and give him enough time. Can anyone tell me if he is still interested in me? how much time do guys usually need to think about this kind of thing? Or should I just ignore it and move on. It seems everything is messed up because of his ignorance.

2007-01-04 15:48:33 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

my boyfriend has had a pair of my underwear for a while. ive been asking for them cuz thier cute and i want to wear them, i told him id trade them out but he just laughs and changes the subject. so the other day i took um back. a couple of days later i went to his house to drop something off and he asks if i was going out and drinking patron and grey goose and i said "no remember my resolution for 07, only once a month" he then says "oh no one keeps those. then he asks me if i have a secret to tell him and i said no. he then confronts me about taking MY underwear and asks me why i would do something like that. he was VERY angry and that was one of the first times hes went off on me. i texted him today and he tells me that im sneaky and he cant trust me. (all of a sudden). i dont get it....yes i went in his sock drawer and took MY underwear but i dont think he should be a mad as he is, am i wrong?

2007-01-04 15:48:17 · 7 answers · asked by classyonne 1

and i dont want to give him money

2007-01-04 15:47:29 · 8 answers · asked by BaByGuRl0913 2

My boyfriend and I have been having serious issues, mainly revolving around money. Neither of us have jobs right now and getting through Christmas was really hard. So hard infact, that he didn't get me anything for Christmas.

I had a job interview today so I got home late and took a side street there and back. On my way back, I saw my boyfriend on the street corner. He was wearing his old maintenance uniform asking people for money...

Im not sure what to do about this. But hes been like missing, he says hes going to an interview and then hes gone for a really long time...

I don't know what to do... if this is what he has been doing why didn't he at least get me something for Christmas?

2007-01-04 15:47:25 · 5 answers · asked by Poestalker 4

well, its a long! story so to make its shorter.....my crush and i never really talk but then today he (in p.e. together) didnt have to run 8 laps because he sprained his ankle, so his friend stayed with him to help him. so his friend is carring jakets so the dont get wet, so i give his friend (crushes friend) my jacket, then my crush tries it on, to keep warm? and the my friend asked why he's wearing it, and he said "because its cool"...
WHAT IS GOING ON!?!?!? does he like me or no...or what??-thanks-but he might have a g.f. too?

2007-01-04 15:46:24 · 7 answers · asked by Des'ree is how to spell my n 3

My girlfriend wanna have sex but we can't find a place. We can't do @ home cuz of parents. So what can be a good place? It can't be a hotel cuz we r not adults.

2007-01-04 15:45:51 · 9 answers · asked by Punjabi 2

we were togather for 3 years and it ended cause jelousy, clingy and just not paying that much attention to her. its been 3 months now and lately i been ignoring her so i can move on i feel alot better now and she wants to hang out with me what do you think i should do if i hang out with her i still want her back what do i do

2007-01-04 15:43:34 · 7 answers · asked by Confused 1

You stopped me getting bored thanks for that. What song will you sing to me to help me to sleep....last request from you tonight/this morning ..i promise

2007-01-04 15:43:08 · 13 answers · asked by crazeeladee no more 5

Jordan and me had a big fight because he doesn't call me and acts as if i don't matter(see i was going out with another guy but i was talkin to him, when i was doing this he called me everday and treated me like a queen, but now that he's my boyfriend it seems he takes me for granted) he also told me that he's sorry that i think i'm the center of his life because i'm not and he also said that i'm not his wife, so he doesn't have to call me everyday. I love him so much and i don't want to loose him, other than this little argument he is perfect and treats me well, we just don't talk on the phone and it makes me feel like he doesn't want to talk to me, what should i do, all my friends tell me i should break up with him.

2007-01-04 15:41:15 · 4 answers · asked by Nia 1

Dose any one go to lebanon, oregon LHS ??????? If so are you single ????? Y/N

2007-01-04 15:40:44 · 7 answers · asked by vollleystar13 2

my ex's family and i are very close i still go to all the family functions with our son. but all of a sudden he refuses to go cause i am there and he wont see his son cause he has to come to my house and see him. but yet he calls me every once in awhile to ask stupid questions i want to know if this has something to do with his new gf or does he really want nothing to do with me?

2007-01-04 15:39:32 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

..get pregnant, and then abort the baby? Are you really so closeminded and ignorant that the only reason you can see for an abortion is being stupid and shortsighted?

A lot of women use birth control when they have sex (whether they are married or not) and sometimes birth control fails. Diaphrams slip out of place, condoms break or fall off, even oral contraceptives are only effective 95% of the time! (Five percent may not seem like a lot, until you multiply it by the million of women having sex at this moment.)

Believe it or not, some married women have abortions because the family can't afford another baby. Should you stop having sex with your husband for the rest of your life just because there's a 5% chance you might get pregnant? And some unmarried women have sex because it's a beautiful, passionate exchange of energies.

Please, people, stop thinking that sex is dirty and that only stupid sluts have abortions. Wake up and smell reality, I beg you.

2007-01-04 15:39:20 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

hi again ladies,
well i got a question for the ladies and the men even, my gal has decided she wants to be best friends with benifits but is terrified of commitment , she loves me (wich i know to be true) but wants to be free to live a life of her own choosing and see me occasionally and be the best of friends with life but also sleep together, she calls it kiss- keep it simple, she can not and will not want a difficult time as we have been thru enough as a couple.
how can a guy who wants to spend his life with her settle for second best with a woman that cant commit?, and why do women fear commitment when at the same time they want to feel safe and loved? how should i treat the situation so i dont frighten her away, which is the last thing i want to do.. any advice??

2007-01-04 15:38:16 · 8 answers · asked by Shaun 1

My boyfriend who i live with. Well we live with his grandparents just broke up with me. I had a bad misscarriage 3 weeks ago and now he has decided that he doesnt know if its true love and doesnt want to be making a mistake. He wont tell me for sure he just says i need time dont move out but he wont even give it a chance and work on it he just wants me to still live here and wait on him to make up his mind. Not to mention he still expects sex and says well better i get it from you than someone else. Is this fair to me or should i just leave for good?

2007-01-04 15:35:36 · 16 answers · asked by colesmama118 1

My friend has a crush, who likes me (showed some obvious signs). I have mixed feelings for this guy. He is cute and nice, but my friend doesn't know he likes me. What do I do?

2007-01-04 15:34:52 · 2 answers · asked by hello 2

He's 43, been divorced 8 years, and has a 10 yr old son. I asked him how long he was married, and he said "six, maybe eight years. I don't remember." Is this odd? Don't most people remember exactly how many years they were married? Has anyone gotten this type of response before?

2007-01-04 15:34:35 · 14 answers · asked by Rose of the Valley 2

2007-01-04 15:32:51 · 21 answers · asked by Huh? 5

ok so heres some backround.. i hooked up with this guy for almost two month.. nothing but kissing.. i thougth we really liked eachother .. well at least i really liked him.. but i figured he liked me back bc who would stay with someone that long and just hookup.. anyway so i go to a bar one night with a friend get really drunk and sleep at this guys house with her... even though nothing happened we got into a fight and stopped talking.. no later that happened i found out he was talking to someone on myspace a few days before... after we stopped talking he went out with her!! after two months of them together she tells him shes going away to college and they break up.. coinsidently me and him start talking again and he claims hes done with her and still really likes me.. idk wut to belive bc we were tlaking the other night when she called and he totally avoided her... does he still like me? if he does am i suposed to get back with him or is that just like being the door mat.. help =]

2007-01-04 15:32:23 · 4 answers · asked by xoditzxo 1

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