Alright here is the situation. It all started one month ago. There is this beautiful girl that everyone likes a lot, including me of course. She started giving me signs that she liked me, so I proceeded to make the next move. We went to a basketball game together where I met her father, and things went well. A group of friends and here went to the movies, in which we ended up holding hands the entire night. The following day she goes out of town which sucked. I told her I liked her and she said she liked me too and things were going great. We were texting like crazy as well. All of a sudden she stops texting me, and we started avoiding each other. This hurt me because i felt very strongly about her. 2 weeks later, we went to a school related thing together, and she proceeded to make moves. I then said ok, cool things are good again. We started texting again. She had a party on Sat, and we ended up holding hands and cuddling and wow it was intense. Ok, no space left, continue reading...
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