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Other - Family & Relationships - 23 March 2007

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Other - Family & Relationships

My parents had a camper and when they moved, they didn't want to take it with them, so they knew me and my husband liked it and asked if we wanted to buy it. We said okay and they said to just pay them a little bit each month on it. Well, after a year, we had only used it once. We still owe like $4000 on it, so I told my parents we really weren't using it so they could sell it to someone who WOULD use it. They said okay. We stopped making monthly payments because we told them we don't want it and I've been advertising it, desperately trying to sell it for them, but my problem is this.. We came into some money and bought a cute little houseboat (which we use EVERY weekend) and I'm afraid of telling my parents we bought it because I'm afraid it will seem wrong to them that we bought the boat and just gave up on the camper. We haven't told them about the boat... Is that silly??

2007-03-23 06:44:30 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

Is it ok to be in a relationship and ur husband/wife or gf/bf to go on another website and watch other people in sexual acts.

2007-03-23 06:43:35 · 1 answers · asked by Miss Murder 2

Would you like to have a Category for Caregivers? I know I would.

2007-03-23 06:39:14 · 5 answers · asked by kayboff 7

2007-03-23 06:34:59 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

But be creative? What do you do?

2007-03-23 06:20:58 · 20 answers · asked by tyemetght814 2

This scares me sometimes.

2007-03-23 06:17:17 · 6 answers · asked by rosepassions 3

what if you were born premature and you were still a minor and your dad had sex with you and you got pregnent how dangerous would this be for you and the babyby the way this didn't happen to mei had this thought for a long time now because i was born premature and my dad only offored me sex with a condom and he never raped me and i also have child services investigating the situation but why i asked this question is when i was born i almost died because i was very sick i was hospitalized for 3 months and i was wondering why you would abuse your kid let alone one who was premature and almost died you think you would be alot happyier because your premature kid lived how can i live with knowing all the sick things that happend to me over the years my parents still deny it today and they get angry when they find out i told

2007-03-23 05:58:49 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

Just for inspiration, would you tell me your story, but no sad endings!!! I just want a proove that real love can make it.

Thank you SOO much!

2007-03-23 05:51:27 · 13 answers · asked by aais 3

I don't have a lot of relationship experience. My gut instinct tells me it's pretty s-h-i-t-t-y....

2007-03-23 05:17:18 · 8 answers · asked by fdsafd s 1

2007-03-23 05:11:35 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-03-23 05:09:02 · 8 answers · asked by ur favourite martian 1

my friends boyfriend is getting a hotel and he said that my sister and her boyfriend can go and i can go but my boyfriend cant because my friend doesnt want me to be with him because she doesnt like him. so i told them that i didnt want to go becaue i would feel lecft out when they would be cackin and now they're mad at me.what should i do???

2007-03-23 04:54:59 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am so NOT happy with my life and I have decided to make some changes. Different employment industry, different look, different everything. I have vowed to just be myself and tell it like it is rather then be the people pleaser I have been for 34 years. Anyone have any GOOD suggestions??

2007-03-23 04:52:42 · 8 answers · asked by tlaven2 2

As a child I was molested by a relative, became secretly pregnant when I was 13 and then suffered a miscarrage. At 16 I got involved in a sexually abusive relationship. After a second pregnancy that had to be aborted for medical reasons. Then I became involved with the man who is now my husband. I love him dearly but he says that I always use my rape to compare against him. I think the world of him. If all you've ever known was pain caused by the men in your life, how do you learn to trust. Counseling has never helped, I've been in therapy many times. My husband is kind and gentle with me, never pushing me into anything (very patient man) but my past keeps rearing its ugly head. I am trying to trust him the best I can, I am just afraid of losing him. I'm afraid he will lose patience with me and go somewhere else for the things I can't give him. We have a good sex life. We can usually manage about 3 times a week but it seems like not enough for him, please help

2007-03-23 04:37:39 · 9 answers · asked by lydia manning 2

2007-03-23 04:35:43 · 16 answers · asked by BlossomGirlNowerw 2

Okay, here's the situation. My husband of 3 years is rarely to never interested in sex....which was not the case when we were dating....but anyhow, every time I try and give him a BJ or initiate something...he stops me and tells me no. He says he needs his "Testosterone." He says that if he "blows his load" it takes too much out of him, his legs are weak, he's tired the next day etc...and he needs to save his energy for work, or for basketball with the guys...or whatever...life I guess!? He says, "Ask any guy, they'll tell you the same thing!" So that's what I'm doing, asking all you guys out there...is this true, or B.S.?!
Sounds like B.S. to me!! Most guys I've been with would never turn down a BJ, and most would want some action at least once a week! So give it to me straight, what's the real deal here!? Any women experience this behavior from their man??
I don't think I'm ugly, I get checked out all the time...I'm adventorous, supportive...what more can I do?!

2007-03-23 04:32:32 · 8 answers · asked by LoveBiologist 3

This woman at work is really hot and married and a goodie, and i was a badboy u might say but, secretly i wanted her. I said something one day while her husband wuz belittleing her and she gave me that look with her eyes like thanks i like u. it went on for awhile like that and i wuz outa town working and found out she gotta divorce. I never hit on her again but she hit on me and i never acknowledged it. Its been 3 yrs since then and i decided to ask her out and she turned me down saying she didnt want to ruin a good friendship. i wuz kinna hurt. then a couple of years latter she just up and said OUTA KNOW WHERE that she dont care know more i wuz confuzed. She keep giving me compliments on my cars and boat acting like she liked me but, i didnt acknowledge her come ons. a year latter i ask her out and she said her brother has fixed her up with someone so i ask her who and she hadnt meet him yet but wuz hoping that it wud work out cuz her brother said he liked him. help

2007-03-23 04:27:51 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

say Brenda married Kevin. Kevin has a sister named Kim. Kim married Steve. what relation is Brenda to Steve. brother in law?

2007-03-23 04:27:17 · 2 answers · asked by i totally agree with you!! not 3

My girlfriend puts kittens in hamster balls and rolls them around her house. Sometimes they get hurt. What can I do to stop this? And why does she do this?

2007-03-23 04:26:38 · 14 answers · asked by orderless1 1

She ALWAYS wants to be on the phone, and if he doesn't call her at least once within 12 hours, she questions his feelings for her. Is this a normal guy behavior or is she justified in being upset?

2007-03-23 04:12:20 · 4 answers · asked by im always right ya know 1

Proof of what can happen if a wife or girlfriend drags her husband or
boyfriend along shopping

This letter was recently sent by Tesco's Head Office to a customer in

Dear Mrs. Murray,

While we thank you for your valued custom and use of the Tesco Loyalty

Card, the Manager of our store in Banbury is considering banning you
and your family from shopping with us, unless your husband stops his

Below is a list of offences over the past few months all verified by
our surveillance cameras:

1. June 15: Took 24 boxes of condoms and randomly put them in people's
trolleys when they weren't looking.

2. July 2: Set all the alarm clocks in Housewares to go off at
5-minute intervals.

3. July 7: Made a trail of tomato juice on the floor leading to
feminine products aisle.

4. July 19: Walked up to an employee and told her in an official tone,
"Code 3" in housewares..... and watched what happened.

5. August 14: Moved a 'CAUTION - WET FLOOR' sign to a carpeted area.

6. September 15: Set up a tent in the outdoor clothing department and
told shoppers he'd invite them in if they would bring sausages and a
Calor gas stove.

7. September 23: When the Deputy Manager asked if she could help him,
he began to cry and asked, "Why can't you people just leave me alone?"

8. October 4: Looked right into the security camera; used it as a m
irror, picked his nose, and ate it.

9. November 10: While appearing to be choosing kitchen knives in the
Housewares aisle asked an assistant if he knew where the
antidepressants were.

10. December 3: Darted around the store suspiciously, loudly humming
the "Mission Impossible" theme.

11. December 6: In the kitchenware aisle, practised the "Madonna look"
using different size funnels.

12. December 18: Hid in a clothing rack and when people browsed,
yelled "PICK ME!" "PICK ME!"

13. December 21: When an announcement came over the loud speaker,
assumed the foetal position and screamed "NO! NO! It's those voices

And; last, but not least:

14. December 23: Went into a fitting room, shut the door, waited a
while; then yelled, very loudly, "There is no toilet paper in here."

2007-03-23 04:11:47 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

I never call it my first time, even though it was the first time a man "entered" me, my unwillingness, unpleasantness of the memory, and the awkwardness of telling someone makes me select the next time, when I chose to do it...
Is this wrong/lying? I feel guilty about it, but also feel it depends on perspective of what "first time" means...
What do you think?

2007-03-23 04:01:27 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am going to ask him to marry me. I have a dinner menu but do not know how to place it on the plate to make it appealing to not only his stomache but his eye as well. I want this to be special and very romantic. Any one have ideas one how the table should look ?

2007-03-23 03:45:09 · 2 answers · asked by Confusedwoman 1

Im trying to leave everything behind and go to a place wher it does'nt cost much to live, language is not a barrier, i can learn

2007-03-23 03:44:57 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

someone i know recently went on holiday to spain, she was a virgin and she wanted to wait for the right guy. but she met this guy on holiday, and decided to have sex with him without protection. they had a 2 week holiday romance, and after the 2 weeks he came with her and her mother to the airport to say goodbye. he wrote her a love note but told her she couldn't open it till she got on the plane, when she opened it the note read "WELCOME TO THE WONDERFUL WORLD OF AIDS" i know because my mum is friends with the girls mothers sister.
so ladies and gents i think there is a lesson there for us all there!

2007-03-23 03:26:38 · 31 answers · asked by Anonymous

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