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Other - Family & Relationships - 12 January 2007

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Other - Family & Relationships

Iv been with my bf for 3yrs now ....if it was just me and him the relationship would be GREAT!!!...but his mother has a problem with my nationality and my financial status.(which i'm currently in college for!!).His mother really wants him to get back with his ex...because she's been suggesting hints of her nationality, major , and she even has a picture of both of them in her wallet showing it off to other people which obviously comes back to me. the ex is very close with his family and constantly writes" i love you messages even though you broke my heart but i respect your current girlfriend" and lyric from other songs like Maria carey " dont forget about us" song kinda notes.!!! i dont now what to do cuz i feel like i have to compete and ive spoken to him about it but he says to trust him... but how can i when he's just letting it happen???? Please Help I'm starting to hate them and i dont want that to happen

2007-01-12 08:24:37 · 6 answers · asked by Happygolucky 1

2007-01-12 08:17:00 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous


2007-01-12 08:15:26 · 7 answers · asked by amanda 2

There are these two guys that tease me everyday, they are super peverted and even touch me sometimes, they make up nicknames for me and I think its funny. But latly they have been really nice to me and always want to make sure I dont get mad, I know they dont like me, cause if they did they would ask me out, trust me. I dont necisarily want them to stop, I just want to know why they tease me. And why they are suddenly being nicer, even though they were always kidding. PLEASE ANSWER ME!!!!!!!!

2007-01-12 08:13:07 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

Although I masturbate 2 times a day I can never satisfy myself.
Yes, I have toys.
I use them a lot.
They actually dont work.
I cant get the thought of sex or touching myself out of my head.
What do I do?

2007-01-12 08:13:03 · 8 answers · asked by Stephanie_ is_ bomb. 3

My question goes with a situation that has been going on for about a year now. My husband and my cousin were best friends for about 10+ years. My husband and I started dating about 7 years ago, and so my cousin and I also formed a very close bond. It was always my husband and me, and him and whoever his girlfriend happened to be at the time. After about 4 years he started to date one of my close friends, they ended up getting engaged and later decided that it wasn't meant to be. He found a new girlfriend, and that was fine with everyone. She has changed him in many ways though. As soon as they started dating we started to see less and less of him. Eventually they ended up moving in together. My husband and I were out one night and saw her on top of a pool table, next thing we knew she was showing the whole bar her boobs. My cousin wasn't even out with her that night. She started to make a habit of going out and leaving him at home. Eventually I found out that she had had a relationship with a married man, and caused a divorce. My feelings towards her because of all of these events were starting to be very negative. I think my cousin was starting to see how she was, and he started doing things with us a little more often. One day I opened up to him and told him how I felt. He went on to tell me how she had made him change clothes before they would go places because she didn't like what he was wearing and so on. He ended up breaking up with her and decided to date another one of my close friends, despite my request that it didn't happen. They dated for about a month and during this time the ex found out that me and my cousin had had the discussion about her. She went to my aunt crying about how she loved him and wanted him back. Evidently he decided that he still had feelings for her and they ended up getting back together. Less than 3 months after getting back together she found out she was pregnant. She had went on vacation to Florida with 2 other girlfriends and left my cousin at home. I didn't think this was right. The baby is due March 8th and they were in Florida in May. I think that there may be a chance that the baby is not his. I expressed this concern to several family members and now my cousin, his girlfriend, and my aunt are acting like I am the most terrible person in the world. I tried to fix the relationship between the four of us(My husband, my cousin, the pregnant g/f, and myself) before she got pregnant and they didn't seem to want to fix it then. Now they are having a baby shower and the whole family is invited minus my mother and me. I don't think this is right. As a very close family, we have never excluded anyone from anything EVER! I don't know what to do, I feel if I express my anger and hurt it will only cause further problems. I have tried talking to my cousin and his girlfriend on several occasions and its like they don't care that its causing problems in the family. I also don't know if I should get the baby anything. Help Please!!!

2007-01-12 08:06:25 · 9 answers · asked by AJacks 2

could not afford but is avolvo w/ 6 air bags...helps me sleep at night, between tuition, her apt., her ins., her food, this is like over 1000 a month....but again, she is not on drugs, works hard, just got heer a credit card for what she needs...(not clothes or meals out), and now a new cell phone...I go without, is that my job as a parent or am I going over the top, he father, my ex, wouldn't even get her a cell,,is remarried, loaded and has two more kids...he demands her to be there for all holidays..what am I doing wrong...and he pays no support.....HELP!!! thanks to alll of you out there who answer for real...

2007-01-12 08:03:37 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

We are both madly in love, we have nightmares bout the other leaving, we miss eachother even after a few minutes, we have alot in common but have our differences, we love doing things for eachother, we love to cuddle, we love to drive together to work even when we have diff schedules and i have my own car.

I am confident about his love, but when he doubts me or says i am being a ***** just because i am not actin and talkin babyish to him it makes me think maybe he is fallin out of love.

He says i love you to me more than i do, he is way insecure after he cheated on me a year ago, even though i make it clear to him i will never leave unless he cheats again or hurts me and that i only love him.

When i ask him nicely not to get our bathroom rug wet he gets mad at me and says i am naggin, or when he leaves the toilet seat up and pees all over the darn bowl, when he throws his dirty stinky socks whereever he is at the time ( i have feet phobia and he knows that)

2007-01-12 07:48:18 · 6 answers · asked by mandi lala 1

is talking to other women on my space and it not even his page its his brothers..He thought that he could be slick and i wouldnt find out but i got a hold of his brothers password and been looking at it and hes flirting and asking them out..how can i confront him? hes also acusing me of cheating but im not and im preg..what should i do?? Im also scard that he might beat me up and lose my baby if i tell him hes abusive..and hes threned me that if i leave him he will take our son thats 2 years and i will never see him again...I scard to tell my family..

2007-01-12 07:41:11 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

My step son will be 19 in march.. He quit school about a 1 1/2 ago, and has never gotten a job. He claims he wants one, but doesnt do anything to get one. He stays up all night long playing on the computer and playing ps2, and then sleeps all day! His dad really doesnt push him to do anything. He claims he cant do anything to get his son to get a job. I think thats a bunch of crap!!! I told his son that he has to start paying $25.00 a week in rent.. maybe to motivate him to get a job since he has to pay something. Well, I havent gotten any money and he still doesnt have a job. What the hell should I do! I'm tired of working my *** off so he can eat and have electricity to play his stupid games.. I have 2 small children so I have to pay these bills regardless, but what can I do to get the step son to get the point???? Please help... BTW, he doesnt do crap around the house either. Once in awhile he takes out the trash, and acts as if that should be rent for the next year.. I'm over it!

2007-01-12 07:30:26 · 3 answers · asked by Indymom 2

my boyfriend and i are living together. we are soon to be engaged but im noticing some problems.... a few days ago i come home from school, sick and tired. i had asked my boyfriend to do the laundry that day cuz he had the day off, but he "forgot" so i start carrying the laundry bin down the stairs while he is watcing tv. he makes a comment, why the hell are you doing that alone. i ignored him and continued down the stairs figuring he will come after me and help me, but he never did. is he that braindead that he couldnt realize that i needed his help.... he said that i never asked him to help me and unless i ask, he wont help. who is right and wrong? i want mens and womens perspectives...

2007-01-12 07:15:48 · 12 answers · asked by bar22bie 2

I always here how people say it makes you a better person, etc I understand that. My little brother has fetal alcohol syndrome (my parents adopted him), and I love him and all but if I had a kid, say with Down's or some serious problem that would require constant care from me for the rest of me or my child's life, I just don't think I could do it.

2007-01-12 07:08:23 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

i feel i am trying to be more independent, and im trying to take more hold of my own life...i just started a serious relationship a year ago, i communicate with my mother well, but there are always those moments i feel like she cannot handle me getting older...she always wants to put her foot down even though i am 22...i still do respect her decisions and opinions, but i think it is high time that i am "allowed" to make my own...how do i make that transition?

2007-01-12 07:07:13 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

on you! I hear its 90% accurate but nervousness and depression medication can alter the results??

2007-01-12 07:01:23 · 10 answers · asked by Missylicious 3

2007-01-12 06:57:25 · 8 answers · asked by Scorpio 1

i am not getting smart or anything cause i know i have a very smart mouth.

2007-01-12 06:56:12 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous

i am not getting smart or anything cause i know i have a very smart mouth.

2007-01-12 06:53:05 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am 16 years old, and I live in ALberta Canada. Calgary to be exact. I am moving out with a friend. We are both insituations we dont want to be in, and we are ready to face the world. We plan to move out at the end of this school year, giving ourselves the summer o get settled down. When we find a place, what expenses should be aware of? How much do we need to make to get by? The things that we havet hought of sa far are

damage deposit
internet (we do online school)
utilities (heat, water etc..)

What else do we need to plan for?

Also, as a 16 year old in Alberta, what are our legals rights? Can we move out without parental consent? Do the parents have visitation rights?

2007-01-12 06:50:34 · 6 answers · asked by Girlie 1

poems for revovery,lost loved ones,depression,abortions,etc

2007-01-12 06:47:05 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous


why would anyone abuse a child

2007-01-12 06:44:11 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

hi im 14 and this girl aged 20 aske dme out i didnt even know she was 20 untill i met her i dont really know why she likes me or if she is just useing me dosent seem like it tho if we go out together you cant tell she is 20 cois she isnt taller than me the oldest gf i ever had was 17 and 16 you think she is just useing me or something? she even works haha

2007-01-12 06:39:29 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

I dont know about you but my lady, has intense mood swings during that time.... Its kinda hard to deal with... I know its a harmone thing so I try not to get upset when she gets angry out of the blue or starts crying at seemingly the drop of a pin... what makes it harder is that she is so even keel and normal when shes not on it so its a drastic change... ANy tips on how to get through it without pulliing my hair... help me out fellas......

2007-01-12 06:32:47 · 11 answers · asked by BossHogg R 2

2007-01-12 06:32:01 · 5 answers · asked by flavorlicious 2

2007-01-12 06:28:31 · 5 answers · asked by Michelle D 1

i read that the american male is becoming very feminized and since i'm a guy and i agree, i was wondering what women thought. i am very feminized and luv being so. the world would be so much better if women kinda ran things and i like being more feminine. thanks.

2007-01-12 06:20:59 · 27 answers · asked by hello. 1

2007-01-12 06:16:17 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

Is he just using her, what the hell could they have in common, apart from the obvious. If a girl had no father from the age of 14 months old, is this why she is attracted to the older man? one after the other, after the other, but, they are all bad, ex prisoners, every one of them, the badder the better, although she is part of a loving family, with an excellent step dad. Does she need help? What is wrong? She is gorgeous to look at, and has the heart of an angel, but persistently goes for bad men, old enough to be her father, why is this? What is making her think this way?

2007-01-12 06:14:38 · 46 answers · asked by Anonymous

My g/f of 4 years left me 2 days ago to try again w/ her babies father. We were friends for the last month and behind my back he realized that we were fighting and got her attention. Now she says that she has the beginnings of feelings for him and that she wants us to be friends so she can see where it goes with him. She moved out of my mothers house with me and into his apartment in a ghetto area where they sell crack on the corners with our daughter. She and I agreed that our relationship was improving, but I realize now that her heart has probably hardened to me already due to everything that we have been through. So he gets a ready made family that I worked for, and I lost my family due to all of the work we had to put in. I want nothing more than to be with her, but I think that I should back off some and become her friend like she wants, I told her that I would be her friend, but I would always be willing to take her back when she is ready. I want her, but how do I get her back?

2007-01-12 06:10:38 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

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