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Other - Family & Relationships - 30 June 2006

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Other - Family & Relationships

Not just what u think is love....true love. Does it exsist? I know this though love is not pizza or sex...Love is something we all see in fairytales and movies. But what is true love.....Not romantic love...But love.What is it?

2006-06-30 19:59:33 · 5 answers · asked by LonelyPsycho...I Need A Hug 2

2006-06-30 19:48:18 · 5 answers · asked by joanne m 1

I'm a lesbian. She isn't. I'm her first girlfriend. She's having a tough time dealing with it. And yet it's been 3 years. I know she loves me and yet something holds her back. Is it her family? They don't approve of her being with a woman. They are very catholic. I really wonder if I was important enough to her, she'd do anything for me as far as her family is concerned. If I was enough, she'd yell from the highest mountain that I am hers, right? I have been so patient with her to admit that she wants to be with me. I've been patient to wait for her to tell her family.
She is a latin woman through and through. Her family is everything to her and she thinks she'll let them down if she tells them she is with a woman. I think they'd just want her to be happy. Maybe I'm just delusional. I'd love to hear input from other Latin lesbians who may have gone through the same thing.
I just don't know what to do.

2006-06-30 19:41:04 · 8 answers · asked by Candilicious 1

I like girls alot, I can,t stop thinking about htem what should I do?

2006-06-30 19:41:02 · 11 answers · asked by crazy_clayman912 1

2006-06-30 19:34:35 · 12 answers · asked by powernewfie 4

I've been having dreams about old boyfriends, which is really weird cuz i don't normally dream and remember them. do you think this means something? or am i just being paranoid. Oh yeah I haven't seen any of them or talked to any of them in over 6 years.

2006-06-30 19:28:32 · 19 answers · asked by Meli 1

At times, i feel so blessed as a surviver of a brain anurism at the age of 36, my life completly changed in one quick second. At other times I feel almost as if this life that we live here on earth can be so trying that it is compatible to a living hell. Am i alone????

2006-06-30 19:25:57 · 23 answers · asked by Kaitlynn 1

At school I'm very nice to all of the good looking girls, but they all seem to hate me, one girl I really like I have been trying to be friends with for two years and she never notices me and does not seem to like me, then there's a boy who got with the girl I like in less than a day, wat I'm saying is WHY ARE GIRLS SO DAMN COMPLEX.

2006-06-30 19:16:21 · 17 answers · asked by crazy_clayman912 1

2006-06-30 19:12:42 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

I'm currently going through a break-up with my boyfriend of 11 years. 3 years ago I inherited a property when my father died, and I am now in the process of selling it. My boyfriend says, as a commonlaw spouse he's entitled to half. Is this correct?

2006-06-30 19:08:43 · 7 answers · asked by Q405 1

her name is michelle simmons, born april 17, 1968 in spokane, i was born in othello washington, so with this information, can you guys maybe help me out? i am very desperate and i have to find her. so if any of you know a free way to search for her? please let me know.

2006-06-30 19:08:29 · 3 answers · asked by kylenjdm 1

I really want to tell her to "stuff it", don't feel it's fair, but, I don't want to be insensitive, or hurt her...... if she's spending 3 k for vacation, why am I being hit for $300? Other Viewpoints Appreciated..........

2006-06-30 18:50:53 · 33 answers · asked by fiddlefix 3

OK, I'm 13 years old. However i have a SERIOUS problem, i take that back... addiction. OK, I'll start from the beginning. OK, for once, theres this girl whos literally OBSESSED with me. Yes, i like it, however im dating her. So i guess im her "bf". My parents dont know about my gf, and I dont want them to. I have decided that i am a "flirt" or a "player" and i cant stop liking girls. So, for my first question:

How can i dump her nicely, respectively, without it getting dirty, and my parents knowing.

Ok, so you may think: "Thats not hard." Well, i have another problem. I also need to fix it.

I masturbate, at least once a day, every day. I cant stop it. No matter what. I want to stop! But i dont want anyone else to get involved. Yes, thats a problem, but to top it off, i have to make it more complicated. I am seeing a Urologist. (Prostate docter). OK, he measures the "size", so i do not want him to realize that i am masturbating. Question: When will my testis grow backto norm?

2006-06-30 18:43:26 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

What does a girl mean when she says...." Life is touched when shared with some one like you thanks for being my friend. "

2006-06-30 18:42:16 · 7 answers · asked by DoubtingThomas 2

How do you feel about your wife being addicted to porn? Do you consider that cheating? Would you want her to tell you even though she does not really like to have sex?

2006-06-30 18:24:16 · 3 answers · asked by Naomi M 1

Before she ever died ...I will like to make peace with my grandmother but I dont know how too.I still can not accept the way or the not good ways she race my father and his 2 other brothers.Me when I was a kid ,my mom wile still married to my dad and my brother. She has hurt each of us in different and uniques ways...emotionally talking.How can I forgive her,forget about the past without remembering about it almost everytime I see her face.She is very hard to please and understand.How can I express my feeling without been afraid of getting hurt again by her...or how can I do it in a polite way ...how to tell her the truth...and how can I ask her for the truth behind the story of my father and his older brother..?

2006-06-30 18:15:50 · 12 answers · asked by Canela 3

or lat least not oftin.

2006-06-30 18:13:36 · 29 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have a wonderful relasionship with my parents ...sometimes I fear to loss 'em .I dont think I could take it,if they died ,and will rather kill my self I am so afraid.I Love my brothers and my only sister as well..what will I do without any of them?Will I die too or will I be able to accept one of em ,any of 'em or all of em death when ever happend as part of life and go on? what about you..

2006-06-30 18:04:13 · 14 answers · asked by Canela 3

2006-06-30 18:00:34 · 34 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-06-30 17:58:49 · 11 answers · asked by Jamie S 1

my boy friend decided to take off for 5 days to take care of his grandmother at his cousins house. it is 4th of july and he didnt run it by me and he is taking the cnt get the kids to the dr and take them to se fireworks. mind u he will have a brand new car to drive whn he gets there. there are other relatives that can keep her and i think he is being selfish...what do u think

2006-06-30 17:58:37 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-06-30 17:58:01 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

very very hot i mean there is no time for use a condom, you continue? or look for a condom.......

Sex Pleasure or Possible Venereal Disease... huh

2006-06-30 17:51:24 · 9 answers · asked by Leo M 4

im just asking cus all most of my black friends,and my mom and dad doesnt like the idea of me going out wit him.

2006-06-30 17:48:48 · 27 answers · asked by shawna j. 1

2006-06-30 17:42:06 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

I know many people who will hear of a new discovery, whether it be a product or a scientific concept and they are ready to bash it.

Then sometime later they start talking about it and they are embracing it. Then I say to them, "But you thought it sounded stupid before when you heard it, why do you think it makes sense now?" Then they are all like, "What are you talking about? I never heard of it before."

Are they in denial because they do not want to seem like that are contradicting themselves?

2006-06-30 17:41:52 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

I don't want details saying "You'll just know it". I want another description and your experiences of what "love" truely is.

2006-06-30 17:41:07 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

don't take this personal

2006-06-30 17:38:54 · 29 answers · asked by Anonymous

i'm a silent type of girl,actually there are times when i don't speak at all...and the guy i like is also silent,but not like me. if i can make it look like i don't have feelings for him, maybe he can do that too right?he is a friend of my two bestfriends,but he's not my friend, but we know each other since they regarded us as a "loveteam".im confused!there are times when i feel like he likes me but i don't know...

2006-06-30 17:33:35 · 10 answers · asked by xmiyukixchanx 2

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