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Family & Relationships - 23 March 2007

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships

Family · Friends · Marriage & Divorce · Other - Family & Relationships · Singles & Dating · Weddings

I believe my friends mom is hitting on me,but I want other opinions.I asked this before,but would prefer more thoughts before I act.Since the first time I met her mom,She's always been really nice to me,always smiles when I'm around,even when we aren't talking.Whenever my friend went over her moms house for dinner,her mom would have her call me to go over and eat with them.When I'm over there she always asks me about what's going on in my life and such,which is normal,but when my friend leaves the room for w/e reason,her mom will put herself down and I'll always tell her she looks fine or things of the sort.Now,I don't want people to think we see each other all the time,as it is every now-and-again we'll see each other,but I'd like to know if these are signs.One time,when we were about 17,Her mom wouldn't let her go out due to bad grades and my friend actually told me to go in and seduce her mom.I told her no but she begged me to do it, to get her mom in a better mood so she.......

2007-03-23 09:26:52 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

be atrractive

2007-03-23 09:26:37 · 19 answers · asked by bambam 3 1 in Singles & Dating

Your boyfriend or husband looking at porn on occasion?

2007-03-23 09:26:05 · 15 answers · asked by Kurt G 1 in Marriage & Divorce

there's this guy i used to sleep with.. i stopped it because i wanted a relationship... its been 5 mnths since we slept together.. anyway, he still flirts with me and on my b'day he bought me a cake ans came to my office for a glass of wine... today, i saw him and he called me his "african queen". what do u guys think of this????

2007-03-23 09:25:50 · 9 answers · asked by nizo 1 in Singles & Dating

I have been dating this guy for the past 5 months. He has a picture of him and his ex-wife (whom he has just recently gotten a divorce from). Its a small picture in a frame. We have a pretty casual relationship and we spend a lot of time together. So, I guess the fact that he has a picture of him and his ex-wife on display makes me feel uncomfortable. I have not seen any other pictures of her anywhere else, except for this one. Is it okay to bring the subject up with him? If so, how do I go about it - casually?

2007-03-23 09:25:37 · 34 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

I like a guy I never tell him that I like him. He lives in the same house. I know that he has a girlfriend and I feel that I can't tell him because I know that he doesn't like and he has a girlfriend. I can't tell him because I am afraid of being rejected. I am trying to get over him but I can't do it.

2007-03-23 09:25:25 · 10 answers · asked by jeanny d 1 in Other - Family & Relationships

I told a guy I thought he was cute. Whenever he sees me he just looks but never says anything. He can find me in a room full of people and make direct I contact. Is he not interested? He has only talked to me once before I told him this. He asked a question twice that I had already answered once and the answer was posted in front of us.

2007-03-23 09:25:21 · 5 answers · asked by Jen_n_TX 3 in Singles & Dating

Me and my husband are getting bored with our sex life so he wants us to role play.. I have dressed up but he just wants me to come out with something without dressing up or anything .. do u have any ideas I could use that doesn’t sound dumb and that will please him

2007-03-23 09:25:16 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

As stated in a previous question I don't have a good relationship with my dad. I already have my mind made that I do not want to have the Father Daughter dance, so I need suggestions on how to avoid it. I know I can tell the DJ but that might not stop my dad from cutting in. Suggestions?

2007-03-23 09:24:49 · 13 answers · asked by dynamicduo79 2 in Weddings

k well in our school we play this game were someone rites a guys name on a girls hand and if they look before 1 hour they have to ask that person out.............and well my best friend had to ask m guy best friend out (wich is also my crush and she knew it!!) and he said idk and suposevly they were goin out....and she didnt even like him she just thought he was nice and it ticked me off because she knew that i liked him and she just went out with it for the heck of it!!!! and hes not even aloud to date!!!!!! so im so mad rite now what to do what to do..........................................................o ya and btw we secretly went out for a couple weeks then his parents found out so that settles that!!!!!!! help if u can

2007-03-23 09:24:36 · 6 answers · asked by Live.To.Love. 2 in Friends

I have blue eyes, and many girls say I have nice eyes, what should I answer?

2007-03-23 09:24:17 · 5 answers · asked by derejrcar 2 in Singles & Dating

2007-03-23 09:24:14 · 33 answers · asked by zablue 1 in Weddings

I have been in situations in the past where a guy has ignored me or upset me & then I curse them out & then turn right back around & call them 1st. I have even said "u don't have to worry about me calling u no more!!" & then I'll call again. Why do we play ourselves for the fool when we know these guys r bad for us.....I guess I'm just desperate for a companion??? WHat do u think?

2007-03-23 09:23:34 · 11 answers · asked by Lovely Cappy Girl 2 in Singles & Dating

Boys or Girls stronger? (the more muscle)

2007-03-23 09:23:23 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

I am a full time student, a wife, a mommy, a maid(LOL). And I never find a moment that belongs to just me. I love DOING all that I do, I just need to find a way to balance it all out so I dont neglect anything.. Is there anyone with a similar situation that can help me? SERIOUS answers only, PLEASE....I am about to pull my hair out.

2007-03-23 09:23:20 · 6 answers · asked by heatherclhn 3 in Other - Family & Relationships

for about 2 years now ive like this guy at my school...at first it was only one of my friends that knew about this and now one of my other friends found out. Me and the guy i like have done nothing to start a relationship. The only thing we do is stare at eachother when we get the chance. Me and the guy are in different classes so we dont get to talk or see eachother as much as we did last year (we were in the same class then) and so my friend (the one that found out) thinks that there is something wrong with this and wants me to do something about it like talk to him and stuff...I dont because first of all...
I have braces...I already know that braces arent a big deal and i should accept myself and that if he likes me he'll look over it but as soon as i see his face...I forget about it and worry about it more! I also dont talk to him because I wouldnt know what to say! Also because I'm scared of the result. Please help me and tell me what i should do!

2007-03-23 09:23:14 · 4 answers · asked by Here I come I am cinnamon 4 in Other - Family & Relationships

2007-03-23 09:23:05 · 8 answers · asked by kenroyph2 1 in Singles & Dating

The problem is that I promised my parents that I was going to help them pay for the home we all decided to buy, so my wife and I decided to move in with them thinking it was a good idea because we were going to save money too, but we are getting tire of the situation, I want to move out but I don't want to let my parents down, my wife is fine with whatever I decided even though she is ok living with them? what should I do???

2007-03-23 09:22:47 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

I am kind of desperate and im trying to not be desperate and i really want my ex back but he doesnt like needy and desperate girls.So please help me not be so needy and desperate so i can get my ex back.He broke up with me because he said i dont give him space.How would i stop being needy,desperate and give him his space.Please help me change my habits because i really want this guy back but i dont know how to stop being so needy,desperate and give him space.I mean i do call him atleast once a day and i feel like an idiot because he doesnt like me to call him but i do please help me on this one i dont like being so annoying,needy and despearate.

2007-03-23 09:22:23 · 30 answers · asked by emochick 2 in Singles & Dating

Would someone older than 25 want to go back to being a teenager?

What are teenage hormones?

Does everyone believe in teenage hormones? Why or why not?

Can a teenager stop him/herself from being moody? Why or why not?

When do teenagers mature and when do they first begin to "act on hormones"?

P.S. Most of these are in your opinion questions.

2007-03-23 09:22:17 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Family & Relationships

there sending me in less then 2 weeks iam a senior and about to graduate on time and they say i can come back next year and finish. it breaks my heart that i wont graduate with my class. there sending me because someone told my mom that they did witchcraft on me and she wants me to get help over there and i dont believe that stuff but what should i do?? Iam mostly going because i c that this will help my mom she is so into in and i just dont know what to do????

2007-03-23 09:22:13 · 15 answers · asked by ms.olveraangelica 1 in Other - Family & Relationships

My current boyfriend and I have been through a lot, but the long distance is killing us. However my friend (male) and I have been bonding more and more, and I feel undiniable sparks. I have not cheated but I can not help but think what it would be like to be his girl. Can I still love my boyfriend and fall in love with another man?

2007-03-23 09:21:27 · 13 answers · asked by roll model 1 in Singles & Dating

you know what i mean... i hope... like me as friend/crush/or w.e

2007-03-23 09:21:07 · 16 answers · asked by ♥loveisforever♥ 2 in Singles & Dating

Embarrasment, Guilt, an opportunity to break it off? You really didnt care for him after 7 years...? Why?

2007-03-23 09:20:58 · 5 answers · asked by Tony M 2 in Singles & Dating

My husband had been off of work since December because he had to have surgery. He's going back to work on Monday and now I'm so sad. As much as he has annoyed me sometimes throughout the last 3 months, and as much as I've wished he'd go back, now that he is I am so sad. I'm in college full time and he works 60+ hours/week. We will rarely see each other. I'm going to miss watching our fav tv shows together and him sleeping next to me at night (he works nights). What can I do to not feel so sad about him going back to work??

2007-03-23 09:19:58 · 33 answers · asked by Monica 1 in Marriage & Divorce

I made a few mistakes in the beginning of my relationship...for example talking to my ex boyfriend...erasing text messages or calls and some flirtation. Yes I know I'm a horrible person but I have tried to move past all those mistakes i made with him. I have changed...and pretty much done every single thing he's asked of me including not hanging out with certain friends or going to certain places. I let him look at my phone...tell him everything and I am 100% devoted to him. He still has many issues with trusting me and it has an effect on us and the way I feel about myself. We are both really outgoing and love to go out but it seems every time we do it hashes up the past and we end up bickering. Its not healthy. I know I made mistakes but he makes me feel like I am a terrible person. Do you think he will ever be able to trust me again??? What can I do to get the trust to where it should be? Nothing I've done so far has seemed to worked completely.... Thanks:(

2007-03-23 09:19:58 · 10 answers · asked by Elizabeth M 1 in Singles & Dating

i broke up with my boyfriend and we got back together and he used 2 call me at least twice a day and now he doesn't call me at all and we don't talk very much at school when i call him he asks me "what do you need?" i just say i just want to talk then we talk for like two minutes then he says i'll call you later but he never does, if he does he calls like 5 mins before i can't talk on the phone anymore (yes he does no when i can talk on the phone and the time limits that doesn't bother him he has the samething)
what should i do?
i don't want 2 break up with him

2007-03-23 09:19:57 · 8 answers · asked by I am a Horror :D 2 in Singles & Dating

My sister is getting married in a few weeks and I just got the invitation in the mail. I was not invited with a guest. I am not currently seeing anyone, but still I think that since I am in the immediate family, I should have been offered the opportunity to bring a date.

2007-03-23 09:19:55 · 14 answers · asked by heybeerman29 2 in Weddings

I went out with a girl 2 times and I think she likes me.. but I really like her friend.. what should i do??

2007-03-23 09:19:52 · 2 answers · asked by Paul 2 in Singles & Dating

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