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Family & Relationships - 15 March 2007

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Family · Friends · Marriage & Divorce · Other - Family & Relationships · Singles & Dating · Weddings

Alright, we're both in high school, and we're friends. I really like her a lot, and I think she likes me, but I'm not sure. How can I (literally) get closer to her? And I don't mean in a perverted sense...specific examples would be nice. Thanks in advance!

2007-03-15 14:18:08 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

how come when we break up with some one its hard to find others to talk with? i cant find anyone to chat with....

2007-03-15 14:17:58 · 10 answers · asked by drjayz_22 2 in Marriage & Divorce

(This is my role-playing profile, that's why it says i'm a guy but i really am a girl.)
Okey, i'm 14 and i'm pretty much your average punk-goth-emo girl. I can't get a boyfriend and i am trying hard. I even esk my friends for help. I really want a boyfriend...maybe it's because i'm not good enough? I don't know...if anyone could give me advice or anything...that'd be awsome.

2007-03-15 14:17:55 · 10 answers · asked by Amy 1 in Singles & Dating

I've been seeing this girl 4 like 2 months and i've done everything for her,buy her expensive things pay her light bill bring her food and medicine when she was sick,pay to get her hair and nails done,fill up her gas tank.Whatever she has needed i've given it to her,but when i ask her for something,and believe me it's notmuch,be on time for dates,watch me play baseball call me back in a certain amount of time,se can never do it it's like pullng teeth,she always has something else to do.I feel sometimes with all the things i do for her she should give in and do some things forme.I'm just getting sick of it,i would think of all t things i do 4 her she would be like" yea i'll go or yea i'll be on thime" but no.I mean I don't feel like she owes me anything.She's even admitted that she needs to be there for me more, but those were just words and not actions..

2007-03-15 14:17:20 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

I got my first kiss from this guy named Shane but then he kissed my other friend which he told me he didn't even like then he went on vacation, his other two best friends Alex and Michael would call me and stuff. I hungout with them and me and Alex really hit it off great and he would always call me but I didn't want anything to happen because I still have feelings for the first guy. Then one day I was drunk and I made out with Michael. I don't know what to do, I love Shane so much but after he treated me.. and it seems like nothing could ever happen because his friends would get mad.

I just want everything to be okay.
What should I do?
Email me too please. Thank you.

2007-03-15 14:16:06 · 2 answers · asked by I love you 2 in Singles & Dating

shes goin out with a 6th grader like her him and me. I really like her and wish she liked me

2007-03-15 14:15:23 · 8 answers · asked by Kyle D 1 in Singles & Dating

ok well a very close friend that I just happen 2 b n love with really screwed ^ We switched names on yahoo n a friend of mine from school (my friend that I switched names with doesnt live n the same state as me) got online n thought he (the guy Im n love with) was me n this friend has liked me since 4th grade n he just happened to ask me out. n I dont like the dude n I really dont wanna hurt his feelings thats y Ive said no the past couple of times he asked me out. But the guy I'm in love with told my friend yes, but the guy I'm in love with is in love with me too well was I hope he still is cuz he means the world to me anyway I dont think he realized what he had done So now I'm goin out with my friend but I soooo don't like him like that but he doesn't know. So wut do I do? Do I break ^ with him and break his heart? or do I stay with him and not like it and possibly hurt the guy that I love who I hope is still n love with me?n if that guy is reading this please tell me how you feel :(

2007-03-15 14:15:05 · 1 answers · asked by game_freak517 3 in Singles & Dating

2007-03-15 14:14:42 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Friends

Each question has to deal with how a guy likes a girl.....
1. What do guys look for in a girl?
2. Is light brown hair, hazel eyes and a light tan cute together?
3. Contacts or glasses?
4. Long nails or short nails?
5. Painted or non painted finger nails?
6. Caring or non caring?
7. Happy or sad?
8. Cute or ugly?
9. Sporty or gily?
10. College or drop out?
11. Money or non?
12. Kids or no kids?
13. Commitment or no commitment?
14. Serious or no serious relatinship?
15. Life long marriage or divorce?

That is all...... If you take the time out to do my quiz then thank you so much.... this quiz could make me a better person..... feel free to add your own questions and answers as well....... thanx again.

2007-03-15 14:14:02 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Family & Relationships

2007-03-15 14:13:59 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

I'm in middle school andThere is this guy in my class that is always telling me to shut up for no reason calls me ugly sometimes and he is always under my shoulders I mean like if I does anything wrong he is always right there telling me what I did wrong and this morning 1 of his friends said he liked me and the guy wuz quiet while I responded no he dosen't like me but his friend wuz kidding!He also tripps me up and today he threw a paper tower in my face then picked it up.

2007-03-15 14:13:56 · 7 answers · asked by GirlLab 1 in Singles & Dating

ok, well there is this boy and hes my friend. he is always very close to me(close to where boys shouldnt always be) and he talks to me alot.my friends came over and said that he liked me but he smiled and swore that he doesn't and when i walked away i think he got sad and went away too. mt friends say we should got out and that we would be the perfect couple but i dont know what to do.

Should i go with him? or should i just tell him to drop the subject.

2007-03-15 14:13:45 · 4 answers · asked by !!!!Just_______!!!! 3 in Other - Family & Relationships

I was at home when my big brother's friend was over (having a big bro with hot friends are AWESOME!!!) and I was on the phone with my buddie and my bro's friend asks who I'm talkin to and I answer my girl buddie Mary and he's all oh is she cute and I'm all I dunno see for yourself and I show him a picture of my friend and he looks at it then looks over at my bro who gives him this look like never in your life! and my bro's friend goes oh she's cute...

I believe he was just tryin to keep it clean so he lied but what would he say if he didn't think she was cute or would he just lie...?

2007-03-15 14:13:45 · 1 answers · asked by carlymychelle 2 in Singles & Dating

go to this link and watch the video (it isn't gross)


how do i have it happen i realy want the kiss from a guy i like we aren't even going out but how?

i know it is a childish question but any tips on getting the guy to know that you like him with out telling him?

2007-03-15 14:13:30 · 1 answers · asked by blah 3 in Singles & Dating

I'm very sorry this is so long I'm just VERY UPSET and need to let this out so please read!!!!

PLEASE I'M SO UPSET RIGHT NOW PLEASE!! i'm sorry i didn't mean for it to be this long i just need to let this all out!


I have two best friends "Tori" and "Rachel." I'm a senior in high school. Tori and i got into a fight in the beginning of the year. She made fun of me because i thought Abraham Lincoln was black! (HE IS BLACK!!) I know i am right! I accident "swung at her" and hit her in the face. She had to get ice but it was on accident. I apologized to her about a million times. After that she went around to the whole school and told everyone how I had hit her and people have been making fun of me ever since! I am crying all the time because of that! Anyways recently within the past month she did apologize for her actions and has been sticking up for me quite a bit.

…this is where all of the problems start…Tori, Rachel, and I was all supposed to go to prom together with a group of other people! We had to buy tickets this week. Rachel Told me Tori and her boyfriend and everyone else to buy tickets on Wednesday. That was the last day to buy tickets. We all agreed to bring our money then. Tuesday while we were walking up to the field house for track practice Rachel was talking really badly about Tori calling her dumb and etc. Little did we realize that Tori was right behind us. So we get into the field house and Rachel dropped the bomb on me that neither me nor Tori nor her boyfriend were invited to prom anymore. She told us that she had already filled her table with 10 people, the limo was full and the hotel was booked already. She apologized for forgetting to tell us all of this. I was crying hysterically. I don’t have many friends and Rachel is my only one true friend. Now at that time I couldn’t go to prom because of it.

Tori then flipped out at Rachel and told her that she heard everything that she had said about her while we were walking to the field house. She then told me that Rachel was talking really really badly about me! She told me that Rachel said she did not want to go to the college she got into because she found out I would be attending there too. Tori then admitted that she had not always been the “best friend to me” but was recently sticking up for me. (WHICH SHE HAS BEEN) and that’s the truth. Any who Rachel denies ever saying that. She told me why she would ever say a thing like that if she was rooming with me at college. Which makes sense? Rachel then said she hadn’t always said “nice” things about me but she would never say anything like that.

I don’t know what to do now!! I’m so upset…now Tori said she’s not going to prom and going to go to her boyfriends prom at his school because she wants nothing to do with Rachel and is upset by what Rachel had done and wants to avoid drama. Tori invited me to go with her and her boyfriend to Virginia the day of our prom.

But…then Rachel said she had enough room for me in the limo and such on Wednesday the day I was buying the tickets so now I am going to prom! But I’m still upset by what happened. She wouldn’t Allow Tori to come but Tori said she doesn’t care anymore because all of this is childish drama that she refuses to get involved in.

2007-03-15 14:13:01 · 13 answers · asked by Jackie R 1 in Singles & Dating

Theres this girl, and she is absoultly increidible.She is smart, beautiful, sweet, and just a overall great person. She has changed me as a person. She has shown me the path of religion that I love, she has made me do better in school by saying if she can do it why cant I. She has open me up and helped me see every creature for thier own beauty. She is my reason for getting up in the morning, and I look forward to being with her when ever I can. We are freinds, and I have already asked her out,several time, even once with a group of people. She said no, but because she wants to wait till shes older. I have these increidible feelings that I have never felt for anyone, and I want to tell her. What should I do?

2007-03-15 14:12:44 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

okay im white and my girlfriend is black. she uses the most greatest smells grease its like strawberrie. and i would love to grease her hair when i hanging out wiht her and her family her autn said aomthing about a man that will grease her hair he gots her hooked or somthing like that i want to grease my girls hair. so how do you do it??? and how should i come about asking her for me to do it so i dont afffend her.

2007-03-15 14:12:26 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

Lately I find myself at a place where I don't know which way to go (very confused). I dont' want to be depressed and sit at home. I've done that enough. I want to move forward, but which way?? I'm learning to let others help me, but I don't want to get hurt. I've been through enough and I'm very sensitive. That makes me want to isolate myself, but I can't do that either.

2007-03-15 14:12:25 · 4 answers · asked by kisses 2 in Friends

I've been seeing a guy whom is 17 years older than me. We met out about 2 yrs ago in Pittsburgh. When I 1st met him he was in the middle of his 2nd divorce. I recently moved to Maryland. We kept in touch and he has continued to support me emotionally and physically with the move. He has since come to visit me several times, some weekend back to back. The one particular weekend he washed some of his belongings at my house and a pair of woman’s panties showed up in the wash? I asked him who they belonged to and he was shell shocked and began to say that he knows I'm still seeing another guy from Pittsburgh. He played completely pass the fact that another woman’s panties showed up? However the rest of the weekend was pure bliss. He followed that weekend up by showing up the following weekend making it another pleasurable experience. He continuously tells me that he loves me over and over again and we sleep intertwined and breathing in each others space. We wake up kissing & saying I lov

2007-03-15 14:12:05 · 1 answers · asked by Advice needed 2 in Singles & Dating

If you think fat girls are hotter than thin girls, tell me why. What is it about fat that you think is sexy?

2007-03-15 14:10:48 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

i mean i have this really close guy friend we messed around once, we've kissed twice but are friendlynest has been close since 2005.He does have a girlfriend but he spends most of his time with me and he's like a son to my mom,she calls him her son-in-law and were not even dating. But at the same time i feel like his girlfriend! I don't think he's using me for sex because that's only happened once like i said, kissed twice, but yet i don't know if he's using me but i know im not in denial, i just wanna know do you think he's falling for me? It's kinda funny because he gets real inscure when other guys are around.and another reason i don't think he's using for sex is because were always alone we always have the time but we usally just play the x-box 360, or we'll wrestle,he is the most sweetest person but im worried that if i go with him that he might cheat on me!!!please help with any answer!!!

2007-03-15 14:10:45 · 4 answers · asked by D baby 1 in Singles & Dating

I am going thru alot w/my husband right now. I haven't seen him since Sunday and haven't talked to him since Monday. I feel like he has someone on the side(either did or still does). There are enough things that have led me to believe this. My question is.......why hasn't he just divorced me instead of seeing someone on the side? Why hasn't he divorced me to go be with her? Why has he stayed rather than gone if that's the case? Not that I want him to(because I don't) I'm just curious.

2007-03-15 14:09:52 · 23 answers · asked by love my life 2 in Marriage & Divorce

2007-03-15 14:09:44 · 1 answers · asked by Nancy 3 in Singles & Dating

ok me and my bf have been 2gether for 5 yrs. we have been living for 2gethr for the past 3yrs. he has 2kids with another female and recently she got kicked out her mothers house and forced to a shelter. she asked him to go through the system w/ her so that she is not alone wtih the kids so he tried to stay but they are always fighting and he didn't want to do this, they got in a big fight she told him to leave and he did. Now me and this girl never got along we are always arguing . since she doesn't like me she doesn't want the kids near me.
my problem is that she just wrote me an e-mail , asking me to convince him to come back, and that that she can't take care of her kids alone . I understand this , as a woman i do. But personally i feel that she has to learn to grow up and take responsibility since she hasn't the past few yrs and put herself in this situation. But i feel bad for the boys , and if i don't talk to him i am the wrong person , what should i do , please let me ko

2007-03-15 14:08:52 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

okay im 14 and am in the 8 grade. i live with my grandparents because my dad walked out on his family(me, my brother, and mom)and my mother lives in gilroy. i love her to death but theres no way i could be able to live with her, she is bipolar and suffers from depression..but she has always been there for me. anyways my brother is in jail for 13 years and is only 19..i want to make something of my life and have excellent grades..other than my intermediate family--my grandmother was an 8 grade teacher for 35 years and is now recently retired and as my granfather..they have a son(my uncle) who is 26 and is brilliant..he graduated from berkely..im planning on going to berkely too. i know right from wrong and am very mature for my age..mostly because of what i have been through..i dont cause a lot of trouble but theres those moments. sometimes ill go drink or smoke pot, not a lot though..sober from drinking and smoking 4 months..im not addictive and only do it for kicks once in a while

2007-03-15 14:08:43 · 8 answers · asked by F.BeeZi 1 in Family

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