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Family & Relationships - 14 February 2007

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Family · Friends · Marriage & Divorce · Other - Family & Relationships · Singles & Dating · Weddings

I like this gurl in my school but I dunno if she likes me or not. Sometimes outside on the field/playground she'll come and hug me, today at the school dance she also did the same, she looks at me as I walk past, but I'm not sure. Does she like me? If u think she does, please tell me wut to do.... thanks!

2007-02-14 12:28:12 · 6 answers · asked by cooldude 2 in Singles & Dating

so do guys talk about crushes and girls and stuff as much as girls are said to do? like besidese just saying stuf like yeah, she has a hot @ss or something like that

2007-02-14 12:27:36 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

My husband left me & my daughter about 4 months ago. He really was just very immature & not ready for marriage. Either way, now he decides that he doesnt want a divorce. He wants to get to know each other again & even get remarried again.

Well, now the problems is, he has been unemployed for 8mths & hasnt been providing any support for my daughter. He wants to take on a job in a completely different field, he used to into Computers. He has always been a naturally athletic person, & he wants to be a dance instructor. The job he has been offered will require him to work Mon-Thu 12pm-10pm, & half a day on sat & doesnt pay much at first. I work from 8-5 Mon-Fri. My daughter is in day care during that time. I feel that we would never see him & i would have to trust him working w/other women instructors and female students. I dont want to be a bad wife, but i feel like this would put a strain on our weak marriage. Am i asking for too much? I just dont want to get hurt again.

2007-02-14 12:27:26 · 15 answers · asked by Hmm 2 in Marriage & Divorce

I am 48 and my gf is 44. I am divorced and so is she. We have been together for 4 months. We have our differences, and we live on opposite sides of town so we see each other on the w/e. Neither one of us can move in with the other right now. We have another year before we can even think of living together. Her daughter graduates next June from HS. I am working on being patient, but this w/e thing is tough since we are together only Sat.nite/Sunday afternoon. We aren't clicking sexually at this point, but I feel that it takes time to learn the other's likes or kinks. I would like to see this through for at least a year. She is quiet, reserved and is not really open with communication, but I give her respect, cause she's trying to be more open and sharing.
Any ideas or suggestions? I have deep feelings for her and she is a caring woman who loves me for who I am, not what I can give her.

2007-02-14 12:26:57 · 10 answers · asked by David M 1 in Singles & Dating

ok so theres this guy and he got me a card and gave it to me in frount of mi whole class on valentines day and i like him and everything but tommorow is goin 2 b really awkward because i get embarassed and i was really really embarassed when he gav me the card and i dont know what to say to him and everything
ps-b4 he gav me the card and said that he liked me and asked me to be him valentine he was mi friend and i talked to him alot so now it will be really awkward and i need HELP!!!

ps i already posted it but i need more HELP!!

2007-02-14 12:26:10 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

Well its not like I exactly WANT to kiss him now, but there will come a moment when I am ready and I wont be able to. I dont know. The only time I am with him alone is in the hallway at shcool every once in a while. Im not about to kiss him there.

2007-02-14 12:26:09 · 10 answers · asked by i miss himm.alott? 2 in Singles & Dating

So i was dating this girl i fell in love with the monent i saw her and then after 7 months everything fell apart. Her mom doesnt like me at all and the daughter has no back bone to stand up to her mom about what she wants in life. We ended up beaking up because it became really stressful for us to be together. We still talk every day, email, text back and forth, see each other. So why cant we be together? This girl is my heart and soul and i dont know what do to. I know that she was in a tug a war battle with her mom and myself and i know we broke up to ease some of the stress but i feel so lost without her in my life. I have never felt like this for anyone. She blew me away with her great big smile. We get along great. We have wonderful conversations, laugh all the time, have great sex, hold each other all night long, and do many things together from walks to travel. She comes to me for everything. What should i do just more on or wait until she is ready to be with me again

2007-02-14 12:26:04 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

Let's say, the EX decides to give up on everything INCLUDING YOU and become homeless.

You NEVER worked a day in your life or been to college. What do you do (other than take your clothes off and strip) to make money? How do you plan your future without anyone to help you?

2007-02-14 12:24:27 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

but, my friend also likes him. i am pretty sure he is not interested in her. i got really mad because she sent him a valentine and it said "thx for talking to me on the phone. Be mine!!! j/k". she is annoying the heck out of me. what should i do. and also she got an anoymous valentine, and other people said it was from that boy. but i don't know. how do i get him to notice me and be more interested in me. i also want him to ask me out... how can i get him to do that??? please help!!!

2007-02-14 12:24:14 · 12 answers · asked by Cutie Pie 1 in Singles & Dating

How do you tell a girl that likes you a lot that you just want to be friends and not boyfriend and girlfriend.

2007-02-14 12:22:44 · 13 answers · asked by bobo 2 in Singles & Dating

i went to my v-day dance at school and the guy that i like was there he is in a grade higher then me and i still dont know his name but when i was dancing he kept looking at me he was like moving his head around to find me and when it was time to slow dance he kept smiling at me and everytime i got close his friends would like push him like they were telling him to ask me to dance(but we didnt even talk)i see him all the time cause we have the same lunch period does what happened at my dance mean he likes me or what

2007-02-14 12:22:42 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

i like this guy in my grade.. we were okay friends, then i asked him to tournabout (a dance where the girls ask guys) and every since than we haven't really talked because everyone is always like awww awwwww awwwww... i don't think he like likesss me like a bf gf way but what are some ways you can tell? I am sure he assumes I like him because everyones always talking about it but should i tell him i ilke him even if i dont think he feels the same way?

what are some ways i can make everyone else stop teasing us about it?

2007-02-14 12:22:42 · 5 answers · asked by JULIE 1 in Singles & Dating

I wish that if someone knows how can we contact Cesar "Yayong" Aniban please do inform me. We heard that he's in San Diego CA. I would appreciate any help you may extend. Thank you so much.

2007-02-14 12:22:38 · 2 answers · asked by nimfa_aniban_baluca 1 in Family


so im making a card that will be sent to someone in the nursing home. and we all know how sad it is for some people who never get visited by anyone, never get anything, and they're just stuck out there alone! well, i would like sum suggestions on wut to put on the card...a nice quote w/ a pic or poem mayb??

2007-02-14 12:22:28 · 3 answers · asked by 8teen 2 in Other - Family & Relationships

There is this nurse that I work with and we always joke around at work and we both had a bad day and decided to go for a couple drinks after work together. While we were at the bar we were talking and having a good time. My question is first of all, I dont know if I did it or what but our legs kept rubbing against each other. She never moved her legs away, is this a good sign that she likes me? Second question I'm not quite sure if she has a boyfriend or not but she got a phone call but she did only talk for about a minute and said she told the person on the phone that she would have to call back later. Do you think she has a boyfriend, or that she is into me and hung up the phone to talk to me or just felt sorry and hung up to not be rude. Please help.

2007-02-14 12:22:25 · 1 answers · asked by nursewv999 1 in Singles & Dating

Last year on Valentines day I was watching my 3 year old sister well my parents went out for lunch. I was in the kitchen making lunch while my sister was watching t.v. I heard her scream and ran to her. By the time I got there she was rolling down the stairs when she stoppted she broke her neck and died. I feel like it is my fault wat do I do?

2007-02-14 12:21:57 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family

what should i do?
my ex bf is the dad. he lives 3 hours away now. we talk pretty much everyday and he loooooves to talk about our baby and we are both very excited about having it. we picked names, talked about everything-baby.
the thing: whenever i say "i love you" he never says it back, he sent me flowers for Valentines day but the card just said "happy v-day". he refuses to talk about "us" and is more comfortable talking about us with baby. i am planning to move down there, but it doesnt seem like he has any plans of us being a couple again or of even saying "i love you" anytime soon...we were together for 3 years..can soemone please help me figure this out? serious answers only please

2007-02-14 12:21:01 · 28 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

Me and my friend started this gossip book and I was writing in it in class and this one boy and girl were looking at it and they were throwing away trash to c wat I was writing......now they r starting rumors about me calling this one girl a tramp and this other girl a hooker and everyone is (exc. my friends) being really mean....what should i do???? PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!!

2007-02-14 12:20:50 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Friends

can anyone give me some flirting tips? like how do you do it? when i talk to a boy its like talking to a girl i act normal. but i wanna change that. how do i start the conversation?

2007-02-14 12:20:28 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

Does anyone know any under 18 clubs in northern, virginia?

2007-02-14 12:20:23 · 9 answers · asked by mcflyangel15 1 in Friends

theres this guy that i met the beginning of the school year and we were basically "together" but not going out for like 4 months. we really liked each other and everything was going great. then around december, he started to think this other girl was cute, but we were still together and he still had feelings for me. it was getting really annoying because she liked him and kept trying to flirt with him. so i made him choose between us, and he chose me. we hooked up, nothing serious, after that. now just recently like a couple weeks ago he told me he needs to end it between us b/c he needs to focus on school.. (hes been doing really bad and his moms pissed). he said he wants to be cool with me and loves who i am. so we decide to end it, and then i see him with HER. now they have a fling and he ASSURES me that he didnt plan it to be this way and that he never meant to hurt me. he keeps giving me mixed signs and everyone thinks he still likes me. should i let him go, or try to get him back

2007-02-14 12:20:07 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

Ok so i like this guy and i think he likes me because he always smiles at me and always trys to get my attention...........but he has a girlfriend so i don't know whats up

2007-02-14 12:17:43 · 8 answers · asked by hello 5 in Singles & Dating

Wve been together for 3yrs.We were happy & evrything is perfect.we love each other so much,we have plan 2 get married and have kids and build a hppy family,we never fight or argue of anything.We were romantic & passionate,we treat each other as bestfriends also,we never keep secret & never lie,we never have issue with 3rdparty.he always tell me that he love me so & he showed it 2 me.i love him more than myself & want 2 be with him 4 the rest of my life.Then i went back home 2 have my holiday with my family,& he told me he also want 2 go back home 2 his country do same thing.and we both agree 2 do it 4 2weeks only.That 2weeks is lonely 4 me & then he suddenly do arrange married & he didnt tell me,his mother choose the girl.& since then,i didnt hear anythng from him,he dint call me,I only heard the news from his family & his friends.Its really painful,everyday i cry,its so hard 4 me to move on.I feel lost & i feel like i want to die.He is evrything 2 me & now i dont know what 2 do.help!

2007-02-14 12:17:39 · 13 answers · asked by Ella 1 in Marriage & Divorce

i bought sumthin online (a pencil case) and i didnt tell my mom. i used HER credit card, and HER name!! now i regret it! it came today, and i said y friend gave it to me...will it show up on her bill, like listed- pencil case-$21.99- plz help!!! Shell kill me!!


2007-02-14 12:16:46 · 16 answers · asked by Tigers Gal! 4 in Family

i have been told by co-workers that i can and that i can't.anyone know

2007-02-14 12:16:42 · 12 answers · asked by markam132 2 in Marriage & Divorce

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