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Family & Relationships - 7 February 2007

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Family · Friends · Marriage & Divorce · Other - Family & Relationships · Singles & Dating · Weddings

Okay I went out and got airlocked...woke up in these bloomers that are twice the size of my own BVD's...Was I date raped by a plus sized model? The weird part is I'm still wearing them, though my bag is hanging out they do feel kind of sexy!!!

2007-02-07 07:42:42 · 8 answers · asked by Paul M 3 in Singles & Dating

My husband is currently in Afghanistan and it sucks that we're not spending our first Valentines as a married couple together, but anyways I was wondering what should I do for him or get him on that special day. I already sent him one of those big Valentines greeting cards with some of our pictures in it last week so it will get there on time, but I feel I should do something more for him. Anyone have any ideas?

2007-02-07 07:42:14 · 9 answers · asked by uhhh 2 in Marriage & Divorce

so i went on a date with this guy and we had a good time. i said so, he said so...we held hands and we kissed at the end of the date. but now it's monday, and it's awkward. i was talking to one of my friends and she had told me that she talked to him while he was in front of his guy friends and he said that we just made out...nothing serious but he wouldn't mind doing it again. but the trouble is i like him more than just a friend. i think he's blowing it off because he thinks that's how i feel about it...nothing serious. i just want to tell him my feelings just to get it off my chest. i was going to do it on v-day but is that a bad time?
advice? observations?

if he didn't like me, why would he want to do it again?
keep in mind that he's in high school and he was surrounded by his male friends.

but at the same time, i'm kinda mad at my friend for asking him what's going on between us.

2007-02-07 07:41:59 · 20 answers · asked by thebodyelectric! 1 in Singles & Dating

i've got a guy i worked with and was friends with a few years ago coming to visit me. he and i were never dating - but the last day we both lived in the same city we ended up in bed. we've stayed in contact - a few conversations a year, emails, etc, and he's still the fun guy i had fun with back then. i don't have big feelings for him, don't even know how attracted to him I'd be after these past few years, but my question is - how irresponsible is it for me to have him visit without knowing what his expectations are? We joke and flirt and all that, but also talk about who we're dating,etc. I don't want him to visit if the reason he's actually buying the ticket is for some gauranteed action, but I don't know if it's worth it to mention it beforehand... since we only crossed that line once.

would you get mad if you visited and it turned out i was not going to hop into bed? or is it more likely that you too would not know what to expect?

2007-02-07 07:41:35 · 6 answers · asked by imnotachickenyoureaturkey 5 in Singles & Dating

me and my friend with benefits are really casual. we hang out, don't always have sex, yet we're still friends with benefits. we've been in this mutual agreement since september 2006. and my main question was just really how long do these things really last? this is my first fwb thing n it's been reallllly hard containing my emotions n keeping them out of the situation, but i'm handling it well. it's a really stupid question to ask, but i guess i just want to see how long it's lasted for all you yahoo answers users :)

2007-02-07 07:41:07 · 13 answers · asked by kissmysta 2 in Singles & Dating

i dont feel like going any were unless she is there if any 1 has been in my place answer please what should i do i need to see her or even talk to her any tips

2007-02-07 07:40:47 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

We both go to GED classes and we talk once. We talk about our school history and religion. She told me she lives with her grandmother and she goes to this big church. She told me she used to go to private school and she had to wear a dress and she didn't like it. So she now goes to the GED classes. She also said that our class feels like it's summer school. Are conversation ended when are 10 min break was over and back to work. I was leaving early right when break is over. She told me she was leaving in 2 hours. Anyways
She said i'm a loser and she walk back to class and I told her no your not. And that was it we both walk away and headed in different directions. Why do you think she called her self a loser for? She sound kinda serious when she called her self a loser. Maybe she thought I was bored with our conversation. Next day in class I was doing my work and this girl ask for a piece of gum and she was behind me and she ask for a piece too. I gave both of them a piece and the girl i'm interested said i'm sorry for bothering you and I said that's alright and that was it.

2007-02-07 07:40:28 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

I make sure ,he got our dauther pictures, also my pictures i mean i put it inside his luggage ,he went to the Hotel and when i came home
I had the great idea to check the closet and guess what? First of all ,he put back all of the Baby pictures ,he put back all of my pictures in the closet and then he took his pictures without leaving even one for the baby.
What should i do ,call him and ask him why?
And at the same time ask him to give me 1 0r 2 of his picture for the baby ?
Don't think it's because he doens't really love the baby?
Or just don't do nothing at all?

2007-02-07 07:39:59 · 29 answers · asked by BOOKEY 2 in Marriage & Divorce

so i asked him to take me out to dinner. He took me to the bedroom instead, why?

2007-02-07 07:39:36 · 9 answers · asked by dianabarff 3 in Singles & Dating

The shy guy in work i cant tell if hes just friendly or he likes me . He seems more comfortable and more flirty with the loud types yet with me he seems shy/nervous/awkward but i dont know if its caus im quiet also. He has always been overhelpful with work stuff ie oh if you need any help finding refs ill help you or offering to get me files, sharing family stories,rememring things i told him, showing an interest yet when we go on work dos or in work in general it me talking to him and not the other way. But lately i havent bothered with him as much so when i do talk to him he stalls the convo to keep me talking so i dont know what ot make of the situation. I feel an attraction from him but dont know if its just in my head as im inexperienced. But if hes interested why doesnt he go out of his way on workdos. He is inexperienced also with girls

2007-02-07 07:39:06 · 8 answers · asked by ludvigjs 1 in Singles & Dating

So,my best friend went away to college, her roomate(person 1) and i are also friends but during the summer we kinda went our seperate ways. During winter break I had all the (old gang) over at my house hanging out with me and my bf.While searching through person 1's phone to find friends to invite over she got a txt from MY bf.Come to find out the two of them had been talking for the past few days.I'm not just blaming her b/c I know its his fault 2 however the only reason they have each other's #'s is because person 1 went to my BF's work to find out where I was bc i wasnt answering my phone.It was really shady to me.Then i found out a few days later that she lied to me about how they got each others numbers.She had told me that he just gave it 2 her or sumthing.her supposidly best friend told me how they had been talking 4 longer than a few days and talk all the time.Am I wrong for not trusting her anymore?She's pulled similar stuntsb4, we're no longer dating but she still talks 2him

2007-02-07 07:38:58 · 5 answers · asked by sarajanicew 2 in Friends

My wife and I have been married for 22 years. She had 2 daughters when we married that are now 33 and 35. Both of them are bums. The only time they contacted their mother was to ask for money or to bail them out of legal messes. We bought a house for the younger daughter to live in. She and her boyfriend are supposed to pay rent, but have only paid $300.00 in over a year. She was busted for drug sales and we paid her bail and part of her attorney fee. She has 2 children and the older daughter had 3 children. The older daughter "borrowed" money from us for many years until we finally cut her off. I don't know how many cars we have bought, electric bills and rent payments we have made and messes we have bailed them out of.Should we play hardball with the youngest as well? Her kids are 11 and 1. The 1 year old is here becuse of a planned pregnancy to avoid going to jail. My wife and I are both close to 60 and would like to retire in a few years, but this looks like it will be impossible.

2007-02-07 07:38:57 · 12 answers · asked by geolstone 1 in Family

She really went above and beyond this time and got me a PS3, the HDMI cable, an extra controller, and a game. I kinda feel like "thanks" isn't enough and want to do something massive for her birthday in 6 months. Any ideas?

2007-02-07 07:38:23 · 5 answers · asked by mr_peepers810 5 in Other - Family & Relationships

okay, when ever i say something rude to molly, she takes it serioiuls y and HATES ME WITH A PASSION!! then, my other BF says ALOT of rude things to her, and molly is mad for a day, then they love eachother again!! I want to say something to them, but i dont know what. Molly doesnt get that my other frined is MUCH meaner than i am!!!

2007-02-07 07:38:22 · 6 answers · asked by deleted 3 in Friends

I'm taking her out for Valentine's Day.

2007-02-07 07:38:12 · 4 answers · asked by Michael 1 in Singles & Dating

I have been friends with this guy since last August and we've become pretty close. We go out, shopping, dinner, movies, we email and talk on the phone basically everyday - he even made sure to schedule his classes at the same time as mine. He invited me to go to a New Year's Eve party with him and even talks about us going out to dinner with his friend and his wife and about how much his friends will like me. However, we've never kissed, held hands, only hugged and when we go out to dinner or a movie, I always pay for my own. Additional info is that I am going through a divorce and he knows this so I'm not sure if that has anything to do with the mixed signals or what. He is single and I know of at least one girl that was interested in him that he completely blew off and made fun of her to me. Anyway, I'm fine with this either way, just wanted some other opinions! Thanks to all who answer!

2007-02-07 07:37:55 · 14 answers · asked by Melanie M 1 in Singles & Dating

There is this really cute guy i like.....
i don't think he even knows i exist!
how do i get him to notice me without him figuring out that i am in love with him???
please help??!!

2007-02-07 07:37:50 · 6 answers · asked by sabresgirl43 1 in Singles & Dating

I'm a clueless, helpless, moron who can't think for himself. I want to get into her pants, but don't know how to broach the subject. What has worked on you???

2007-02-07 07:37:39 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating


2007-02-07 07:37:29 · 3 answers · asked by valentines snowman 2 in Singles & Dating

my boyfriend is angry with his male friend because he wants to date his ex girlfriend. does this mean he's not over her? its been a couple of years since their breakup. so...if one of your friends started dating your ex, would you be mad at them? Even if you were over her?

2007-02-07 07:37:25 · 8 answers · asked by yayaya 1 in Singles & Dating

My BF wants to wait till were married and im glad but people told me that we will give into pressure what do you think?

2007-02-07 07:36:49 · 31 answers · asked by Alli 1 in Singles & Dating

We have been through a lot of good times and many bad times. We've hurt eachother alot when drunk. When we are sober, things are far different. We have both come to a place in our sobriety where we can move on. I am still completely in love with the sober person I fell in love with years ago. He is handsome, extremely intelligent, funny and I can't imagine finding. He tells me he loves me for many reasons that come out of the sober person I have. He recently met someone on the computer and went out for drinks with her. The very next day, I began to hear doubts from him on pursuing our relationship. By his own admission, he has crossed the line, yet he refuses to let the friendship go. After we spend time yesterday discussing her, he couldn't wait to go home and talk to her. As I was telling him how uncomfortable it made me, he then answered a call from her where he laughed on the phone with her for 1/2 hr. Keep in mind, I was only there for a 3 day visit,he could call her any time.

2007-02-07 07:35:50 · 18 answers · asked by amre432 1 in Other - Family & Relationships

When I began dating my boy friend Pedro I had him come over to my house, and she started acting totally different when he was around. She later told me that she liked him, and I couldn't believe it!!!!! That's so messd up.My grandma lives with me and my boyfriend comes over every day, she spoils him, he likes it, but doesn't realize what isgoing on. What the heck should I do.? It drives me crazy. Should I talk to my grandma in a good way, or tell her to back OFF!

2007-02-07 07:35:40 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family

she is visiting her from england and is 18 we went to new york for a whole day and talked while walking around and we talked about all the things we like to do and that night she ate over my house and she smiled and laughed and asked me to go to the movies with her and i said yes then a few nights later i went over where she is staying because she also invited me over and we talked for over an hour with her smiling and laughing and she talked about how we will see eachother in the summer again then a few nights laterwhen we were supposed to go to the movies she had a headache and didnt feel well but we talked for the time i was there and she mentioned again us seeing eachother in the summer and also mentioned her exboyfriend once and i think maybe it was to let me know she doesnt have one but i am not sure then iwent over another night and she seemed happy to see me and smiled and laughed when she said hi then the first thing i said she laughed at and seemed to be smiling evertime

2007-02-07 07:35:33 · 5 answers · asked by DJIAE 1 in Singles & Dating

i was just curious, 'cause i'm doing a report on discrimination; do you think of them as more to love?
or a "no way" kinda thing.

2007-02-07 07:35:17 · 19 answers · asked by raffaelahh 1 in Singles & Dating

in a single night? there's something about cowboys i can't resist...

2007-02-07 07:34:11 · 10 answers · asked by dianabarff 3 in Singles & Dating

there is this guy named todd. he goes to a diff. school than me and my friends. i liked him first and never told anyone, then i decidede to mention him to my closeest friends, and now my friend Molly likes him too, and doesnt even care that i liked him wayy before her. She always does this with the guys her friends like!!! its soo annoying, i told her what i felt abou thte situation, but she doesnt give a rats ***. PLEASE HELP ME!! WHAT SHOULD I SAY TO HER?!?!

2007-02-07 07:32:26 · 9 answers · asked by deleted 3 in Friends

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