I was working with my bf business(not enough to make a living).Got an offer to work somewhere else for stable salary. This would leave bf in a situation b/c he made plans with me in them. I'm in school,condo owner,living off little savings and plan to get an equity loan till I finish school. Will be done in Oct.We are planning to marry and have a baby reeeaallyy soon.Both of us have no money, just a dream. At first I thought I should take the position to play it safe for us but now I'm contemplating not taking the job at all and see how his business goes. Would I be betraying him if I took the job? Would it be unwise to pass up an oppurtunity when I have so many commitments, and we have so many near future plans? He's giving me the indication that he thinks less of me now.Part of the reason I am not working is based on advice he gave me which lead me to leave the job w/ no work back up. I feel torn
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