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Family & Relationships - 15 October 2006

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Family · Friends · Marriage & Divorce · Other - Family & Relationships · Singles & Dating · Weddings

ok i like this girl at my church. I see her very rarely(like twice a month). How should i flirt? Also i told her twin bro over the phone that i liked his sis. He was kinda freaked out(just a little bit). I told him not to tell her. So when should I tell her I like her, because I didn't want to tell her over the phone. And I didn't wan't him to spill the beans. So the questions are how do i flirt? when and how should i tell her i like her? My parents don't let me date till im 18. I am 13, she is 12 and her parents have been divorced for about 4 years. Remember 10 points i have seen her for about two years

2006-10-15 16:15:09 · 8 answers · asked by pistoluser 3 in Singles & Dating

there's this guy friend at school I have.... and u guys convinced me he likes me more than a friend..... i like him more than a friend 2. how should i tell him...... ohyeah, my mom says i can't date 'till i'm 16, i'm not old enough 4 a while, and plz no one saying listen 2 ur mom

2006-10-15 16:14:42 · 21 answers · asked by kellycfan 1 in Singles & Dating

There is this guy that i really like and we have countless things in comm on but he just wants to be friends, and i don't want to make things complicated by telling him how i feel. He knows i like him, but he doesn't know i know about it. I am confused on what to do....

2006-10-15 16:14:01 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

i like this boy at school but im to shy to get to know him how should i not be afraid to go up to him???

2006-10-15 16:13:24 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Friends

mainly from the stress....my husband for the most part is a great support system ....but when i tell him that im not feeling well his response is usually"of course you dont" or "whats new" or something smart ***. Its not like im asking him to do anything or to help with the kids or housework....one of the most stressfull days, it was a very very bad day.....all he could do is ask ...whats for dinner? or are you going to cook tonight or what....my feelings were so hurt.. so i got up crying and MADE HIS DAMN FOOD!..

my stress has to do with my kids and how they cannot get along with thier dad and step mom and ...its a long story but its stressful and very very hurtful and draining.....am i wrong in needing to take a few days off as i am a stay at home mom?

2006-10-15 16:12:36 · 9 answers · asked by forbidnfruit_420 2 in Marriage & Divorce

i'm so tired of looking.

2006-10-15 16:12:16 · 12 answers · asked by midnightsteve5150 2 in Singles & Dating

My boyfriends female friend are really close and I'm fine with that but a while ago she made fun of my pants and slapped my boyfriend on the butt in front of me and has been flirty towards him sometimes and i asked him why doesnt he defend me and he said he's too scared of hurting her feelings because she has issues and would put herself in the hospital if she takes things to seriously. So its been bugging me forever and i decided to write her a letter telling her how i dont like the things shes doing in a nice way. Should I send it or let her continue doing whatever she wants because she has issues?

2006-10-15 16:12:11 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

My daughter was riding her brother's bicycle and fell off it and when she did she her leg landed on the sprocket holding the chain and her leg received a fairly deep gash. I told her not be riding men's bicycles but she didn't listen. Anyways, she started crying and I told her not to worry that everything would be okay. She went inside and told mom and mom bandaged her up. Well this is a few days later and there is a lot dead skin so I figured the best thing to do was to put some medical grade maggots on her wound to eat away the dead skin. Unfortunately, she was freaking out but I told her if she didn't put the maggots on her wound she would be grounded. Now she is going around complaining to mom that I am a bad dad and all this crap. She is 11 years old and I think she should know that this is for her own good but she doesn't seem to understand. What should I do?

2006-10-15 16:11:22 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family

my dad has given me a choice for my 14th birthday, i can get my own laptop, but i have to wait for about one month past my b-day and take 3 freinds to the freight fest at marine world, or have a party and get a bunch of gifs from him what should i pick

2006-10-15 16:10:46 · 8 answers · asked by princess 2 in Friends

i have a secret admirer.how do i find him?

2006-10-15 16:10:32 · 15 answers · asked by lil goth 2 in Singles & Dating

Been married for nearly 12 years. We have two kids (ages 3 and 6) and I'm quite happy with things as they are. I have no desire to have more kids but hubby keeps hinting that we need to have our "oops" third baby. Not kosher with me. I've brought up the idea of him getting the big V, but he tells me "what if something happens to you and I want to have more kids?" Nice, huh? I was on the Pill for 5 years and really don't want to go back on it because of the risks (I'll be 36 in December). Hubby also refuses to wear condoms. The result of this conflict......we have sex maybe once a month and I never inititate because I don't want to get pregnant. I've told him my concerns quite a few times, but he's not taking me seriously. I'm considering getting my tubes blocked but why should I having major surgery when he can have an easy procedure on Friday morning and be back to work on Monday????

2006-10-15 16:10:17 · 16 answers · asked by chnchita 4 in Marriage & Divorce

I fancy a young lady that I have been friends with for a few years and I would like to tell her how I feel but I don't know if it would be fair to.

I will be leaving for two years in a few months (at the end of which I will return) and I don't know if it would be fair to her if we were to be dating, possibly fall in love or whatnot. Also, what if I were to die or if something else happened? Or if she were to like another but felt that she had to be loyal to me? What if something else happened? Would she be happier if we were just friends or if she knew how I felt?

The final quandary is that I don't know if I should tell her how I feel or if I should just allow her to continue on not knowing.

2006-10-15 16:10:09 · 17 answers · asked by truthsetsmefree 1 in Singles & Dating

i have a cousin that says that i'm like her bestfriend but i found out that she is talking S*#t about me behind my back.what should i do I'm really MAD

2006-10-15 16:09:33 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family

She sometimes tells storys from previous relationchips and that makes me uncomfortable. like today i foundout she had sex in a gas station batroom in Texas.. She is my first relationship maby im jellows because shes had more sexual encaunters than me..

I cant picture her having sex with other people because thats something intimate i share with her, and to know that shes done that with someone else makes me feel not so special anymore..

How can she shair a intimate moment with some one inthe passt and now do the same with me..

I guess it makes it not so special to have sex with her..
am i just a macho man that wants to be the firts and only one??
thats what my instints tell me..


2006-10-15 16:08:59 · 22 answers · asked by unknownguy005 1 in Singles & Dating

do you have to be perfect to get guys? all these songs about it....
are you only worth something if your body is perfect?

2006-10-15 16:08:45 · 16 answers · asked by ajflkajfsalkfsalkfna 3 in Singles & Dating

I feel lots of things right now. Couldn-t say anything before. Now I am willing to tell him everything I feel. What do you think about a letter telling everything? Or, is it better to shut my words? Will saying all those things make me look patetic? or do you think it is worth and will make him see how much I care?
What would you think about a girl telling how she just can't sleep thinking in you....?
What do you think about these letters?

2006-10-15 16:08:33 · 8 answers · asked by grapes 1 in Singles & Dating

they were dog lovers, and you are not? We both knew how each other felt about dogs, but not much was said after. We started talking about living together. Then she threw in "when we get our own place, we have to get a dog." I told her if she wanted a dog that was fine, but we will not be together any longer if she did. So I broke up with her, because I don't want damn dog hair on me; it really does freak me out. So was I wrong for doing so? Everyone though I was very stupid for it, but that would have really gotten on my nerves.

2006-10-15 16:07:14 · 20 answers · asked by lifescircle 5 in Marriage & Divorce

I find difficult to ignore a person over the telephone (cell); i feel like i am cought. Its been so irritating when i dont like the person but continue talking over the phone. People knows i dont like them but try to waste my time.

2006-10-15 16:07:02 · 12 answers · asked by johan 1 in Friends

2006-10-15 16:06:18 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Family & Relationships

i went to a dance with a friend last night and i went down on him cheating on my bf i feel horrible but yet i cant say i regret it since he has cheated on me in the past. this other guy has a gf but he hates the relationship, he has a baby on the way but he dont think its his. how do i handle this situation. im not sure i can tell my bf what happened.

2006-10-15 16:05:13 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

2006-10-15 16:04:24 · 5 answers · asked by henri r 2 in Singles & Dating

so i have been going out with my boyfriend for a few weeks now and i really want to kiss him but i don't know when to. i know that he wants to kiss me from all the guys in my class. so when do u think i should?

2006-10-15 16:04:22 · 23 answers · asked by Makayla G 1 in Singles & Dating

Ok by "SMOOTH" I mean that I am a clumbsy guy who can't hold a smooth conversation with girls. For example if I get a girls number & call her up & talk to her in the phone I have no conversation with her & I am afraid that I might run out of stuff to say & there will be a silent moment on the phone which will make her bored *** hell & hang up the phone. I have no swag or game to pull girls & make them interested enough to have sex with me. Also I always do dumb things that I try to stop but I can't its just me.(I AM LIKE AN AMERICAN VERSION OF MR.BEAN THAT CLUMBSY BRITISH GUY)!!!! Like I am clumbsy & I drop stuff sometimes & I do stupid things like say stuff that was just said by someone else or forget stuff that I should know like about a month ago I went to a club with my friends & I forgot my ID so I could'nt get in I had to wait in the car while everyone else went into the club. I felt sooo stupid that I forgot my ID but anyway I hate it CAN ANYONE GIVE ME ANY ADVICE!!!!!!

2006-10-15 16:04:13 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

I know they say that their are plenty of fish in the sea, but I am just tired of the dating seen. Don't you get tired of intriducing yourself over and over to people only to find out they are not really who they say they are??

Not to vent, but the women i have met lately have all been so superficial and fake that it makes me almost wonder if I'll ever settle down. I am not a pessimist, but the good ol days of dating are so far gone?

This is my question; Does anyone else feel like a fish out of water in this whole dating scene or is it just me??

Right now I am feeling like a fish out of water. I am want to hop back in the pool, but also want to through my hands up and say the heck with it??

2006-10-15 16:04:10 · 9 answers · asked by O Jam 3 in Singles & Dating

I have a 5 y/o Daughter and a wonderful boyfriend I have been with for a year now. Lately my Daughter has been calling my b/f "Daddy" just playing around but it's happened more than once and I believe she is trying to get a reaction or wants that connection with him because he is the closest to a Father-Figure she has.
Her real Dad is in her life but not as much as he should be-he's not a bad guy but he is living 3 hours away and only calls once in awhile. She spent half the summer with him but because of his parents it was cut short. I can not call him because he doesn't have his own phone-he uses others but that doesn't mean he doesn't want me to call-I just can't.

My boyfriend doesn't have a problem with my Daughter calling him Dad but neither of us really know what to say to my Daughter and because I can't call her real Dad to let him know whats going on I'm not sure what to say to my Daughter. She knows who her Dad is but is it ok for her to call my boyfriend Dad?

2006-10-15 16:03:57 · 2 answers · asked by Some Girl 3 in Other - Family & Relationships

2006-10-15 16:03:49 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

i asked a question about sex and what age should you have it at and a girl told me 18 because i will be old enough to take care of the baby and then she said even if i used protections i couls possibly get pregnant.

2006-10-15 16:03:47 · 6 answers · asked by baby blue 1 in Other - Family & Relationships

so yea im pretty close to this one girl. and ive never fallen for a girl like thsi b4. and i think im pretty close to asking her out... but not yet. i just need to let her kno that im kinda interested and i do care bout her, you kno what i mean? so her swt 16 is coming up, and im at her head table. and i was thinking of making this party memorable for her you kno. so my question is. what kind of gift should i give her thatll blow away anything else that shell get? or if thats too hard, what does a girl like to get on her swt 16? appreciate anyones helpp

2006-10-15 16:03:25 · 4 answers · asked by some jersey kid 1 in Singles & Dating

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