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Family & Relationships - 21 September 2006

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Family · Friends · Marriage & Divorce · Other - Family & Relationships · Singles & Dating · Weddings

ok guys and girls i need some advice.My boyfriend and i have been going out for a little over 2 weeks.But ya c my friend keeps flirting wit him.They were once goin out but then the next day he dumped her.She says she dont like him but my best friend told me she does.So how do i tell her to bac off?!?!?!?!?!!?

2006-09-21 13:14:23 · 7 answers · asked by Sammy 2 in Singles & Dating

i'm 15 and so is he. so whenever we were in history class last year, he kepton asking me how the tests went for me.. but then when we get them back he braged that he got A's. And then on the street, he randomly called out my name, and started asking me if i knew for the final would be graded. i mean hello!! do i look like the teacher?? I never gave my name to him and his friends don't know me. he was in the history class after mine.. so he couldn't have known my name from class.
my friend says he's not shy at all.. so if he liked me.. wouldn't he have already asked me out?
so this year we have a class together, but it's been 4 weeks and he hasn't said anything. nonetheless, i find him staring at me all the time. and today he finally talked to me to see if i understood a concept. all i said was "no". i felt so awful afterwards!! do you think he'll talk to me again? what does it seem like he wants?

2006-09-21 13:14:23 · 6 answers · asked by Maria18 2 in Singles & Dating

Would you call it cheating if you found a your husband talking to
someone on yahoo 360, she shows him her breast. Then he responds that he would like to see those again and suck on them!
He ask her for her phone number.

I am heart broken he said he would never do this again but it doesn't fix anything. Im not chopped liver, I can't understand why
he has to look at her breast. Im hurt.

2006-09-21 13:13:43 · 26 answers · asked by lizzybit64 3 in Marriage & Divorce

Hilo. I'm a gifted/ap/whatever u like sophmore in high school. The first week of this new school year, my gftd world lit teacher asked us to right an essay. My friend wrote the essay, but the last sentence appeared in an altered font, and the teacher accused her of plagiarism. Well, we're like the top kids of the school or whatever, so she was totally shocked when she got a zero on the paper. THe teacher thought she was like a slacker, etc. And you cant blame her, she doesnt know the students, etc. However, the teacher reviewed it and rescored her paper, saying she didnt plagiarize. It been like 5 weeks, though, and my friend spends three hours perfecting a paragraph so that the teacher will think better of her. She says that even if the teacher forgives her, it won't matter, her "eye will forget but her heart will recall" etc. She cries 30 min-2hours a day over it, and calls people and cries to them b/c she is so horrified that fact. She says she wants to kill herself in IMs. helllp?

2006-09-21 13:12:19 · 11 answers · asked by Tough Time 1 in Friends

i want my part of it the legal way cause his wh.re in there,what about me and kids.

2006-09-21 13:12:15 · 4 answers · asked by lasilent71466 1 in Marriage & Divorce

My best friend is coming to visit me for one night- I never get to see her and we have been friends since we were 10. My boyfriend doesn't like her bc she thinks she can smoke in our house and go through our fridge. He says she is ugly and rude. Now I am nervous it's going to be bad when she gets here bc of my boyfreinds attitude. Should I be mad at him- does he have the right to act this way?

2006-09-21 13:12:02 · 24 answers · asked by nellsky 1 in Friends

2006-09-21 13:10:11 · 23 answers · asked by Mellissa 1 in Singles & Dating

he is 1 yr. older than me and i want to know how i should go about giving him hints thati like him
what i can say and do
guys how would u want a girl to let u know and how would u firgue it out
(i don't want to act like a slut either) thanks

2006-09-21 13:10:09 · 3 answers · asked by sas 5 in Singles & Dating

i'm 15 and so is he. so whenever we were in history class last year, he kepton asking me how the tests went for me.. but then when we get them back he braged that he got A's. And then on the street, he randomly called out my name, and started asking me if i knew for the final would be graded. i mean hello!! do i look like the teacher?? I never gave my name to him and his friends don't know me. he was in the history class after mine.. so he couldn't have known my name from class.
my friend says he's not shy at all.. so if he liked me.. wouldn't he have already asked me out?
so this year we have a class together, but it's been 4 weeks and he hasn't said anything. nonetheless, i find him staring at me all the time. and today he finally talked to me to see if i understood a concept. all i said was "no". i felt so awful afterwards!! do you think he'll talk to me again? what does it seem like he wants?

2006-09-21 13:09:29 · 6 answers · asked by Maria18 2 in Singles & Dating

2006-09-21 13:09:14 · 15 answers · asked by doggybag300 6 in Friends

Recently discovered my wife has been having an affair with a work colleuge. We have since split-up. How can I get my own back, any suggestions? Murder is NOT an option. (Although contimplated)

2006-09-21 13:09:07 · 55 answers · asked by Bont11 5 in Marriage & Divorce

2006-09-21 13:07:27 · 6 answers · asked by LA_CHATiTA [[MZ. ZAKATEKAZ]] 1 in Family

some grl i've never met gave me her #...said i was cute...i called her adn we talked bout school and music for 1/2 our...what should i do next

2006-09-21 13:07:07 · 25 answers · asked by Enemy Angel 1 in Singles & Dating

I askd a girl to a dance school dance tuesday cause she seemed to like me and I like her. The dance is tommorrow and she hasn't answered yet!!! I stare at her a lot and she smiles back at me then turns... and today I looked at her and she smiled a big smile at me. I don't get it... I sit right behind her during class and she won't give me an answer, just lots of the sort of stuff I said earlier. Does this girl like me or am I just messing up?

2006-09-21 13:06:58 · 16 answers · asked by steve 4 in Singles & Dating

Awright... Well I like this girl. And she knows it for sure. she's in my drama class and we've exchanged a few looks b4... And taking into consideration the way the looks have been, I'd say that she might be a lil' bit interested in me. Or maybe I wanna think that, who knows? Anyway... I asked her friend if she was going out with anybody, and she said "No" by the way, so that's good. Now I've been able to find out that she's a very shy person. But... Anyway... She plays tennis! So I went to watch her game. Now I got there a few b4 the game, so she was still roaming around the court and talking to her friends. Now she noticed me though. And as soon as she did, I could tell that she started feeling nervous. Like she started talking to her friends and ****. Now I didn't wanna get her to lose the game for that matter, so I decided to leave. Now on my way out the tennis courts... Her two friends yelled at me! They yelled: "She's not interested!!"

2006-09-21 13:04:54 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

What ways outside of the physical side of your marriage has your spouse made you feel special, for no other reason than that they loved you, and wanted to make sure you felt that love? Please, no vulgar answers, only clean answers please, and please stay away from the physical, you can talk holding hands or a tickle or something, but I'd rather leave the intimate side out and show how they can be made special even in public. Thanks. :)

2006-09-21 13:04:42 · 9 answers · asked by Kendra 5 in Marriage & Divorce

Okay so this is kind of complicated and I was really hoping that you guys could help me! There is this boy at school that I have had a crush on for the longest time! He is really cute, smart, funny, and extremely nice! About two years ago (6th grade) we started to become really good friends we would hang out all the time at lunch and e-mail all the time. I had liked him for a while before that but nobody new or so I thought. Last year (7th grade) a girl that I go to school with told him that I liked him I was really upset but what really stunned me is how she found out! After that I talked to my mom and she told me to play it low key aka if he talked to me talk back but don’t just go up and talk to him all the time like I did before because it might scare him away. So I did just that and he just stopped talking to me completely!!! I felt so rejected L (that was more toward the beginning of the year than towards the end) so the whole year it was really awkward between us and at the end of the year there was a big school dance and we rented out this really nice restaurant and there was dinner and of course dancing. Now normally I would have asked him to dance just because he is a friend but I got really nervous and chickened out!!! on the way home when I was talking to my dad about it he gave me this huge lecture on how if I really want something to happen I have to go after it and not just wait for it to come to me because it most likely won’t. I know he is right but I just don’t know how to approach him. So anyway over the summer he started e-mailing me again, I was so-so happy we would talk for about an hour every day. So I figured that when school started we would be friends again but I was so wrong he won’t talk to me at school! The most I can get out of him is a hi. I really wish that we could be friends (since neither if us can grp. Date until we are 16 and single date until we are 18) and hang out again but I have now idea how to make that happen without scaring him off again. He is a very very shy guy and I am really shy too. So I think that that might be a big factor! Thank you so-so much for reading this I know it was really long but you have no idea how much I appreciate your help!!!!

2006-09-21 13:04:14 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

The "father" of my kids lives in FL with his new wife (1300 miles from his kids) he nvr calls writes and only sees them 1 or 2X a yr. He will be moving about 13 hrs away next month and I am infuriated to think that this behavior will continue. My kids (4 and 6 yrs old) don't call him Dad or really care about him and have learned on their own that they can't expect anything from him (despite me trying to get them to talk about him, i nvr say anything bad!) My ? is the next time he is here do I confront him about the wonderful relationship that he is destroying, not to mention the heartache they are going to feel as teenagers and adults as they realize there father doesnt care about them?
PS...I have a great boyfriend who adores them and whom they call Daddy.
Thank you for yoour help!

2006-09-21 13:03:50 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

My 11 y/o son expends alot of effort in not doing work at school and seems to think that he can hide this from me. If he applied all of the energy he uses to do this to his actual work, he would not be failing.

2006-09-21 13:02:43 · 4 answers · asked by bigno425 1 in Family

Have you ever felt that a person was more than just making you happy and content in a relationship? Ever felt like you crossed over to a whole new level of LOVE?

2006-09-21 13:02:40 · 5 answers · asked by timidlady2003 2 in Marriage & Divorce

My boyfriend of 2 years.. everytime I call him up we'll talk for a few min. then he'll have to go do something like pay bills or go do something for his mom. he tells me to call him back but when I do he never answers it. the last time I talked to him today was 3pm it is now 8pm and I havent' heard anything from him.. I know he's not cheating.. I trust him, but why do guys tell you to call them back but they don't answer there phones.. if we did that they would have a fit and say we were messing around on them..

2006-09-21 13:00:37 · 22 answers · asked by Jen 2 in Other - Family & Relationships


Curious about new ways to be intimate without direct stimulation of a particular part of my fiance's anatomy. I think it would be nice to have fun before getting into the full act. I'm not talking about making out or general massage... what do you do that is nice, sensual, and exciting but does not over stimulate? My goal is to have an equally exciting "extended" experience-no pun intended.

2006-09-21 12:59:48 · 4 answers · asked by scorpilo 1 in Other - Family & Relationships

I used to like a guy who was really mean to me. He ignored me, talked about me to his friedns and when I was nice to him he was nice. This year I started to like him. I cried every night because I found out that he had lead me on by giving me his screename. I also found out he palyed me. I used to call him big nose because he was being mean to me. He was mean to I don't know why. Now he knows that I don't like him anymore and now he is pretending that nothing happened and that everything is ok. Like buddy buddy. Its really getting me mad. What should I do now?

2006-09-21 12:59:09 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Friends

i'm 15 and so is he. so whenever we were in history class last year, he kept on asking me how the tests went for me.. but then when we get them back he braged that he got A's. And then on the street, he randomly called out my name, and started asking me if i knew for the final would be graded. i mean hello!! do i look like the teacher?? I never gave my name to him and his friends don't know me. he was in the history class after mine.. so he couldn't have known my name from class.
my friend says he's not shy at all.. so if he liked me.. wouldn't he have already asked me out?
so this year we have a class together, but it's been 4 weeks and he hasn't said anything. nonetheless, i find him staring at me all the time. today, he finally asked me something. we sit in groups in our class, and he asked if my group understood a concept. all i said was "no". i felt so awful afterwards. ahh!! do you think he might talk to me again? do you think he even likes me?

2006-09-21 12:58:59 · 1 answers · asked by Maria18 2 in Singles & Dating

My boyfriend of 11 months was lounging around my apartment.
He said that he was searching the internet because he was bored.
I was looking at the history button on the internet explorer and found that he was searching his ex-girlfriend from high school, plus my name, and a bunch of other people (guys) from his life.

I feel hurt. Should I worry? Should I bring it up to him? What should I do? I love him and he loves me.

2006-09-21 12:58:34 · 26 answers · asked by hope 1 in Singles & Dating


at wat age did u guys lose ur virginity?...im curious wat is the

2006-09-21 12:58:25 · 20 answers · asked by joserules66 1 in Singles & Dating

i m french i 23 i live in the south of france ( cote d 'azur)

2006-09-21 12:56:27 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family

even though you are NOT engaged or married?

Like let's say you wear your grandma's beautiful diamond engagement ring because you love it and the memories it brings even though you are single.

2006-09-21 12:55:44 · 20 answers · asked by DREENA 2 in Weddings

I'm 22, male i was a good person all my life and single for too long i never chated on my ex girlsfirends i'm not much to look at but i know it's not about looks. so what am i doing wrong???

2006-09-21 12:55:33 · 10 answers · asked by BassKing 1 in Singles & Dating


I am in class with this guy and he is like really good looking and has a italian sports car and wear these designer clothes. I mean the other boys just aren't like that. they are all like just rolled out of bed and messy hair. and he says he has this girlfriend but she's in another college and nobody has ever seen this girl. but he is always talking to this pretty girl and joking and with her and arguing with her and they are really spending every minute togteher. this girl is like really determined and a little bitchy and i am sure she has set her sights on getting him trapped. she wants a ride in that car! How long do you think he and his girlfriend are gonna last? is this little determined girl gonna get her wish.??

2006-09-21 12:55:16 · 16 answers · asked by NY Lady 5 in Singles & Dating

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