I have a 14 year old daughter who is very smart, does good in school, very responsible and very caring. Problem:
About 3 years ago she got into a fight with a friend of hers. The mother called the police on her, and lied to me to say she didnt. When i was on the phone with the mom, the girl jumped on and called me the B word. the girls broke off their friendship for about a year 1/2. one day my daughter came back and said she was friends again. I was really upset. long story short- that child cannot call my house, cant come over, my daughter cant go there, etc. I dont want to have that child around or her mom. This girls' bday party is on mon. and my daughter wants to go. I told her she can go to the party but NOT to the sleepover. She is upset. She said i told her she can stay the night. Am I wrong for saying she can go to the party but not the sleepover? I think I am being fair since I dont want her around this child in the first place. I can forgive this girl, but not forget.
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