When I study your eyes,
your face,
your body,
special ideas float into my mind.
I feel closer to you each day,
and foresee our love growing greater in every way,
until one day when our love is pure, total, and unconditional,
in your mind and mine,
we will be together -
together to the end of time.
From our step, time steals the spring;
Its solemn goal: take everything.
But you, my dear, escaped its lot;
Your radiant beauty fadth not.
Of joys once known and pleasures proved,
Heart's memry's fixed, and is not moved.
Across the years, I see your face,
Your cheeks aglow, your lasting grace.
Tho sight and sound do soon depart,
Your light stays bright within my heart,
And when I cross the bar at last,
Within my soul and firmly fast
Will be your smile, your twinkling eyes,
A vision fixed, without demise.
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Singles & Dating