This came from know where. She claims that she never loved me and that I was used for security and procreation. I think she's full of it. She also told me I deserve somebody else. I told her this is the choice I made for better or worse. She had that gastric-bypass and we have had an extremely hardtime getting pregnant. We have had a miss carriage and an etopic pregnancy.
She seems like she's having a mid-life crisis, only being 34?
The problems I can see is that my job has been very demanding with travel involved, and her job has very off hrs. Plus she seems to be having trouble communicating herself to me. I feel that if she had spend as much time talking to me about how she was feeling instead of getting bad advice from someone else, this may have been avoided.
Shes moved out for 2 months now.
She keeps coming around
Now every couple of weeks she wants a little something something. I am about ready to cut her off.
I dont believe she wants to fix our marriage.
Any idea's
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Marriage & Divorce