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Family & Relationships - 29 June 2006

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Family · Friends · Marriage & Divorce · Other - Family & Relationships · Singles & Dating · Weddings

how do l make a long term friend on the chat. Someone l vcan chat to everyday. it seems all the chicks l talk to for about two weeks then poof gone. l'm not looking for a bf& gf relationship l juss need to chat with people you share stuff.

2006-06-29 01:57:47 · 4 answers · asked by Bugzyville 1 in Friends

my email is rathorenikhil@gmail.com
. Thanks in advance

2006-06-29 01:55:34 · 3 answers · asked by Nikhil R 3 in Friends

wondering what it is like. is it fun? are there really women on there or just guys pretending to be women?

2006-06-29 01:54:48 · 1 answers · asked by Showoff 2 in Singles & Dating

My brother and sister each both had big weddings and my parents paid for half for each. I eloped and decided not to go the big church wedding/reception route. My brother & sister both received large cash gifts from my parents, in addition to having 1/2 their wedding paid for, but my husband and I received nothing. My parents say its because I eloped. Is this very fair? Its not about the money because we both work and not hurting for cash but it still feels like we were slighted. What do you think?

2006-06-29 01:54:23 · 16 answers · asked by Kimmy 4 in Marriage & Divorce

2006-06-29 01:53:44 · 8 answers · asked by gavbant 2 in Singles & Dating

Ok, this is a really corny question but is it really that bad to fall for a friend? Most of my friends are male but lately ive been liking a certain one in a different way from the rest....i know this could end in tears but i've just begun to realise what a nice guy he is - i was pretty down a few weeks ago cause i'd ended things with my boyfriend and he was really there for me, he even sat with me at this awesome party just cheering me up for about an hour. I'm pretty sure this isn't just a crush - i feel i've really 'learnt to love him' (i've known him for about 3 years). Theres always been rumours flying around that he likes me or i like him but lately im starting to see some truth in it. It seems like he could be into me but maybe im just reading things wrong. Is this a mistake? I've had a bad experience with a male friend in the past, so should i learn from my mistakes or just go for it?

2006-06-29 01:52:49 · 13 answers · asked by Me, nobody else but me.... 2 in Friends

I would like to be able to do this in Ohio, if anyone knows of any shops or anything like that!!

2006-06-29 01:50:01 · 14 answers · asked by Heather 2 in Weddings

It used to be back in the day you could get away with a movie or a mediocre restaurant but now it seems for the most part either would be somewhat lame. Is beer and pool in a nice clean poolhall ok? Would visiting a museum or an exhibit qualify as a date? Can a mini shopping spree done together be considered a date?

2006-06-29 01:48:51 · 12 answers · asked by igɳo★ 3 in Singles & Dating

We keep looking at each other, and hes asked me for my number. He also gives me kissing signs. He's BUFFFFFFF! But my sister has seen him looking at another girl, so has my mum who has forbidden me from looking at him. I think that because i'm not looking at him that much anymore because of my Mum and Dad he decided to look at her. What should i do?

2006-06-29 01:47:39 · 9 answers · asked by Cute kit 2 in Singles & Dating

Every time there is a family event, I am the outcast and it's sickening. I sit there and no one really acknowledges me unless I speak up first. How should I deal with that?

2006-06-29 01:46:58 · 27 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family

why can't parents just understand that the person they are in love with may not be the person they like!!! so what.............don't you want your child to be happy. even ifd the person hurts them.......they will learn from theor mistakes!

2006-06-29 01:46:25 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

Why is it women think its ok to leave you and then get mad when you start dateing women. ????

2006-06-29 01:44:51 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

because she said she liked me at the beggining of 8th grade, then at the end she found a boyfriend. How should i approach this until they finaly break up. Which is going to be a while, cause she just had their first kiss.

2006-06-29 01:44:27 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

I am wanting to know when does life really start? I have been out of highschool for a little over a year now and I don't feel like I am really going anywhere with my life. I have very overprotective parents who JUST let me have my drivers license, I am 19 by the way! I have no friends now because I haven't been able to drive and meet new people for over a year. Even though I have my license my parents still won't let me drive just wherever...I cant even drive at night. I have not been able to do a lot of things in my life that regular people have done. I have never been trick or treating with friends, I have only been to maybe 3 parties, etc. What can I do to make my parents lighten up on me? They are so afraid of letting me go because they don't want me to be killed or hurt or whatever. The only problem I am having is with the lack of friends and fun I already feel dead. Can anyone help me with my problems? Any suggestions would be appreciated. Serious answers only.

2006-06-29 01:43:28 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Family & Relationships

2006-06-29 01:43:10 · 22 answers · asked by imurhuckleberry 3 in Singles & Dating

Today on the net one can find graphic human sexual pics and motion pics (pornography) on just about every conceivable act humans are capable of. Anyone can search and access this material, even children. Western civilzation has pretty much always felt that veiwing naked people is wrong. Today on TV a child can see people being beat up and killed in a 100 different ways. Yet this violence is somehow believed to be less dangerous to the human mind to take in then naked people having sex or making love. There seems to be a new paradigm coming into being regarding the right and wrong of having sex. One that no longer believes that sex is "bad." Young women are entering the porn business by the 100s everyday. And seem to be enjoying it too! Its very confusing. What are peoples opinions on this?

2006-06-29 01:42:32 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Family & Relationships

How come so many vulgar and retarded questions are asked and never reported; then I ask something last night that I don't think is nowhere near as bad as half of the questions asked and some stupid a** reports it? I made sure I didn't use any bad language so it had to have been someone reporting it. I think everyone just needs to get a life.......
So i guess 2pts to all who don't want to report me.....
10 pts to whoever can cheer me up :-(

2006-06-29 01:42:21 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

2006-06-29 01:41:37 · 14 answers · asked by Maggi 4 in Singles & Dating

2006-06-29 01:40:56 · 23 answers · asked by nil d 3 in Singles & Dating

I really have a big big crush on that gorgeous guy, but when he calls, he seems to only want me for sex. Plus, he's not committed at all. What should i do?

2006-06-29 01:40:39 · 28 answers · asked by babychi 4 in Singles & Dating

he's very rich too!! goes to the pubs and all !
He must be having a plenty of girls! But then also I love him truly sincerely from heart..He doesn't know about my feelings should I tell him? what if he says no? I love him a lot thats genuine.Tell me what to do friends??

2006-06-29 01:39:53 · 3 answers · asked by sweet n simple 2 in Other - Family & Relationships

Bit of a long one. I have been with my husband for ten years and married for seven. My children are from a previous relationship. My daughter was 22 and my son was 14 when I met my husband. I already had a grand-daughter who was a few months old at the time (my daughters) so she has known him as her step-grandad ever since (she will be 10 soon). My son, who still lives at home, announced last week that his girlfriend of 6 years is pregnant. I was over the moon and so was my husband. When we were alone and talking about the baby, he said that this one will really feel like his own. At the time, I did make a comment, but the more I think of what he said, the more it hurts. He had never been married before and has no children of his own (I couldn't have any). I just can't understand why he would say this as he has always got on with my children. I'm hurt because I get the impression that this grand child will be treated differently. Am I wrong thinking this way?

2006-06-29 01:38:42 · 35 answers · asked by Somer 4 in Family

Does anybody have an idea why men think they need to cheat in order to end the relationship they are currently in? Does it make it easier to end it that way?

2006-06-29 01:38:32 · 11 answers · asked by nutnut1957 3 in Other - Family & Relationships

A very close friend of mine that I've know for many years has asked me to take her virginity (Shes 18 and I'm 23). I'm a bit worried cause I dont want to hurt her. The only other time I was with a virgin I could not "pop the cherry" cause it wouldent fit, she was really petite, but so if my friend. Any sugestions?

2006-06-29 01:37:11 · 11 answers · asked by Monolith 1 in Singles & Dating

Men: What are the qualities that you look for in a woman when you are finding one to be with? Looks? Personality? Sense of humor? Whats the most important?

Women: Same question for you.

2006-06-29 01:37:07 · 3 answers · asked by jecruz@sbcglobal.net 2 in Singles & Dating

2006-06-29 01:35:51 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

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