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[Selected]: All categories Environment Other - Environment

Does anyone know how many trees are deforestated every year ??

2007-11-28 10:24:39 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

in general in this time period

2007-11-28 10:12:52 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

There are several activities that are threatening biodiversity nowadays. Mention the major threats, and explain which one you consider the worst. Present an example of the impact on the structure and function of the system, and highlight one possible social and/or economical consequence of these changes.

I think deforestation is one of them, but I not too sure about the rest. Thank you for helping me out ^^ Appreciated ^^

2007-11-28 10:02:23 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

Q1 Is a White Christmas in the UK?

a) 25 snowflakes falling anywhere in the UK?
b) visible snow coverage on rooftops in five UK cities including London?
c) a single snowflake falling?
d) a Bing Crosby movie?
e) clear evidence that global warming is real?

Q2 The poinsettia is a traditional Christmas flower. Where did it originally grow?

a) Canada
b) Mexico
c) England
d) Spain
e) North Pole

Q3 In Victorian England, how did Norfolk Turkeys Get to market in London?

a) Walked in leather or sacking boots to protect their feet
b) On Santa's sleigh
c) Rode on turkey horse and carriages
d) They didn't it was only Goose not turkey that was eaten in Victorian England.

Q4 It is better to hang your stockings on the washing line because?

a) Global warming means they dry much better?
b) Santa is getting far too old to climb down chimneys?
c) Everybody has converted to wood burning stoves?
d) Elves obviously steal them from the tumble dryer?

Don't forget! Come back for the Answers in 2 days

2007-11-28 07:46:28 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

Would you Pick up an ethical gift with your supermarket shop?

Tesco offers eight special gifts packages which support good causes:

Spend £7 Plant trees in Ecuador Package
£12 Save The Puffins
£16 Musical Magic workshop
£16 Home Help Paraffin lames and closed stoves for
the poorest people in Rwanda
£28 Picture This: Eye Operation
£38 Joy of reading: To helpestablish a children's
library in Africa
£40 The Gift of Life: 10 mothers access to midwives

Can ethical gifts really make such a difference?


2007-11-28 07:13:01 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have old paint cans that I want to discard but don't know where to take them. I was hoping there is an environmentally friendly way to discard them. Any thoughts?

2007-11-28 01:58:02 · 12 answers · asked by tig 3

What do you know about Waukesha, Wisconsin?

2007-11-27 10:41:18 · 5 answers · asked by Jazzie 1

need any names for an enviromental groupe.

2007-11-27 06:19:37 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

how to deal with it? and if feeling under, how to deal? thanks

2007-11-27 04:35:12 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

Goodwill. Do you pass on your unwanted toys, books and clothes to charities so they can be recycled by being passed on or bought by others?

Are Charity Shops the best place to buy Christmas gifts?

How do you pass your unwanted items on in the true spirit of Christmas Goodwill?

2007-11-26 22:22:56 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

Organic strawberries in summer, crisp homegrown autumn apples, roasted chestnuts. Naturally grown food tastes so much better than intensively grown, processed food. Can you argue against your tastebuds?.

2007-11-26 22:15:07 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

Have you noticed all the really great stuff that you remember from magical Christmases were gifts given by nature? Such as Mistletoe? Collecting holly, choosing a tree and people dream about Snow on Christmas Day.

Why does Nature give us the very best Christmas Gifts that are remembered years later?

2007-11-26 22:09:04 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

Will you be sharing and caring for the Environment this festive season?

Will your gift giving and actions help the Environment and spread Goodwill to mankind?

About Good King Wenceslas:
The song expresses the King's high moral character in describing King Wenceslas braving a fierce storm in order to help feed a poor neighbour.


Last verse:
In his master's steps he trod, where the snow lay dinted;
Heat was in the very sod which the saint had printed.
Therefore, Christian men, be sure, wealth or rank possessing,
Ye who now will bless the poor, shall yourselves find blessing

2007-11-26 21:48:11 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

How do you keep your house warm in winter? Can you keep your cool with rising fuel prices? Any feel good Green solutions to keep us toasty this Christmas?

2007-11-26 21:37:57 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-11-26 13:07:28 · 8 answers · asked by loves_the_beach 4

Im sure this sticky substance can be used for something?

2007-11-26 11:08:07 · 9 answers · asked by Speedstar 5

Have they been subjected to some clever racist sort of propaganda, aimed at shrinking the Caucasian population? If so, who would produce such propaganda and why would anyone be so foolish to take it seriously?

For instance:

And for comparison, a report explaining that the average number of kids per African woman is 6:

2007-11-26 10:05:07 · 6 answers · asked by VarArb 1

On major highways I always see road kill (deer) marked with an orange dot of spray paint. Why do they do this and who are they? Im just curious. (I live in Pa).

2007-11-26 09:36:24 · 3 answers · asked by Me 3

This is more of an answer looking for feedback! Don't pour out standing water! Instead, try pouring a little vegetable oil into standing water were they are breeding. I learned this starting with my dog's water bowl. My neighbor and I added to all the standing pools. In a week you will have no more in your yard! Get the neighbors to join and your block will be free of them!!! If a village in the middle of a swamp did this they would have a mosquito free village! Tell the WHO and UN! Its simple safe and easy!!!

2007-11-26 06:22:22 · 11 answers · asked by JTrim 1

when people tell you to do your bit for the environment by not buying certain things but you just think it doesnt really make much of a difference because they'll still make it it's not always us that can help with this sorta stuff its the big companies you need to go to?
Well this could be completely wrong but like saying "dont drink bottled water the plastic is a waste and you can get it for free in your tap" you think well they're still gunna make them and these ones are already made so yeah....
i might be pretty stupid or something but thats just been something on my mind. =s

2007-11-26 06:14:30 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

How high does it need to go to end the daily gridlock we inexplicably accept as inevitable and "normal?"

2007-11-26 06:11:53 · 18 answers · asked by Phil McCracken 5

2007-11-26 05:16:43 · 6 answers · asked by jeffreygest 1

I work for a company which seems to believe that flying around the country on a regular basis is the only option that they have to get our shops (retail company) running properly.

My question is...

Is planting dozens of tree's the best way to go about off setting our emissions? I still believe prevention is better than cure but not everyone believes that this is possible.

What other options do we have? I have heard that the benefit of planting tree's may not be the long term solution as they die and release the carbon again. Is this true?

2007-11-26 02:23:49 · 7 answers · asked by Hagar the Horrible 1

Like, oil brings huge benefits in energy and materials, but at a cost to the planet. Like, is it a good or a bad discovery? What do you think.

2007-11-25 18:55:03 · 5 answers · asked by Johnny 5 4

what is YOUR opinion on nuclear fission as an energy source?

why so?

2007-11-25 17:15:00 · 6 answers · asked by .:KUDDLEZ:. ONE& ONLY 3

2007-11-25 11:37:47 · 23 answers · asked by Sven T. 1

2007-11-25 10:58:14 · 7 answers · asked by B 6

My house is overflowing with them. The recycling center specifically says *no* margarine containers.

2007-11-25 01:30:28 · 35 answers · asked by LadyKbear 2

All my neighbours are right on do gooder lefty types who recycle loads and eat loads of vegetables. I don't recycle anything and go everywhere in my gas guzzling car (even to the corner shop). I smoke, drink beer and I don't like asylum seekers. They are always moaning at me to recycle more and think about "the environment".
What a load of cr ap!! I do what I want to do, I don't stick my nose into their business!!
I don't understand all this fuss about carbon footpad prints or whatever they are. Should I care! Sounds a load of bollockanoes to me.

2007-11-25 01:29:17 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous