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Education & Reference - 23 May 2007

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Financial Aid · Higher Education (University +) · Home Schooling · Homework Help · Other - Education · Preschool · Primary & Secondary Education · Quotations · Special Education · Standards & Testing · Studying Abroad · Teaching · Trivia · Words & Wordplay

I'm French and I teach English in Paris. I wanna come and live in Austin, TX.

How do I go about getting that job?

2007-05-23 23:39:06 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Teaching

My friend got 2 A's, 5 B's, 2 C's and a D, and she says she'll still be able to make it? dont know, what do you reckon, if she gets good A-level results, i think its possible

2007-05-23 23:37:02 · 4 answers · asked by Mike man 2 in Higher Education (University +)

What do ceratin colours ... How do they make you feel ?

2007-05-23 23:29:49 · 3 answers · asked by mblvny 1 in Higher Education (University +)

If you signing a letter on behalf of someone, you write pp then your signature.

What does PP mean?

2007-05-23 23:23:43 · 12 answers · asked by Minstrel 2 in Words & Wordplay

2007-05-23 23:21:56 · 7 answers · asked by Kevin K 4 in Trivia

Frayn= author

* the imagery frayn uses sets the reader in the scene. " those 14 houses sit calmmly and complacent"

* Frayn uses rhetorical questions " no i dont say the words do i" this is to demonstate how stephen truthfully feels about the other characters in the close.

* Frayn uses collequial langauge such as coodle moddle and snicksnack to create a humerous atmosphere which is used to show the father son relationship with stephen isnt so bad.

* Frayn uses long sentences to make the reader curious to find out what comes next " my mother reflectively almost regretfully is a german spy"

* Frayn uses narrative shifts eg flashes back into the present to remind the reader that is older stephen telling the story

*frayn uses ellipses at the end of chapters to create tension thus leaving the reader to turn the page.

* the use of detailed description of stephens whereabouts, this is done to event the upcoming episodes and give the reader a sense of the setting hes i

2007-05-23 23:11:48 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Homework Help

2007-05-23 22:59:47 · 6 answers · asked by jackie n 3 in Quotations

2007-05-23 22:44:24 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Quotations


A sense of personal identity, of individuality, is something that every person needs in order to survive and thrive in modern society. If a person does not create their own identity, there is little chance that it will have any staying power. “What’s Eating Gilbert Grape” is a story of a person who was trying to balance his personal identity with the challenges brought on by his family's many problems. He was acting as caretaker for his entire family. His life was divided between the family’s internal struggles and their many financial troubles. Living in a small town, he was facing many conflicts due to his mother's obesity, the mental handicap of his brother, Arnie, and the financial hardships of his family.
“Somedays you want him to live, somedays you don’t." Gilbert's love for Arnie was real until his own personal identity started to haunt him. Arnie was the biggest responsibility for Gilbert because of his disability. There is an ever-present fear in Gilbert, because Arnie has a habit of climbing up the water tower. According to the doctor, Arnie does not have much time to live. He can leave this world at anytime. If a person has a strong fear of losing something, than the thought of losing it always in their mind. This is why Gilbert either wants him to stay or die. Gilbert’s love for Arnie is not invisible but it can be hidden when Gilbert thinks about his own identity. Even though there is no big difference in age but Gilbert was becoming more like a father to Arnie than a brother. He wants to play with his brother and talk to him as a brother, but he always has to show that he is his caretaker.
Bonnie, their mother, was always an embarrassment to her son. Gilbert loves his mom and always wanted to be a good son. Nevertheless, he was never able to be a son because he always had to act like a father to his mom, taking care of her like a child. There was love towards Bonnie, but also shame, and a fear of how society views them. He is afraid that people view her as an irresponsible person who never left her couche for seven years and was a burden to her family. In order to hide his fear he began showing anger toward his mother and making fun of her. For instance, when Bob asked him, "How’s the mom?", he replied, "She is fat, an obese whale."
Endora a lifeless town was “dancing to no music” for Gilbert. If a person does not like the surroundings in which they live, it is difficult to feel at home there. Endora was a small town where keeping secrets was as fruitless as telling a math teacher to write an essay about Shakespeare. Immature townspeople and their senseless reactions to his mother's size and his brother's disability were causing many problems in Gilbert's life. For instance, when his mother came out of the police station everybody was looking at her as if she were not of this earth. Because the town was so small, there was little opportunity to earn enough money even to provide for one's family. After his father's death, the weight was all on Gilbert's shoulders. He was the only one in the house able to work and earn a living. At an age where a young man wants only to enjoy his life and create his own identity, he was busy doing everything for his family. His dream of making his personal identity was crushed between his family responsibilities and a lifeless town.
Gilbert's life was revolving around his family, leaving him without his own identity. His personal identity was lost among his love ones. As a caretaker he was struggling with society because of his mom’s obesity, emotionally because of his brother, and physical because he had to work so much, with so little gain in the small town of Endora.

2007-05-23 22:25:38 · 5 answers · asked by . . 1 in Special Education

I don't understand why they pronounce bass as base (music), I mean isn't the english language complex enough. For example if I am fishing and I should call the bass I caught as base who would have any idea of what I am talking about, what is a base fish?

I was just wondering because it has kinda been buggin' me for a while

2007-05-23 21:49:01 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Words & Wordplay

2007-05-23 21:44:45 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Words & Wordplay

I am 25 years old part-time student burly back to college. I wanna be a professional accountant with a CPA, coz i hate math and i am not a patient person but i want to overcome my weak piont i wanna to change it. I know an Accountant degree will better off for my whole life and it will help me to earn a lot of money at the time i will be about 30 or may be older.

2007-05-23 19:21:29 · 10 answers · asked by yui s 1 in Higher Education (University +)

2007-05-23 18:14:12 · 4 answers · asked by noodles 1 in Homework Help

2007-05-23 18:11:47 · 16 answers · asked by nUNCAdElosNUnCASdELosJamasES! 1 in Higher Education (University +)

I'm trying to locate someone but I have very little info. I have a name, a birthdate, an address, a cell phone number, a school he went to and a fax number. Is there anyway that some of this info can help me find him? Is there any way i can check who the cell phone number belongs too?

2007-05-23 18:10:30 · 3 answers · asked by CHI 2 in Other - Education

2007-05-23 18:02:06 · 3 answers · asked by anthonyrd2003 1 in Other - Education

2007-05-23 17:51:13 · 12 answers · asked by r m d 1 in Trivia

can be anything in general

2007-05-23 17:48:58 · 8 answers · asked by zoot 3 in Other - Education

I was comtemplating what I'd like to do to the poison ivy in my yard. I thought about getting rid of it, but that wasn't good enough. I wanted to eradicate it -- still not good enough. So I decided to OBLITERATE it -- or would ANNIHILATING it be better?

Which is worse -- to be obliterated or annihilated?

2007-05-23 17:37:04 · 6 answers · asked by luvrats 7 in Words & Wordplay

i want to go to the movies tonight.
i want to go to a movie tonight.
i want to go to the movie tonight.

2007-05-23 17:34:39 · 6 answers · asked by popcorn0421 1 in Words & Wordplay

Can anyone write me a dialogue between any two characters from the play Romeo and Juliet by tomorrow morning?! ITS DUE TOMORROW! PLEEAASSEEE HELP ME! I NEED THIS GRADE TO PASS THE YEAR!

2007-05-23 17:21:00 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous in Homework Help

Im 18 and looking to get a job for the summer. Anyone have any ideas?

2007-05-23 17:20:18 · 11 answers · asked by Andy B 1 in Financial Aid

What made him/her bad, and what made him/her good roomate?

2007-05-23 17:16:22 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Higher Education (University +)

2007-05-23 17:13:11 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Words & Wordplay

Please describe your first day, first class, first essay assignment or anything else.
Also, if you can, give me tips on what to do and what not to do.
Tell me about meals, students and weekly/daily work that you had to do.
Thank you everyone. I am just trying to get ready for college.

2007-05-23 17:12:57 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Higher Education (University +)

what are the pros and cons of homeschooling versus attending a public school?

2007-05-23 17:01:21 · 16 answers · asked by i like turtles 3 in Home Schooling

Say we're talking about only one kind of book - biographies, for example. Now, there are a few biographies on the table (for example, of Mother Teresa, Elizabeth Taylor, and Da Vinci). When a person is pointing to the books on the table, is it correct to say "this kind of books" or "these kind of books"?

And why?

Thanks for answering!

2007-05-23 16:42:34 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Homework Help

I'm a music therapy major and I was wondering if anybody out there has any good therapy sessions they would be willing to share. It can be for any population. Thanks! :)

2007-05-23 16:28:02 · 2 answers · asked by Lanolin...like sheep's wool 2 in Higher Education (University +)

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